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  1. BlackAmaranth

    Some Doll news

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    You haven't seen market manipulation until you put a price cap in. Then, you'll really see what my giant bankroll can do.

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    He rolls phat and deep, Son!
    Pimp Hand be STRONG!!!!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I might make it tonight, what level is everyone now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah Issac!
    Gotta Respect the 'stache.
  3. BlackAmaranth

    New Hero

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    Not to derail the thread or anything, but...

    [ QUOTE ]
    i have only done 1 TF successfully without him

    [/ QUOTE ] not a glowing recommendation for an SG leader. /facepalm

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    TF's are hard?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unless you bring along the greatest badge hunter ever, Battling Beastman!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or if you bring me.
  4. BlackAmaranth

    Some Doll news

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    you forget that dom get a base buff to damage out of Domination.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I Didn't forget.
    No one mentioned it till now.
  5. BlackAmaranth

    Some Doll news

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    It always kills me when people list the one nerf to a powerset (psi shockwave) but don't list the buffs that are going along with it....

    Psionic Dart: Increased this power’s damage scale from .6 to 1.32, increased its recharge from 1.5 seconds to 6 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 3.12 to 6.86.

    Mind Probe: Increased this power’s damage scale from 1.64 to 1.96, increased its recharge from 8 to 10.

    Telekinetic Thrust: Increased this power’s damage scale from .8 to 1.64, increased its recharge from 6 to 8 and decreased its endurance cost from 10.2 to 8.53.

    Mental Blast: Increased this power’s damage scale from 1 to 1.64, increased its recharge from 4 to 8 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 5.2 to 8.528.

    Psychic Scream: Increased this power’s damage scale from 1.04 to 1.3, increased its recharge from 12 to 16 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 11.9 to 15.18.

    Psionic Lance: Increased this power’s damage scale from 2.76 to 3.56, increased its recharge from 12 to 20 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 14.4 to 18.51.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you looking at those recharge and end nerfs?
    This post doesn't exactly help the argument against leaving due to the Psi Nerf. It actually fuels it.
    The increases to the Damage don't off-set the recharge and end nerfs.
    In fact, If you crunch the numbers, I'm pretty sure with the recharge increases, you are still down on Damage Per Minute. Just going by a quick scan of the numbers off the top of my head.

    So, basically, all of Psi is being Nerfed, but the Shockwave got the biggest hit.

    If this was my Main that was taking this hit, I might be prompted to consider my account status too. I might not completely leave, but I surely would feel slighted and less likely to sacrifice other hobbies to make sure my monthly CoH bill got paid.
  6. BlackAmaranth

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    Psychic Shockwave: Decreased this power’s damage scale from 1.96 to 1.21, increased its recharge from 10 seconds to 20 seconds, increased its endurance cost from 10.2 to 18.51 and decreased its radius from 25 feet to 15 feet.

    Psi Shockwave got beat like rented mule. All the other powers got a boost, and this one payed for all it dearly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Almost Doubling the End Cost? EXACTLY DOUBLING the Recharge, and lowering the Damage and Range? How the hell can they justify that?

    And am I to expect they will NOT be making these same changes to the Enemies (read: Carnies) version of this power?

    I call FOUL!
  7. Good Times!
    I used to live in Port Charlotte, FL near Ft. Myers. During the time we lived there we went to Disney World 4 times. It was some of the few fond memories of my childhood I have retained. (I've had some serious accidents that have caused memory loss, and I "smoked away" alot of my memory in my teenage years also)

    All I can say is take pictures, videos, keepsakes... ANYTHING that can remind you and your little ones of the good times. In this world of tough times, and struggling and stress, you gotta make sure those fun trips stand out.

    Good Time, Net, Good Times!
  8. BlackAmaranth

    Some Doll news

    Is it really that important of a power?
    I'm not being sarcastic, I've never played a Psi past lvl 12, so I really want to know. And what are these changes?

    I'm not really trying to talk you out of leaving (although I'd like to see you stay) I'd really like to know some background on this. I've teamed with you in the past, and conversed here on the forums with you, so I know you not to be a rash person. You obviously have some genuine concerns. I'd just like to hear more about them.

    Can ya fill us in Dolly?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    BA: 1st if you ever see me on, and your wanting to work on angry, shoot me a tell. task force are the only thing that I wont quit on. Plus I would rather you keep your job, this is only a game after all.

    Wednesday seems to be the best night for me still over all.

    Side note:I am updating the static team roster today as well

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do love playing Angry Sysop. But I love it more playing with you guys, so I get to play him like a Tanker!

    I'm going to stop saying "I think i can make it it on so-&-so week" because every time I say that, something happens and I need to miss it. So, let's all just hope Wednesdays calm down for me.
  10. BlackAmaranth


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    I think someone has been watching too much Ghostbusters.

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    There is no such thing as too much Ghostbusters!
  11. BlackAmaranth

    Gray Huntress

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    HBD! And at a Gray party, the guests get presents!

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    At a Gray Party, Gray IS the Present for the Guests!
    Happy Birth Anniversary!
  12. I'd love to do another Static Team, but I don't think I should commit to it since my attendence has been, at best, spotty on this one.
    And I apologize for that.
    I am basically the the better half of my companies' IT department. My company is mostly a chain of 16 dealerships (although we have a few other interests as well, most of our cash comes from cars) We have 2 guys. Me, who is trained in Network Engineering, and all things supremely technical, and the other guy who comes from an Automotive Sales background who moved his way into IT about 15 years ago. He specializes in handling all the Dealer Management Software issues, and special reports and the Telephone stuff, and in a pinch he can do some Workstation Troubleshooting. Unless you're an ostrich and had in your head in the sand for the past 5 months, the Auto Industry ain't doing so well. So, I've been doing everything possible to show that I'm a Necessary component to doing business. So I've been working late, doing extra work, making sure I'm available to the high muckity-mucks for even the smallest personal IT concern, while I watch every other department get "it's fat trimmed" and people loosing their jobs. My job is important to me, and I love the company that I'm at, so I'm just trying to get through this horrible time, and unfortunately alot of my personal hobbies and time has to be sacrificed to do so.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    BA, did you get my PM?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um.... oops?
    I didn't see I had a PM.
    Just got it.
    Heh, My Bad.
    The Vid Card will go out in the next couple of days.
  14. BlackAmaranth


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    Does that mean that I get to be featured in my very own religion?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The body that houses the fetus of Cthulhu?
    "Marry Me Hrist, we will raise the eater of souls as our son. You Know, There are many perks in being the mother of a living god. We could get a magnificent apartment, car, free parking..."
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: My Grand mother always said, if you can't heal them, screw them till they can't remember your name, then leave the country.
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: Wait, that wasn't my grandmother..... that wasn't my grandmother at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, sweet Jeebus!
    I gotta remember people log this stuff.
    I better reserve that sort of talk for the Pingu Channel only.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    But I wantz the nifty Raptor Pack!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I been working on my mid 20 and up toons lately, So I am either in talos, IP, or DA (this is were my blaster is living right now unless on a Posi).

    do you have the globel channel BMT of Champion ?? If you dont whats the toon name your working and we can try to get you into that madness

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most of the people who seem to enjoy the content of the game still, are gathered in BMT of Champion channel. I'm sure you'll be able to find a few people who will want to run Safeguards and Mission Arcs with you.
    Like me. I like the content. When I outlevel an arc, I get mad at myself. I outleveled the Vahilok Arc on 3 toons, and had to wait to hear from people doing it for me to join and Exemplar down.
  17. BlackAmaranth


    [ QUOTE ]
    But I love him

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    Is it tender "Sarah Mclaughlin" Love? Brotherly Love? "This is my Favorite Flavor of Cake" Love? Or is it that brutal, "Prison Cellmate named Bubba" kind of love?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [Champion BMT]BlackAmaranth r So, you plans are, do a little dance, make a little influence, get PLed tonight?
    [Champion BMT]BlackAmaranth: Oops.... MT
    [Champion BMT]NeoRadiation: BA's friends with a dirty PLer. Get him!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's from the bottom of my Chat Log bin... Circa 2006/2007
  19. BlackAmaranth


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    I tried to stop it Mod 8... I really did. Don't blame me this time.

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    She made us do it! No, Really! She did!
  20. I need to see which toons need this.
    I think my BS/Regen Scrapper needs it, and I KNOW my Emp/Eng Defender needs it.
    If I'm not on Family Duty at the Hospital, I'll bring one of these above.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    If I'm around, I'll attend.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do they make Electric Blue Tuxedos? Or do you need to pick one up from Elton John's Garage Sale?
  22. Looks like I might miss this month's TT.
    I have to drive to Northeast Philly to help a Friend (and fellow CoHer) pick-up his new car (and help him decipher the paperwork, it's his first new car from a dealership)
    We might not be back in time.

    Go forth in my name Tankers and Show those alien ruffians what for!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    "Stay here i'll be right back"

    "Hey guys watch this"

    ". . . so i may have pulled more stuff"


    All things you never want to hear/see when a Pingu is on the team.

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    Sadly this is very true!!! Whats sad is this only comes fromt he guys..... the lovely ladies are the ones left to help them stay alive as best as possible to clean up the mess they made then comes faceplanting!

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    I Call BS on this statement! Why do you think Isendre has switched to Scrappers and Tanks? She has a lust for killing team members just as strong the rest of us.
    And I've heard the naughty little cackle of yours Nibs when you do something stupid too.

    There is no innocent gender when it comes to Pingu play!
    It's all fun and games till someone dies... Then it's hilarious and awesome!
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Do I still get money if I flirt with you throughout the year? Because I can

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    Heh, I would become wise to your antics all too quickly.

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    Not like he'd stop you or anything, he'd just be wise to it.