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  1. I do agree that new content is always welcome and needed. I am also looking forward to "testing" this new Green Jelly.
    It'll be cool to try to win against a new improved Hamidon with new tactics and new builds and new ideas.

    It's just that why do we have to get "new" content at the expense of the "old" one?
    I mean, why lose the Hamidon encounter (as we know it) altogether? One of the greatest if not THE GREATEST things about the Hamidon encounter is the ability to socialize with hundreds of people at the same time.
    Is it a lag fest? Sure?
    Do our computers lag? Yep.
    But that's well compensated by that Social enviorment. Hamidon raids are one of the better ways for "old timers" and "new timers" to socialize, to meet new people or old friends. Meeting old friend's new toons, new costumes, etc...meeting "newbies" to Hamidon raids and teaching them and getting to knowing them.
    That will all be lost if the new Hive spawns at 50 people
    (I believe that the old Hive spawned at 300).

    I wish Devs would reconsider their decision about instancing the Hive for 50 players only. If you trully think - as we do - that Hamidon Raids are a Social event, then DO NOT limit the raids to 50 players only.

    an "old timer" and old Infinity Hamidon Raid Leader
    (you know, one of the three dudes that first published this Holding strategy - yes, THAT old )

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm amazed that I was wrong all this time to think that holds were the devs' "secret strategy". Even with the original mito attack range, Geko's strategy sounds quite impractical (people were considering exactly that approach, but the execution never came together to my knowledge)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was executed before, but not too many times. "Not too many times" as in like less than 2-3 times or so.
  2. Unfortunately, I think MoG will never be touched. Oh, they might tweak the numbers a bit but MoG will remain the same: a -regen/-heal power in a Regen set.

    It has the same logic as placing a 9th tier power on Invulnerability:
    Moment of Dev Supidity

    Loose all +Res; Loose all +Defense.
    Gain XXXXX regen.
    Glow brightly.
    Die fast.

  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I am absolutely convinced that they don't. Not the same game we do anyway.

    Oh sure Statesman will come on with a random anecdote about how he played a bubbler in croatoatoatoa or somesuch, but do you think they play on actual servers much? After the 'regen video' debacle and other assorted stupidity I've been coming to the conclusion that they only play in their own private environment - a flawed one at that.

    This is a development team that stated 'playing a regen set where instant healing and integration are mutually exclusive is more FUN' - during the same update where they remove mutual exclusivity from many power sets to make them functional.

    This is a development team that states that 'defense is more powerful than resistance', and then brazenly releases base resistance inspirations that are only a fraction of the strength of their base defense counterparts.

    This is a development team that touts the arena as the sole new content of an issue but makes specific pains to ensure that certain players can't make use of it other than as punching bags to anyone with an accuracy buff.

    This is a development team that asks its player base to test changes, but then calls specific players liars when they note a particular change that has been made - and later decide it was just a 'undocumented adjustment' without apologizing.

    This is a development team that says that it's watched powers used AS DESIGNED for FIFTEEN MONTHS and state with a snicker that they never intended them to be used in this way.

    Lord help us when the next rounds of global game upheaval and the subsequent obfuscations and incoherent babble about a vision of mediocrity come around.

    I can appreciate a good lie when it's at least given to me with style, but there's only so much I can really put up with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The saddest thing is...... you're absolutely right......
  4. Statesman: Why S/L only?

    I applaud a step in the good direction (even though there might have been a better way to deal with it.). Still...the question stands.

    PS - Did you guys consider changing the way defense currently works?
    I know it can't be done in 5mins true...but have you considered that option? In the long run it might be the best....
  5. JESUS!!!!

    .5 % defense?? I thought it was a bug.. dear god... why do they bother to say that power offers defense?
  6. I'd like to know more about Blue Steel. After all, it's the only trainer we have no info about.

    Who is he?
  7. Why is Blue Steel the only trainer/Hero not with a Praetorian Arc counter-part?

    WHat's his story?

    And why does Pep Cat smell of...peppermints???
  8. If THAT is being a controller...... my fire/dev is a controller, after all.....

    As I said, 1 hold does not make a controller...
    1 heal other does not make an empath....
    No buffs/debuffs so not a defender neither..

    Khelds can be Tankers or Blasters. We can't be defenders nor Controllers.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    You have a THIRD controller to help with holding a boss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hold a boss? With what???
    Since "flash" does not work on bosses, I suppose you're talking about Incandescence Strike?

    Oh, and if 1 HOld power= a controller, than my blaster is a controller.....
    We only have 1 hold power and NO buffs/debuffs...
    It takes A LOT more than that to make a controller....

    [ QUOTE ]
    I generally tell them that I am the best AE blaster in the game

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've seen this argument(and variations) over and over again. But enough is enough.

    You say Nova is the best AoE in the game?
    I don't want to say that Nova's damage is weak, far from it!
    It's VERY good!
    But please...better than an AoE blaster? ...........

    ...I am sorry to tell you but the AoEs blasters you've been playing with must be pretty bad....
    Not bad, but PRETTY bad!
    For crying out loud.... have you seen an AoEs Fire/dev blaster in action?

    We mow through +2s,+3s,+4s, 5+s and +6s.....
    It's the "Self power-level" blaster....

    I do love Nova form, very good blaster indeed! Pretty powerful.
    But not THAT much
    Please, don't push it too far.....
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe I'm oblivious.. or just plain missed something... but Hamidon has only been beaten 3 times on the Infinity server. Somehow, I just don't think our server is going to experience this problem.

    ProcessdMeatMan - 50 Grav/Rad Cont
    The Sequel - 47 Invul/Fire Tank
    The Q? - 40 Spines/DA Scrap
    Shibuya Kai - lvl 32 Elec/Elec Blapptroller
    Acrylic Slush - lvl 27 Ice/EM Tank

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ehehehee.....We should ask Hami to be nicer to us.
    Say, we could ask him to have less mitos around him.

    States: Infinity wants a nerfed Hamidon on our server. We're too weak!

    Frankly, I do not agree with States move on this one. The main-super-uber advantage is still there - Hami's enhs= more slots basically.

    Theoretical scenario:

    One fire/dev blaster has his sniper attack 6 sloted with Damage.

    Another fire/dev has his sniper attack sloted with 6 damage/range.

    Basically, he has 12 slots on his sniper attack.

    Repeath to all powers, ad nauseum.

    The question here is not really the 50% bonuses but the "dual" buff that Hami enhs give.

    Basically, the guy without Hami enhs is pretty much f[self-censored]-up.

    So, contrary to what Statesman said on previous posts, they are really motivating people to "un-fun behaviours".
    Alas, such is life.

    I am not a Dev, so I have no power to change this matters.
    We might just as well get used to it,folks.
  11. Bio_Flame

    Kheldian changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    im turning into my wife.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  12. Well done! Very good solution!

    From what I was taught in Psychology classes, it's always better to reward a desired behaviour (in this case, teaming up=better xp) than punishing an unwanted behaviour ( raising bosses dificulty, etc...)...

    Congrats to the Devs on this one and to us all, in fact, since we will ALL be happier with this!

    Nice work,States.

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I think that changing powers (lowering some and raising others) happens in all games regardless of genre or platform. Magic: The Gathering regularly banned cards to make players come up with new strategies. It keeps the game fresh and exciting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have been playing Magic for 8 years now, and I sometimes talk with my brother (who also plays Magic and CoH, as well as most of my Magic friends - I CoH-addicted them ) about some similarities about CoH and Magic.
    Magic in its begining, allowed you to play pretty powerful cards...
    As the years rolled by, most initial cards had to be banned (there's no nerf in Magic) and then, some cards which were inocuous untill then, suddendly became too powerful, hence, got banned too..
    And thus, a cycle was created...
    In the end,a little by little we got to play with far less powerful and interesting cards than the game we originaly got hooked into.
    The game felt "watered" down...

    CoH, like Magic in some ways (not all, thankfully) began a "spiral" of nerfs/tunes/adjustments/whatever you wish to call it...
    One class is too powerful (right or wrong, I am not discussing that), then it get's adjusted/nerfed. Than, the 2nd best becomes the best, and eventually gets nerfed, then the on and so on...
    In the end, we get to play with far less powerful and interesting characters than the ones that originaly got us into the game in the first place.
    With the downside that CoH is a game that makes you take on the role of a hero. It's not nice to play a weak hero.

    It's like, you are a racing car pilot driving a Ferrari. Great car, your competing against other great cars too. Which of course some are better than others, but such is life...
    Then, suddendly, instead of Ferraris and Porsches, everybody is driving in....Minis or something like that.
    Sure, the change would be cool, it's always fun to drive new cars for a racing-pilot.
    Eventually, though, he would get bored, and it's so much easier to get bored driving Minis than driving Ferraris....

    Example, the Invulnerabily set nerf. I happen to think they were a little overpowered and maybe, just maybe, they might need to be nerfed.
    That being sad, I feel for them.
    I do not have an INV tanker btw, but I feel sad for them.
    I wonder I was like those players, loving to play a tanker and getting all the agro. Then, I imagine playing with a toon for many months, and growing attached to it.
    If suddendly my toon, the one I really enjoyed playing with, got nerfed or "tweaked" like regens almost did, I wouldn't like it either.
    Nerfs don't make other players happy, but they do make the nerfed toon's players very unhappy.
    And guess what, even though I might agree with the nerf, this is a game, it's all about having fun. Their fun does not affect my fun.

    And if they want to leave the game, I don't agree with them, but I can't really blame them,can I?
    After all, if they are no longer having fun,why should they pay?

    You may not agree with me or with my arguments, but do try to get my point of view and the message I am trying to pass.
    Even if you don't agree....

    Just my two cents....
    Good gaming to everyone and cya all in Infinity!

    Bio-Flame, the Chicken-Blaster,
    Aka II - the long Poster
    Lvl 50 Fire/devices,
    Gaia SG Enforcer,
  14. I am a Fire/dev blaster, currently 49, and I have decided to start this toon after reading this great post from Robinson.
    Right away I decided that Bio-Flame would be my main (I had lots of alts).
    I totally agree with Robinson, Fire/dev is the most powerful, and fastest AT around. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a "WoW" or "Niiiiice!"...
    Still, I disagree with on thing with Robinson: defense slots.
    He said not to bother sloting our defense, which I think is not the way to go.
    Our "regular" attacks are basically a 6 sloted Fireball, Firebreath and Blaze.
    TM and INferno are not "regular" attacks, in the sense that they are either not available for every fight or loose it's effectiveness after the fight starts.
    TM comes later, but as soon as it's 6 sloted with damage, it is a God's Blessing if you know how to use it.
    Sometimes, we'll use our Inferno (6 sloted damage,of course) which is also like "I am GOD" but is not always available.
    So, we have FB, FBreaht, and Blaze as main attacks.
    After that, all our slots should go for defense.
    As Robinson said:

    1 - Pick an attack power and six-slot it. If you won't/can't do it right away, then don't choose that power yet.

    2- The difference between a good blaster and that Godly blaster that mows everything on his path are the defense powers.
    Defense powers allow you to keep firing attack the baddies, since they will be missing more often thus you have more health thus you don't have to run away.

    Then, I'd add a 3rd point. If you 6 slot your defense powers (or at least, those very end heavy ones, you can 5 def + 1 end redux) you effectively double your defense.

    Having 20% def or having +40% as I do, plus a 6 sloted tough DOES make a LOT of diference.
    Besides, why should we 6 slot our Flares or Freblast, or Time Bomb and such? We basically use Fireball, Firebreath and Blaze anyway....

    PS - of course, I am talking about the early game. At your 40s, you have slots to do whatever you want (or almost). But during the 20s and 30s, it's essential to have the highest defense you can get.~

    And a HAIL to Robinson, he's the man!
  15. OK, so this goes to the guy who started this:
    Respec is too difficult????
    That's funny, i was about to complain that since the patch it became all too easy.....
    I am not bragging or anything and i don't have a ubertoon and neither do i play since beta. No, i play for a couple of months now...
    It's not hard, it's easy, all too easy now. Back when it came out, well that's another story but since they patched it it's too easy.
    Do u want easy mishs? Well all other mishs in the game are easy, u cannot loose (some exceptions do exist of course), u cannot fail. If even uy can (such as the "timed" mishs) u never ever fail. Ever.
    So, It's kind of refreshing to have someting in which u might never die and still fail it, it makes u have to work harder and improve.
    BEsides, it's THAT much fun when u finally do it.

    Too dificult??Anyone trully agrees?