Bill Z Bubba

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  1. Hour and 10 minutes at max difficulty. Think it was 3 brutes, 4 scrappers and a claws widow. Was a whole lot easier than before we had incarnate powers. Thanks to yall for joining in!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Speculator View Post
    I know the population playing late at night on West Coast could get really low...sometimes it was hard getting enough people to do a BAF or Lambda on Freedom even before the announcement. But only two people on a server? That was the first time I've seen anything that low.
    Don't forget the hiding folks. I've been seeing 30-40 people in our PinnBadges channel but when I search using the normal tool I'll see less than 10. I'm back on hide from searches for no other reason but that blind invites annoy me.

    Regardless, I agree, the number of folks left playing is painfully low and sad to see but expected.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Apparently the new motto for the community is:

    "We are heroes. We don't give a sh*t if it's illegal."
    My main character for 8 years eats babies and laughs knowing that by the time his enemies reach the hospital by way of the emergency teleporter they'll already be dead from having been strangled with their own intestines.

    I never bought into that slogan being thrown around. We're not heroes (most of us,) we play them in video games (some of us.)

    Beyond that, you gonna keep trollin until shutdown?
  4. Well said, FX, and I'd love to agree that it's just a local thing, but with some of the more interesting quotes coming from members of our congressional committee on science and technology, I'm left with the belief that your area is an exception and not the norm for this country.
  5. I would try it out, illegal or not.

    Would I stick around? That would depend on what the new "devs" do with it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post

    Nah, pies are cool too
    I love pie AND cake! But too much sugar makes my tummy hurt these days.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    If you lived in Ron Paul's district in Texas you'd be represented.
    Ron Paul no more represents me than the pope does. Please don't breed.
  8. What Flea said covers it for me and mirrors thoughts I've had over the last week. I miss the big numbers threads in the scrapper forum but what point is there to discuss that which will never be?

    I can't even play my alts because I know there's no time left to get them where I want them to be. I keep logging BZB on to run his nightly DA arc only to be constantly reminded just how hard the devs screwed us over on the solo incarnate path. Yay, another common! I can look forward to another one tomorrow night, too! WOOOOOO. Only 15 more weeks until I can get a very rare! Oh wait... we don't have 15 weeks left.

    Maybe I'll crank up a claws/bio brute on beta...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Well, I didn't figure you for a leftist, or at least that's the impression I got from you. Color me (pleasantly) surprised.
    Socially, very liberal. Fiscally, conservative on most things. It's so wonderful having absolutely zero representation in my government.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    We'll just make a new one. You'll get tired of it eventually.
    In all honesty, I found it disappointing. Nothing like learning unpleasant truths about people you had enjoyed chatting with for years.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    This subforum was dead long before The Announcement, you expected it to be better now?
    But... but... but I'm here!
  12. Yikes. It's like trying to start a lambda...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I wish we could throw some of them at our looming problem (11/30).
    Well, we could but plane trips get expensive and I don't want to die in a South Korean jail.
  14. Anyone else get to that point where they feel like they have a lot to say on a given topic but can't bring themselves to bother because it feels too much like speaking ill of the dead for no other reason but spite?
  15. This Friday night, 8pm central time, 12 OCT 12, let's do another all scrapper/brute ITF at +4/x8.

    If Friday doesn't work for enough people, I think I can do also do Saturday afternoon.

    Do I have any takers?

    If we get enough, maybe we could run an all scrapper/brute lambda afterwards.
  16. There's no problem in the universe that can't be solved by a handful of T4ed scrappers/brutes being thrown at it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kriseta View Post
    No, I'm pretty sure that's a slap in the face for everyone saying stop being so ungrateful.

    I applaud him for having the guts to say those things. That was the first wake up call in this whole thread.

    Look at us, we were the best community out there. Don't let Ncsoft take away our morals. In fact, if I were going to be mean, I would tell ya'll to stop claiming you came from CoH community.. Because the attitude here just stank! It's so embarrassing.

    CO is being sympathetic, they have the heart. Let's just all be grateful. The post was not bad to me.. It literally melted my heart.
    What, precisely, are we supposed to be grateful for again? That some other inferior product exists that we *could* start playing once this one dies?

    Am I supposed to believe that the company reaching out to the poor poor people on the sinking ship are doing so out of some sense of altruism instead of giving me a hand while they reach into my wallet?

    My distaste for a game's mechanics and graphics are now a moral case?

    Ummm, no.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    The irony of the above quote being in the same post as the below quote is palpable. Way to be a jerk.
    Par for the course.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RoleplayerX View Post
    You're right, but only if you're soloing. Soloing is okay, but I'd much rather play with other people. If I want to play by myself I can go play Borderlands or something.
    Just make sure all of your teammates are running SO only builds as well.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    Hi Bill, long time no see. How have you been?
    Been alive, man, been alive. You?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    I don't know, did you use it as a reason to stalk and abuse bioware employees?

    There's a line between "I don't like your product" and "therefore, I will abandon all pretense of civilization in my interactions with you."
    Nah, I just wrote them off as a lost cause. No posting to their forums, no emails, no contact at all.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    I think this has more to do with fans being utter prats in response to ME3 and DA2 than it does with EA trying to kill the studio.
    I'm a prat for thinking that ME3's ending was a complete PoS and DA2 was an empty and flat waste of money compared to DA:O?

    Huh. And here I thought I was a consumer that expected better from a company I had spent years praising.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Titan Network.
    I wish them the best but I'm not holding my breath for anything to come of that. Reading through the various threads they have on the topic does not inspire me to hope.