5701 -
It has been truly interesting watching this forum melt down so completely.
It's also been amusing to learn just how many people I'd like to watch die in fires. -
Ya know... I never used that feature. Not a once. And yea, he sound mad.
Quote:1: People don't deserve better treatment. If they don't get it, they have ways to even the playing field. Namely, by not allowing any more of their money go to the company in question.Well, your "rule" needs to change then.
People deserve better treatment than being stomped out like a spent cigarette butt after supporting a business for nearly a decade.
Otherwise, what can people use to 'divine' whether or not anything is worth the time? It made sense when games were being shut down for wasting money. But now even games that are still in the black can be deemed not worth keeping alive? Now we can't even trust businesses to behave like businesses?
2: Buyer beware. If you trust Anyone trying to sell you Anything, you're a fool. -
I did enjoy the zombies swarming like bugs visuals.
Tim, you did an excellent job on that video.
To the topic at hand, given up on what? The MMORPG, City of Heroes? Yes, it's dead. They haven't unplugged the life support machines yet, but the servers will be shut down on the 30th. Nothing is going to stop that from happening.
The developers have moved on. Most of the players have moved on.
I'll be playing until I see "You have been forcibly disconnected from the server," but I'm not going to waste energy on believing that I won't see that message at the expected time. -
True, we'll never really know. What we do know is that on beta right now there are two solo arcs to get hybrid XP in the praetorian zones. They added those but left the one component per day lock in place. I think one of these is live right now but doesn't give hybrid xp.
While it is true that the devs surprised us all over the last few years in various ways, the last year (2 years?) showed nothing but the same story: force/guide/coerce players into incarnate trials by keeping the solo path glacially slow. -
Maybe there is hope for our species.
Well now I'm confused. I thought it was just stoners that watch SpongeBob.
Edit: On that topic, WOOOHOOO, COLORADO!!! -
People do love their confirmation bias.
I always said that any solo path *should* be slower. It's slower to solo everything else in this game.
The problem for me was the insane disparity between:
A: The difference in real time between soloing content to 50 and running with teams to 50
B: The difference in real time between soloing DA for incarnate shinies and running itrials.
All I ever wanted was for B to be far closer to A.
Why rehash this now? I hope some of the devs are still reading these forums and I hope that they don't make the same mistake in future games they work on because I like, for the most part, what they did here and would be more than willing to check out their new projects. -
Quote:How cute.I disagree, and the evidence shows that's not true. iTrials were run all day and all night and there was a vocal minority that just repeatedly whined about it, making it appear that way. I also think that anything in this game that encouraged teaming was a plus. The problem comes in when the anti-socialists that come to escape their real-life anxiety flock to the game and think they should have it tailored to their personality quirks. I'm glad the devs stood their ground on this issue and continued creating end game content based on teaming and leagues.
Yup, the itrials were run all day and all night. Even more of a reason not to **** over the soloists over it.
Too bad we had all the whining fanboys bawling their eyes out that fixing the solo path would lead to the itrials never being run by anyone. Again, it was nothing more than a case of self-centered ******* telling us all, "**** you, I got mine."
Aside from that, you might want to read up on the difference between asocial and antisocial. -
Quote:Whatcha sayin, man?!? That I'm a cheap date?Hmmm... curious... would not a non-lethal hop allergy result in an even stronger punch from beer?
All it does is clog up my sinuses. I've gotten into the habit of popping allergy pills if I plan to do any serious drinking.
... which also helps me get drunk faster.
Ok, yes, I'm a cheap date. -
37, the only thing you lose from incarnate powers while solo is two level shifts. Do you honestly think that the (we'll go with my main's case) +recharge from spiritual, +heal/+regen from rebirth, massive pyronic aoe, extra damage from assault and lore pets have no use while running around at +4/x8? Or with soloing AVs?
Just adding clarion alone to a squishy is a game changer for many builds. Trials have nothing to do with it.
The incarnate powers are part of character progression. Builds can be drastically altered with the inclusion of the incarnate powers.
Nothing demands even the use of SOs in this game. Everyone can drop their diff to -1/x1 with no bosses or AVs. Incarnate powers are no different than base enhancements or a new level or inventions.
Blocking access to those abilities for no reason other than "well, we think only raiders should be allowed the l33t gear!!!" was a moronic decision for this game. This game was never WoW and the devs shouldn't have tried to act like it was. -
Quote:Games, life, how we treat each other here shows how we treat others elsewhere. Forcing anything on anyone when it's neither necessary nor warranted nor even helpful or beneficial is a waste of time and money.As a gay man please do not use something that is a real world issue to compare to a frickin MMO..it belittles the true struggles that the LGBT go through every day... My life is not a game..nor are my rights - they are REAL hurdles I face every day because of closed minded people who think hate and denial of human rights is ok....
Seriously.. CoH is a game...that's it. "Forcing" someone to team in a game is NOTHING like forcing one's morals on someone's actual life. If you fail to see the difference by comparing them...I feel bad for you.
And contrary to your opinion Freedom (at least) ran multiple itrials every day not just Mag farms. EVERY toon of mine that was 50 had EVERY MOITrial badge (Yes even UG).
How is knowing that itrials are/were run often contrary to my opinion? They'd be run often even IF the solo path wasn't a screaming pile of ****. That was the point. It was my point back when the first itrial hit beta.
The fact that you know how it feels to be ****** over in real life yet have zero qualms about it happening to the very real people that play this game here says a lot about you. It says a lot about people in general, actually. There's a whole hell of a lot of "I got mine, so screw you" going on in this country. Why should we lay back and take it in ANY area of our lives?
It IS the same mindset behind all of these: "I team so I don't care if soloists get screwed." "I'm straight so I don't care if gays can't get married." "I'm white so I don't care if blacks are mistreated." "I'm male so I don't care if women can't get legal abortions." Again, the mindset, "I got mine, so screw you/them," is the root behind all of these idiotic beliefs.
Is there a real world difference between them? Of course there is. On November 30th, the game dies and our real lives will keep going on. You'll keep struggling against prejudice and I'll keep struggling against religious fascism. Yay for us. Hopefully in the future we can ALL continue thinking about how are beliefs affect others.
It was just brought to my attention that I should reiterate the following: Obviously, getting screwed over by the devs of a game is of VASTLY less importance and weight than getting screwed over by a society and/or government. Anyone thinking otherwise IS delusional. However, the root of the opinion, the base of it all, still comes from the same spot in the human brain. -
Quote:You mean all those TFs I soloed with the use of a single offline pad?And as I have stated multiple times in the past: The incarnate system is what kept me subbed
I loved the iTrials; except for UG. You and I are direct opposites...you loathe teaming...and I loathe soloing. In my 7+ years I think I have soloed a whopping 10-12 missions. If CoH were not an MMO where there were other people I could easily team with...I never would have purchased it.
Group rewards were time gated before itrials btw...look at all the TFs
The big sticking point here is that had the devs not decided to **** over the soloists, you'd have still been able to run all the itrials you wanted.
The mindset of "well, you gotta team to get the incarnate goodies at less than a glacial pace" comes from the same mindset that gives us "gay people have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex as everyone else!" -
Quote:Yes, the one component a night thing was bad enough when compared to being able to get a component for every itrial you ran no matter how often. To add on the insult of that contact handing out 2 emps per week no matter how many times per week you could run all 5 arcs + what's-his-face's final mission was downright spiteful.Not just math, Coulomb2's "Month in DA" threads collected a lot of actual data.
~4/5 chance of a common, which can't be used to upgrade above common, is just insulting, especially when you've gotten all your freebie tables. And NotW's not working for post-Alpha was just insult to injury, forcing you into waiting on a 5% per day chance of a rare, and Mot help you if were going for a very rare. The 2 emps per week per complete run through (no avoiding arcs depending on character type), when a VR needed 30, all I can say is "Really devs, really?"
Having different drop chances for solo arcs versus itrials... total BS. -
Quote:No, it makes no sense to **** over those that don't wish to team and have avoided doing so for 8 years by time-gating rewards as they chose to do so for this incarnate progress.Well considering most people team - that kinda makes business sense to cater to those people. It was never about persecuting soloers as much as they like to play the martyr role. I did the solo path on one of my toons (Well ok Duoed with a friend) and had no issues getting all my incarnate stuff. Then again I really liked playing my toon and it wasn't about how fast can I get the shiney. And for some reason on that toon during the DA arcs...I got a purple drop every day so in the end I made out nicely
No issues getting all your incarnate stuff doing DA arcs? By "getting your incarnate stuff" you are NOT talking about getting fully T4ed. The math has been laid out before and claims to the contrary are ********.
I did care about getting more than one character incarnated out. Attempting to do so with the solo incarnate path as it is now made that impossible.
The devs did a fantastic job of keeping things equitable for soloists for the vast majority of this game's history and then pissed it all away with the incarnate garbage.
My hope for Positron and company as they move on to other games is that they learn from this mistake. They did lose my money over it after all and it certainly didn't bring in more money, did it?
EDIT: Not to mention how ridiculous it was to leave the shard system in place for alpha. Bah, can you tell how absolutely sick I am of running Heather's arc twice a night every night? -
Quote:POPCORN!That punk is either in love with that guy's daughter or he has a newfound respect for life.
On topic, I'll vote on Tuesday because it's my civic duty. I'll walk out of the voting booth more disgusted with this country than when I walked in to it but it's been that way for the majority of the last 20 years for me. -
This made me chuckle but only because I'm a damned cynic as well.
I've found that all the SaveCoH stuff, while well meant, has already died. Our game is already on life support and the plug is being pulled in one month.
While it was nice to hear thatwas kicked to the curb, by the time any emulator hits it will be far too late to get any traction beyond with a handful of nostalgia lovers.
Everything dies. Sometimes before they should, sometimes not nearly damn soon enough. I've loved this game. I'm sad to see it die but you can't have life without death.