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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, i'm gonna be a problem....Barron...oh I am....I problem for your face!!! >

    hehehehe :P Just teasing >.>

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  2. Barron_

    My new avatar

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    it reminds me of all the ignorant mannerless crude people that cant seem to ever chew with thier fat mouths shut!


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    You mean Americans?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess its a good thing I was born in Germany
  3. Funk, youtalkalot
    Smash, youcryalot

    nuthin personal, just pointing out the obvious >.>

    For those of us that will be actually hunting the badges, I will be there to help.
    For those of us that will be there to PvP, I will be there to help.

    For those of us that will be complaining, count me out.
    For those of us that will be there to talk smack, count me out.

    For those of us that will be there to have a good time, I will be there to help.
    For those of us that will be there to make problems, count me out.
  4. Barron_

    My new avatar


    it reminds me of all the ignorant mannerless crude people that cant seem to ever chew with thier fat mouths shut!

  5. Ahhh a moment of sanity.

    City of Heroes life changing? Well, yes.

    Granted, most people that play an MMORPG, at least from what I've heard on the norm, but most people have nothing but bad things to say. It sounds almost like a stereotypical country song, "I lost my wife, my dog, and mah truck cuz i got fat and spent all my time and money sittin in front of a computer". But in all reality, we sit in front of the TV watching our favorite sitcom, or playing other video games.

    On the other hand, one such as I, who is a very.. well.. shy, and hermit like in my life, and very reserved on my opinion, I find this to be an outlet of sorts. Normally I dont like to share, I dont like to socialize, and i dont like to meet new people, but, in CoX, i tend to function differently. I dont know if it has to do with being behind an avatar, not having to be face to face with one another, but I know for a fact that Im more open when logged in. Call it strange, call it what you will, but its the truth.

    My friends and I do use vent, and even though I am now talking to live people, actually speaking with them, I dont feel the reservations that i would if we were sitting next to eachother. I feel I can be myslef with no consequences. I guess you can say thats what I am afraid of the most, is what the outcome of my actions are, and prohibiting myself from doing anything "fun" I keep myself safe from what judgement others may have. Be it shy or scared, its what I used to do.

    Now, in my day to day ventures of life, I find myself talking to random strangers, the ones I fear the most, and being comfortable with their opinions. I find myself being far more open in conversation, and being the center of attention in a crowd.. and not in a bad way lol. My friends have always told me that I am a funny person, and very prone to enlightening the day when I really get into it, that used to be only around my friends, close friends. Now granted, I still get a little stage fright when being a goofball in front of others, but I surely dont hold myself back any longer.

    All in all, i guess im trying say that yes, playing on CoX and especially playing on Pinn has changed my life, my lifestyle, for the better. If I hadnt joined this community, I would probably still be playing my beat up XBOX and not associating with anyone. Looking back.. I dont like the sound of that.

    And as for General Knowledge, well. he has been an enlighteneing experience. We chat just about everyday on vent, and getting to know him has been a pleasure. You should try talking to him sometime..... The crap he comes up with will make you pee yourself. For some reason he has an unquestionable knowledge of 80's cartoons.

    Anyhow, there it is. I did it.

    your turn........


    I owe thanks to my wife, Ennvee, for helping me come out of my shell, and for introducing me to this game. if it wasnt for her, I would still be the quiet guy that sits in the back of the room, unnoticed, silent, and not making any difference in life.

    Hunny, I love you.
  6. I'm adding another vote for Enn-Vees Anubys Psy, seeing as she passed her last offer to me for a very nice Birthday gift, I feel that she deserves a chance at this. Oh and I must say, Lady Judgement did an AMAZING job on my piece ! I hope EnnVee gets this, she deserves as amazing a piece for being so giving IMHO
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Because they are subtle, and quick to anger!

    From the hand of Rizerax I present to the forum for their amusement Oh Snap!

    She tells me that this was an inspired piece that only took about an hour, and that Photoshop really needs to install a spellchecker....

    And yes, I'm going back to writing now, before anything else happens <.<

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    Now THAT is humor!

    The City Scoop needs stuff exactly like this for the comic section!!! i vote that you take it into consideration!

    Heck.. send this in to the scoop! they will love it!

    im serious
  8. Barron_

    In My Pants

    Dead girl in my pants - Acid Bath
  9. Barron_

    In My Pants

    Twist the knife in my pants - Napalm Death

    Have you seen my support strap?
  11. Barron_

    In My Pants

    sabatoge in my pants - Beastie boys
  12. Barron_

    In My Pants

    Wait and Bleed in my pants - Slipknot
  13. What was the M.E.'s decision?

    It's actually a gopher...
  14. Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?
  15. To be a TRUE team player, you must always be the first to run into the mob for veng bait... remember not to tell anyone on the team what you are doing, just do eet!
  16. Go, kill skulls, eat baboon meat.
  17. It was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot-- WAIT WHAT?? What do you mean my recipies are full??!!?!
  18. im in ur haoss, eetin ur kake....
  19. dont quit the TF!!! just log plz.. mebee we can try again tomorrow after everyone is on.

    oh, no? ok then.. maybe later this week?
  20. i got 2 werds.. NUCLEAR F***** WEAPONS!, ok?