252 -
You raise a valid point about general leveling LM, but the OP is asking about tank mages, that's generally a lvl 50. Pimped in some way or another.
Quote:So you would like to see? Roll a character on Guardian and I will gladly show you. And if someone wants to bring a crab, I will gladly show them up. Well, against things without mez anyway.
Thanks for the builds bloodbath, but yea not sure if I'd go fender, would have to see. -
Ok now that I'm on my PC and not my phone, let me post my build for my Dark/Ice/Soul...
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593594F135114C7EFED4C2D2D6B812EC866299B850EA DA0BC8962418BD4800|
|89A18D38CED501AB16DA625419FFC0C9AB8BFBA7C04DF4C5C 3E858F62F4C5E51BD4|
|33E77F81269DB4F3BB7396FF3DF7DC7B33FBA936211E2D08D 97169D7AC56B3296BD|
|B2AE52DDB9D310BC59C276FDAF78A39CB2384E83B746517F7 B6B78D1479B299A259|
|BD6F1E7BAE9BA5829537D2392BBB4872357FBAB463D956A96 61C0E7C6BE5F2AEB15|
|1B1AC7C270F572D9332AB3BC54A3B7F2F170B3BB562A9D076 E8ADD047FF52A59833|
|2E956D7BAF522BDBD98DF2DE6E36431358F68330D516A3FF8 64BA8A7EE16614D88A|
|49808314E078100D0CB88F5303E3666255D8E693C01CC3026 0C20CE48BE170E36E9|
|43224BCA7982AE8951C51BE4D3944F9BE2F051608B3C6EE57 1C314076E92C723518|
|527201D53CB0AD7D7B2CCF0A51991F3CE1C3452FC44795E28 BABC6FB8C2997728F4|
|2DE316BD5B11A0B5FEA28F41D1F61DF8C9E8F8C188D20EB72 34EB47FE3D4CFF4EE5|
|49DE94CB3A9EB0AB0C4E85E668C5E664CA7182324E4C74AA4 1F8BEB06BE90BF47E9|
|F5CC7370EF39E02C233CC7189865C43E70969FF402D0D302E 84C109D09A23361744|
|6525C482D2054A7476864E943A6AB2F289D559E0C0161C657 9AA71F297AFF6BC284|
|1878C538F51278013C67E8A437A82A19442543A86408950CA 192DB243BAC5A3E8C9|
|647D0EB083A3F7EC00892DE88D21B815E147A51E845AF32BA 296E0C71622CC24DD9|
|27C7244CFAE41C8EF319C67492114F00338C03BAE253EADC4 D6133A68187E437D4F|
|93116707E2E0017B135347942B535812207F4A31B433FA7D3 B1264BA2C9926CB2CC|
|3659E69A2CAB8D162F5774CD3161EDF535FDE81A0AC909DEA EA3CB57FFED23AF6A9|
|C8CF37AFF1E9BDC728B97A36F324EAC032BD2D96B5F9AD1B1 C4F8D32834C942FF8E|
|4D9A7CC685B99E028F19FA13C63A9DF8A4AAF6AECFD9008CC D86F19D86F15AC3F83|
and Dark/Ice/Dark...
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593694F13511486EFED4C2D2D6B812EC866299B850E1 D41895B4C10D022352|
|08226C634633B9489589A1613FD86FE04F7ED87F8CDC4E557 F8518D7E71F907F5CC|
|792F6D934EDA79EEBCE79E77CE3D776EE6C1629B10071784E CB8B86B552AD9457BD|
|B2EE6EDB23763159C9C2F6F95EF3A39DB2784E83B0C6517EE 6F6F1B8B14C9661CAB|
|72CFAA47AE59C5829D37D2393BBB4076FBC17471C72EDBC57 DE3701058DBDBDB353|
|64AB69DEFE4E1AA6D516665C729B5F3F3B253D8D9778A85B6 C368891E824B2527A7|
|5E49B676F961942A4AD07FC323D455F58AA826842926228CE 3612004F432123D8C0|
|FF52C5D981E571A4F01338C0903483236E92E315DCA7982AE 8951C5EB14D3544C9B|
|12EEF451608B225E15F14232811B14F14914ED0B49576A59E 1C25A9619813423368|
|D2CE02365F9E127FC30BA49522B24ADF5173D0C8AB66FC04F 46C70F469C36B05DA5|
|B67FE5357DA27BA76A41679AA5AECBC012A37B99317A89314 20E41942C83787937F|
|099E23D6A077AE67972EF29E024233AC718986524DE735690 FC42F0D3426841182D|
|08A30551B440D2BC88AA3C52A54B68A4F421D3D31796EEF28 E468028E30BBDA75FA|
|DACFF1D61420CBC651C7B03BC065E3174F21B54950CA29221 5432844A8650C92DB2|
|1D56BD1E46AF6368720C2D1FFFCE0893DF88F21B815F1C7E7 1F8C5AF30BA69DE18E|
|689B11837E5800293FCA555B5C91768D733C6F45346F239E3 11CD9B42AA3E7582DD|
|A64D6086914C01738CC7743760AB1BE7D961E61C701638C33 04F63DBA8B0946A790|
|A0B18D06BE7857EEE2E249A945493623629B34DCA5C93B2DA A8F8B9A2ABAE84F556|
|D7F4DA59149213FC5DB51358FD1DA0A86AAA4C7253FFD625A FDCE2E5E89B8C23EBC|
|08A74BF83409AD1B1C4F8D36834C946FFEA92265F72611E6C 92E70943C726ADD369|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
My recommendation is some sort of corr. My tankmage of choice is my dark/ice defender but I know most other people prefer corrs for higher damage(aka fire blast). I chose defender over corr for the ridiculous survival numbers but now that I have tier four radial reactive interface I put brutes/scrappers/blasters to shame aoe damage wise and often outtank tanks. But for the general player who hasn't been tankfending for years, I say go fire/dark/dark or fire/dark/soul. Dark for perma soul drain or soul for softcap with power boost for taking alpha without toggle. If you do go soul note that the recharge for soul drain is twice as long as from dark and less targets, and I consider it to be completely skippable.
I always found that SoW is best used when you need added recovery for a battle. For example the only thing that really bothers my wp/ss tank on the lgtf is Famine's -recovery and subsequent toggle drop. In siutations like that you are left a lot less vulnerable. Then you just watch for the end crash after the fight is well over.
Slightly revised version with a little better end, and more dam/acc in midnight grasp.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65935B6F125110C7CFB28B140A6D6969A12DA540AF826 CC1566DB4C658B189A|
|6246DF1165FC8A63DB61B919205127DF333F8A09FC4BB7E13 3F82DAAA8F5E7076FE|
|A7850402FB9B333B73E63F7338A5A7C5A010CFAF09ADFF46D 56A342AEB4EAB29BD2|
|56BDFDE0DAFB79C5AB2FCC46ECAE48EAC4BABE913428C7144 A524AB529A45CB790C|
|330677513E92B58634376CE93CAB5C6F3956F856ED403AB2D 6344F8CC0D6E161D52|
|CD7A5DC1B6473535A7BD2691CD8F510AF37ECFD83A65DDB0F 9EBCADD3227AB36EEF|
|9AA8523E6C552B25ABD1A42231D294A1DF5771F269EB628B9 0169E6D6087619419A|
|FDD108DE33CC224A320CE64801CE38DFB1E015EEDAAC77519 6B8CE415C6C2656095|
|914909176FE9A9A3BC47BFCB1B05CB8C813B8C191A9E1701C 2FB85538F68E183CBF|
|041721FB4F641790092975609862EDE11FC5026FCE775778B 635AF4AB5DFBB3AC24|
|4D5B86548321B8068002F09E9E8308D007D3642C88A104906 2A4A60953E20745847|
|9546D6F5870B9E1360B1FFEC798F90BFC017E333E50FC88CA 1A415604591164C590|
|1543560A5961123DAA448F8EF2C0C622C01043A380A83ADE2 866358F211530B2026|
|6F5939EE31ACA8FA3FC04CA4FA07C12E593289F41F98F143F 89DDBD93C88A232B8E|
|AC04B212C84A204B274D53EA3CA6A23CB35FB49856473A0D9 9B390390B99B3EA48D|
|770A49FDC15B6D0D2389E05C0A0CDE7D444E63091794C641E 13D925998BAAD46281|
|059DCD034B808916730C49E159159EBDC4AE7317810BC00A2 3B7CC18A3F2A6EACD4|
|DCE359E9F16CB81E6DCFF5B4378DD3AB4D9791DBD83294875 C1A27F8874E2F6AFB5|
|BE0F4AA0B2DC71D1D755C9A768FFB5EBACDB7E27B77F02207 1F775C1EED25C6F782|
|1011B957BCDA1EA12702DA0F03EE9EB01F74D9F7BBECED2EF B3F0BE7E98F|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
So after a lot of thought I am thinking that a Dark/Fire/Pyre brute may be what I'm looking for. Would appreciate it if I could get some feedback on this build.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65936D53125114C7EFB24B2AA288A2602A08281AC60A6 9CFCD3499315323332|
|23D4D6F981DBDE94E84CC0233F5AECFD08BFA243DD737E923 545ABDACDCCE9EFF45|
|998181FBBBF7EC39F7FECF7FB9A567EB41215E5C17DAE0CD9 AD56C56D79C764BFA4|
|BD6AEBD1D5E6B3BF5D9CA53BB2567B764435AAD3E21C40467 544BB226A5B96E394F|
|32B0D2977423CDD90D68E749A7B766388D7457B77AF65D777 839DA70D5A446F35EC|
|6D13A754F6DBB56AC96AB6E8901869CAD2EF9BE87C5C5D6C1 252C25706B6184685F|
|1C64BD138CF274C9A14C4A92C9063BCED3C17AE5F13BA1732 FEF83C2CB8C01123FB|
|0FF8CB7847F93AAA7CFA3DDE2858610CDF65A4C93C3F1284F F2BD71CD0A24F49EE8|
|3E47E68ED87F20024BFA7710092C5C0395674488B41B5DBE0 92F04229DA6A483536|
|84D03050003ED01842821E4AD164418CC48124239920CC889 F9411660B5C7F18068|
|CA2F351749E46E769749E86391F297F4C558DA12A82AA08AA 62A88AA12A89AA3089|
|1E57A2C7C7D9A8890830C2D02821AA3C8AC2A30CCC29C0AA0 23CFA45E3A486E3272|
|FF1DEA7AF015719B35780CB002CF944E3947AD753103D0DD1 D3101D87E83844C721|
|5A274D33EA7DCC44D9B3DFB448289909C89C83CC39C89C83C CCFDE88522D050D0B8|
|0419BCE2B27E6E144064E64E0C436C95BC411C66281859CC9 03CB80893F648E2129|
|7D49A52F5DE4D0D90BC0796095915B614CD0F1A6EAC9C4F15 F689157FFB13C444E1|
|B3D972C80368368338936B32779F4A58FC8F7440A3D91959E C86A4FA4E845B41D2F|
|E26E18C757992E1FB7B1691C5F5EA171C1C0C8F1C574BF07E 8A92AD072DCD1C1494|
|8D7EE73DFCBB8BECB65E00EDF8D1FDDA58B5C7A7812F269AF 60E64B4244E45EF3AA|
|3C462312DC4701EF9563FEB06BFEA06B5EEE9AFF079D1DEA1 C|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
Dechs I have tried and deleted so many MFing ws'd it's not funny. Read your guide a few times too. Sounds fun, is kinda fun, isn't as fun as my scrapper.
I have a elec/psi/ice dom and am very aware of the awesomeness of /ice as an epic. But i would like to steer clear of that for variety's sake. How is soul mastery and fire mastery for doms? I'm pretty sure ice is better overall, but i want the fireball/dark oblit attack feel. Anyone played an earth/fire/soul?
Oh I forgot to mention:
Please post the datachunk, if nothing else. It is the easiest way to upload and the nicest to your browser. -
Ok forumites and mids masters I have a challenge for you. I want a toon that can do tons of aoe damage and decent survival, that can come close to or better than my fire/shield/pyre scrapper(aptly named Burn Smash Reapeat.)
Leveling is a non-issue as I will just powerlevel in a day or so. Money is also mostly a non-issue as I have toons I could strip that I hardly play.
I want out of the box damage, not something I need to ramp up to or only has high damage after a few seconds of debuffing. Mez protect would be a nice plus but not necessary. I mostly lead speed level 50 task forces to give you an idea of what I need it to do.
So please suggest your favorite aoe monster maxd out. Builds are appreciated.
P.s. I am not sold on a dom, but it would be nice if someone could lay down what they feel is the most damagey combo for a dom as i am leaning towards a dom. -
Fire/shield/pyre should be doing about the same aoe if not more and offers way more in the area of single target. It is really my most devastating toon.
They'll both play about the same really. I would say the defender will level in teams easier while the corr will level in solo/small teams easier. But if you overall idea is for a final io'd, incarnated out lvl 50 build, the Corr will probably give you the best mileage. But I'd go DP over AR, AR just feels clunky to me.
Blaze you suck at posting builds. Just do the datachunk, your link is broken and i'm not manually putting that into mids lol.
Ok then that makes sense bc most of the lowbies hit with envelope get blowed up fast so I noticed the -kd from nade on the tougher foes.
Really? Bc when I immob them it really does keep the kb reduced. Maybe it is just perception but it seems to get the job done.
Just so you all know it has 3 damage procs, a posi' dam/rech and the -rech proc. I did have the kd proc as well but I figured with the -kb I am spamming from web envelope(over the mu immob) and webnade the kd would be kinda pointless.
it's already got the max allowable damage procs in it. I figured -rech couldn't hurt for those longer fights.
The toon in question here is an IO'd and Proc'd out Bots/Traps/Mace. Resistance is futile.
I have caltrops slotted with 4 damage procs and a -rech proc. Can someone plz confirm for me if it procs w/ every tick of damage, once every 10 seconds, or just when I throw them down.
I think I am almost starting to sound like dechs kaison I have advocated this combo so many times but except for soloing av's I think an elec/psi/ice dom can fill just about any role. Solo or teamed, I can neutralize any mob with one shot. Whole mob confused? Check. Whole mob slept and reslept even with two "rain powers" from the app? Check. Whole mob held? Check. Oh what's that? They are tightly knit enough to cap regen?(which now with tier 4 alpha only takes six mobs to get 133hp/second) capped hp? Check. Soft-capped sm/lethal? Check. Tons of aoe, and complete end drain to anything that manages to live thru the massive debuff and damage barrage of sleet and ice storm for more than about 3 seconds. Oh yeah and psw. And all of these effects are as helpful on a team as they are soloing, even on 4/8. So it may not offer buffs to keep the team alive but if you want to neuter a problem mob, there isn't anything better.
I have not looked at your build at all, but it is in my opinion that the sets have great synergy in theory. I haven't actually played this particular combo, but have played both sets individually. It really does seem to have it all tho, you have all the -tohit to make up for the lack of defense in /elec(which you build for, which makes the -tohit even better), and Lightning Reflexes just works awesomely with shortening those long recharging powers that are a staple of Dark Melee, such as Soul Drain. Now throw in Shadow Meld and you're looking at a toon who has great resistances, doesn't need a travel power(w/ NR/BR/Raptor pack all boosted from Lightning Reflexes), can perma Energize to boost regen and cut end usage down, and also soft cap their own defenses(even before the tohit debuffs) every mob. I will look at your build later, but this combo is not just viable, it's an underused monster.
Edit: Oh yeah, and don't forget Siphon Life will add in another heal! -
Heh yeah I have Laevateinn to do my math for me. She always tells me I should test it myself, but she's Asian, her math always beats mine. :P Thanks for all your help guys. I'm going to have to start farming hardcore again to get my funds a lil more in order.
So much for a later date...I decided to tweak it a little using some suggestions from the boards here.
I upped my HP a bit by dropping some procs and changed the 3 golgi in Aid Self to 3 Numina's for the +HP as well as adding in 2 Steadfast in tough for almost 2 more points of Resistance to SM/Lethal. IDK What it ends up being w/ Cardiac, but slotting 3 Titanium Coating's over my original slotting of just the +3 defense procs only nets a 5% increase, while adding 3 slots. So I opted to go for more HP in 3 slots instead of more HP and more Res in 4 slots. Also switched the +Regen proc out of Health in favor of a third miracle, lowered my regen by about 2 or 3 hp/second, but gave me more HP which I think means more to a Defense build than Regen(since I've got Hibernate and Aid Self as backup, and they are just that, backup. I don't intend to use Aid Self much except for maybe after a big fight that leads up to another big fight.)
I took Water Spout for a couple reasons. One it is a fifth purple that is more useful than slotting AA in Boxing. Also I didn't want to take Spirit Shark because my attack chain is fine without adding in a power that will require redraw. Water Spout will mainly be for AV fights and such. Summon and forget, get back to slashing.
I was able to keep Perma-Hasten by only adding one slot of recharge once I took Musc. over Spirit. Gotta love Quickness. Musc. also seems to bode well for the overall build. The added recovery is minor but useful, the damage will be good of course, but I had missed the fact that it added run speed. That makes me feel even better about skipping a travel.
Also a comment about end usage to Strato (Hey Buddy!), my build has Ninja Run turned on because most likely it will be on most of the time. But, that isn't to say that if I am in a particularly long fight I can't just turn it off for a few seconds or whatever.
So...new build. Is this better?
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1513;723;1446;HEX;| |78DA8D945B53D34014C7374D2A526E2D2D5084D20B979696861650C6DBF02005715| |A2D147D7330340B8DC4B4D344C1373F83CEE8E7F17BE847F0F2E29B584FCED9948E| |7D3103F3DB3D7BFE67FF67936DE5627B98B1775B4C1A7D606AB67D54ABB7B5568BB| |7FD15EDD4A8278FCD6653B71DCDB012E786D34898FC8DA1390DCD4A68969E78C5F5| |01C658C4131D55B8C9B90A95CEED7837B8CD4FB86573B5F6DA9D1DF013935F703BB| |46735789B5B8EEA0DC6AACDA6A996B9A6F3B6DD305A019CD75A9CEB2338DC314E1B| |8E619DD2ACC275A36E587CAED432EA6ACDD1CC33285FF60C1E5534DBE1EDB75130B| |806FF0DD7293E1D3FCBF9182BB26B59C232E27A869046A433B28B8AAB9250E5639B| |0045663EC1F94B608C3D8614895224E99F9427B0260BB93C0183285382925B58892| |05E42825FB8F273E686023AA18E183D266888F46730176626A806980F5503A41A27| |D538A922A48ABC40E4A9972AA806C90C1BCCE14A084243C2DF10F91B16D63DA6206| |544B43742AA22611F56C684788CC4416A2E48CD59901012CD858A78AC9305C22A22| |AA221279447E056D1E802A2C6C86F3B89304A1092AC4263AF03019225394244FB98| |3188BAEA13C3B89B36214710679D3C2C2F47DDCE6C63DC25DC4DC1DB2701B91DDC2| |1A3550CD88CE66A8B359EA6C963A532021261262943027CECB631352E2B4B312FF4| |D9B741049869B24FFD0EC127108E92971CC29EF03F34AC2DAA2687F71064F240EA1| |8CA89EA1D0B2C05374B8BC8FC81E22BEC08E39919EDBC40D576E116E1236E815AC2| |3BE42BA2AD2D53D0CAD3E24EC127610C512E217FC841484BF027D1BB34AF7B6C19F| |FBC6E24AF72675B27DAB85BE48B12FB2DE17D9E88B94AF76819B87EEAA8A884048C| |2A4C160F75676BE05BAB79749F4B5FDB80AF9A567787E0B74A84B74A84B8F0069B6| |B487489710DF7B0B65B0D0CFAB902C7D4233F31F110BEF091F10C701F7AD931FAD6| |7FCBC675CED19FFEF530E4375A1F90B0EF914B1| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|