
Assistant Community Manager
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  1. Please note the downtime is scheduled for 4 hours to allow for server verification. The servers themselves are likely to become available again earlier.
  2. Guardians of the Dawn Spotlight #24

    Part 2 of the 3-part "Galatea Dawning" story!

    Galatea Powers is gone, and in her place is Leona Powers; a vengeful woman who despises everything that Galatea was and once stood for.

    How can the Guardians stop someone who was once their most powerful member? And can anyone stop her from carrying out her revenge?

    Special guest appearances by in-game characters Ms. Liberty, Lady Jane, and by members of the Dawn Patrol!

    For more information about the comic series, please visit the official website for the Guardians of the Dawn:
  3. Please be aware that there will be a publish on all live servers on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 starting at 4:00 a.m. Pacific / 7:00 a.m. Eastern / 12:00 p.m. British Time / 13:00 Central European Time for a scheduled end at 8:00 a.m. Pacific / 11:00 a.m. Eastern / 4:00 p.m. British Time / 17:00 Central European Time.

    Patch notes will be available in the Patch Notes section of the City of Heroes website as soon as possible after this downtime.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
  4. Hi all,

    Some of you have been going through problematic times on the forums and we wanted to let you know that we have been fixing and are continuing to fix many of those issues in the background.

    Tomorrow morning, our engineers will implement a further change on the back end and we hope that this will resolve the bulk of the issues encountered on our official City of Heroes forums.

    We appreciate that quite a few of you have been putting up with those problems in the bravest of ways and we wanted to thank you all for your patience!
  5. Avatea

    Rogue Magazine

    That looks really polished, I've thoroughly enjoyed turning every page! Great job
  6. We are taking the live Mission Architect server down for a brief maintenance at 9:00 a.m. Pacific (12:00 p.m. Eastern / 5:00 p.m. BST / 18:00 CEST).

    We will let you know as soon as it is back up and running.

    Apologies for the inconvenience.
  7. When we announced that Global Server Access would be rolled out by the end of the Summer, we certainly hoped to make it available earlier so we could unite all of our North American and European servers and allow for a lot more interaction amongst our players.

    Well this is it! Between 4:00 a.m. Pacific Time (7:00 a.m. Eastern Time / 12:00 p.m. British Time / 13:00 Central European Time) and 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time (7:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 12:00 a.m. British Time / 1:00 Central European Time), Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 is when we leap across entire oceans and continents (figuratively!) so you, our community, can be one big family with 15 live servers to choose from and that many more character slots you can fill with characters you could only dream of conceptualizing on Mids, for lack of space!

    Please note that while we are currently anticipating Global Server Access to be available for everyone on 5/10/2011, this date is subject to change if we encounter any technical difficulties or concerns which would jeopardize your character integrity during testing.

    If you haven't read our Global Server Access FAQ, please make sure you do it now! There are several things you will want to be aware of if you are currently playing on the European servers! Your account name and/or Global Handle may be modified as a result of the Global Server Access!

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  8. When we announced that Global Server Access would be rolled out by the end of the Summer, we certainly hoped to make it available earlier so we could unite all of our North American and European servers and allow for a lot more interaction amongst our players.

    Well this is it! Between 4:00 a.m. Pacific Time (7:00 a.m. Eastern Time / 12:00 p.m. British Time / 13:00 Central European Time) and 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time (7:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 12:00 a.m. British Time / 1:00 Central European Time), Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 is when we leap across entire oceans and continents (figuratively!) so you, our community, can be one big family with 15 live servers to choose from and that many more character slots you can fill with characters you could only dream of conceptualizing on Mids, for lack of space!

    Please note that while we are currently anticipating Global Server Access to be available for everyone on 5/10/2011, this date is subject to change if we encounter any technical difficulties or concerns which would jeopardize your character integrity during testing.

    If you haven't read our Global Server Access FAQ, please make sure you do it now! There are several things you will want to be aware of if you are currently playing on the European servers! Your account name and/or Global Handle may be modified as a result of the Global Server Access!
  9. A Matter of Consequence

    The dark skies of Galaxy City did little to illuminate the room that Dr. Raymond Keyes was working in. Only the soft glow of several computer monitors added to the room's overall ambiance. His fingers danced across the keyboard of a hyper-advanced computer of his own design. While constructing this computer, he had contemplated one of the more modern touch and gesture-based interfaces, but the fact of the matter was that he could use the computer at a 17.6% greater capacity with a standard keyboard and mouse layout.

    Sweat beaded on his brow as the final calculations poured forth on the monitor. Instinctively he glanced into the upper right of his field of vision to see what time it was. It was only then he realized he wasn't wearing the Positron armor and had no Heads Up Display. He checked his wrist and read the watch given to him last year on his birthday.

    "Damn," he muttered to himself. He continued the thought internally, "this is not good."
    "Ray?" the cool woman's voice spoke as to not startle him out of his concentration. Like that was going to happen. As Positron he was a battle-hardened superhero, and was well aware of her presence before she even entered the room. "How does the data look?" she queried.
    Tammy Arcanus spoke the word "data" almost like it was from another language and to her it practically was. As the Freedom Phalanx member known as Numina, Tammy's world was that of the mystic and magical, not the high-tech world that Positron lived in. It was those magicks that started the pair down the path of discovery they were now on. Her divinations pointed to something big, but was unable to pinpoint exactly what. Something was interfering with her magic.

    "Tammy, I took that info you gave me and tried to break it down, scientifically," Positron said. "It was harder than I thought. Magic and science share a lot of symbology at times, only used for completely different things. It was a good primer on what it must have been like to be an alchemist back in the day." Positron swung his chair around to face her now that he'd finished what he was working on.

    "Remember the Omega Team?" Positron asked her. Of course she did, they were the fifty magic-based heroes (and some villains) that travelled to the Rikti homeworld to seal off their world from ours for good and prevent further invasions. It was a suicide mission, and the letters recovered from the time-capsule opened in 2009 let the world know that the members of the Omega Team knew they were never coming back before even going in.

    "Of course, but what does that have to do with Praetoria?" she asked.

    "It seems that traveling to the Rikti homeworld through one of Dr. Webb's dimensional portals did more than just transport the Omega Team. That single act of science mixing with magic altered the fabric of reality itself."

    "I like the idea of science mixing with magic." She teased in an inappropriate voice. Positron did his best to ignore that, but a smirk still moved across his lips.

    "As I was saying... that act seems to wreak havoc on the dimensional barriers at times. Strengthening them in parts of the year, and weakening them in others. Almost like phases of the moon. When the barriers are weak, that's when we see the most incursions from other dimensions. If someone like Emperor Cole were to figure this out, he'd be able to send a massive amount of troops from his world to ours, but only at specific times of the year." He punched a button. One of the large monitors opposite the room's only window sparked to life. A small glare from the window's reflection faded away as the window's LCD panels switched themselves on, obfuscating light from entering the room. Numina was bemused that instead of complex formulae and scientific theorems appearing on the monitor there was but a simple calendar.

    "Based on my data and your divinations, I calculate that during this time period here..." he stabbed at another button, a row of dates were highlighted. "May 9th to May 27th this year. That's when the barrier of dimensions will be weak around our universe. And on May 27th, they'll be at their very weakest. If Tyrant figures this out, I expect a massive invasion to occur on that date, on the scale of which we've never seen before."

    "If the barriers are weak, does that limit the threat to just Praetoria?" she quizzed.

    "I don't know. The Rikti could possibly use it to their advantage as well," he retorted.

    "We'll need to alert the heroes of the city to be on their highest alert during that time period." Numina said. With business taken care of, she moved onto another avenue of questioning. "So, are we going out on 'patrol' again this evening?"
    "Of course, but I need to send an email first."
    "Another woman?" she teased. He blushed, but didn't let it show.
    "Just a colleague, someone who needs this information as much as we do." Positron wrote a hasty email.

    In an underground laboratory hidden somewhere in the Rogue Isles, Dr. Rebecca Colston was working on an experiment. Racks of beakers, tubes, and flasks piped liquids of various colors and viscosity to and fro. One of her fire imp constructs was busy playing the part of Bunsen burner, keeping two beakers of liquid at a rapid boil. The other two imps were off playing in the corner, doing their best to not distract their mistress while entertaining themselves by making steam out of the water dripping from the ceiling that betrayed the location of her secret lair.

    She was about to move onto the next phase of her experiment when she noticed the "You have a new message" alert pop-up on the stolen laptop she was using to take notes on. Try as she might, she couldn't help but see who it was from.

    "Damn," she muttered to herself. She continued the thought internally, "this is not good."
    She resisted the urge to open the email for a full sixty seconds before resigning to the fact that it must be important if HE was mailing her. She brushed back her flaming red hair and straightened her round glasses so she could better read the slightly cracked LCD screen of the laptop.

    My Colleague,

    Dimensional barriers at their weakest May 9th to May 27th this year. Praetorian Invasion should be expected in the Rogue Isles and elsewhere. Emperor Cole's seer network likely obfuscating that fact from Arachnos precognition. Suggest you use this information to defend the Rogue Isles from Tyrant's forces.

    -Your Colleague

    The villainous scientist sighed. She'd been undercover for nearly five years now. Worked her way up the Arachnos organization, swore to Scirocco as her Patron, all that. A message like this could get a lot of unwanted attention pointed her way... still...

    She had made a handful of allies in her time here in the Rogue Isles. She could possibly use that to her advantage. She quickly typed out a similar email to the one she received and then contemplated who to send it to.

    "Ah yes, her," she said out loud in a Eureka-like moment. Dr. Colston knew a soldier of Arachnos, a Widow, named Mindspider. She would be the perfect recipient. Mindspider should be able to pass along that message into the Arachnos organization as something generated by one of Lord Recluse's precognitive Fortunatas.

    That would keep her own hands clean of this as well as give Mindspider a promotion within the organization. After all, Mindspider had saved her life just last week in that bank robbery gone awry, to which Dr. Colston was begrudgingly grateful.

    In an alternate dimension, Positron's doppelganger looked at his own computer screen. Former Praetor Raymond Keyes was known in this universe as Anti-Matter, but he'd long since fell out of favor with Emperor Cole. Above him a huge window showed the Earth rotating slowly outside. He didn't care. This was his personal orbiting space station and he'd seen that view a million times before. What interested him right now was the data staring him back on his computer screen.

    "Damn," he muttered to himself. He continued the thought internally, "this is great."
    Had he done it? Had he finally gathered information that Emperor Cole could use to his advantage? Would he finally catch the eye of Praetor Duncan, so she could see him as the genius he is?

    Primal Earth, as their natives called it, was subjected to a scarring event in its recent past. The Rikti were invading from an alternate dimension so they sent fifty of their most powerful magicians through a technological portal to that universe. That act caused permanent damage to the barriers between alternate universes and Primal Earth. At certain points in the year the barrier would be a shell of what it should be, and that would be the most opportune time for Emperor Cole to move his troops in.

    He hastily punched up the communication codes for the Magisterium tower. He was actually a little surprised when Emperor Cole answered the video call.
    "I have little time for you today, Keyes," the ruler of Praetoria spat out. Cole reached for the button to terminate the call.

    "Wait, wait! I have information! Information you need!" Anti-Matter quickly blurted.

    "What could you possibly give me that I can't get elsewhere, from more competent people?" the Emperor asked.

    "I know... I know when you should strike Primal Earth. When the barriers will be-" he was cut off.

    "May 9th to May 27th," Emperor Cole said nonchalantly.

    "How...?" Anti-Matter was dumbfounded.

    "I figured it out yesterday," a voice from off-camera spoke. Anti-Matter knew that voice. His rival. The man who stole his job.

    "Neuron," Anti-matter muttered under his breath, clenching his fist.

    Neuron came into the view of the video call. "Seems that once more your incompetence has shown through. I take it you have nothing further to add to the information?"

    "No," Anti-Matter gritted through clenched teeth. The video call ended abruptly.

    Anti-Matter was irrational at this point, not exactly sure what to do. He decided that if Emperor Cole and Neuron were going to play this way, he would do his best to play spoiler... but he had to do it in secret.

    "I'll just send her a friendly message... she'll get the word out," he thought to himself as he fired up an email program and started to establish a dimensional uplink to Primal Earth.

    Keep your eyes peeled for more details in the coming days.

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  10. A Matter of Consequence

    The dark skies of Galaxy City did little to illuminate the room that Dr. Raymond Keyes was working in. Only the soft glow of several computer monitors added to the room's overall ambiance. His fingers danced across the keyboard of a hyper-advanced computer of his own design. While constructing this computer, he had contemplated one of the more modern touch and gesture-based interfaces, but the fact of the matter was that he could use the computer at a 17.6% greater capacity with a standard keyboard and mouse layout.

    Sweat beaded on his brow as the final calculations poured forth on the monitor. Instinctively he glanced into the upper right of his field of vision to see what time it was. It was only then he realized he wasn't wearing the Positron armor and had no Heads Up Display. He checked his wrist and read the watch given to him last year on his birthday.

    "Damn," he muttered to himself. He continued the thought internally, "this is not good."
    "Ray?" the cool woman's voice spoke as to not startle him out of his concentration. Like that was going to happen. As Positron he was a battle-hardened superhero, and was well aware of her presence before she even entered the room. "How does the data look?" she queried.
    Tammy Arcanus spoke the word "data" almost like it was from another language and to her it practically was. As the Freedom Phalanx member known as Numina, Tammy's world was that of the mystic and magical, not the high-tech world that Positron lived in. It was those magicks that started the pair down the path of discovery they were now on. Her divinations pointed to something big, but was unable to pinpoint exactly what. Something was interfering with her magic.

    "Tammy, I took that info you gave me and tried to break it down, scientifically," Positron said. "It was harder than I thought. Magic and science share a lot of symbology at times, only used for completely different things. It was a good primer on what it must have been like to be an alchemist back in the day." Positron swung his chair around to face her now that he'd finished what he was working on.

    "Remember the Omega Team?" Positron asked her. Of course she did, they were the fifty magic-based heroes (and some villains) that travelled to the Rikti homeworld to seal off their world from ours for good and prevent further invasions. It was a suicide mission, and the letters recovered from the time-capsule opened in 2009 let the world know that the members of the Omega Team knew they were never coming back before even going in.

    "Of course, but what does that have to do with Praetoria?" she asked.

    "It seems that traveling to the Rikti homeworld through one of Dr. Webb's dimensional portals did more than just transport the Omega Team. That single act of science mixing with magic altered the fabric of reality itself."

    "I like the idea of science mixing with magic." She teased in an inappropriate voice. Positron did his best to ignore that, but a smirk still moved across his lips.

    "As I was saying... that act seems to wreak havoc on the dimensional barriers at times. Strengthening them in parts of the year, and weakening them in others. Almost like phases of the moon. When the barriers are weak, that's when we see the most incursions from other dimensions. If someone like Emperor Cole were to figure this out, he'd be able to send a massive amount of troops from his world to ours, but only at specific times of the year." He punched a button. One of the large monitors opposite the room's only window sparked to life. A small glare from the window's reflection faded away as the window's LCD panels switched themselves on, obfuscating light from entering the room. Numina was bemused that instead of complex formulae and scientific theorems appearing on the monitor there was but a simple calendar.

    "Based on my data and your divinations, I calculate that during this time period here..." he stabbed at another button, a row of dates were highlighted. "May 9th to May 27th this year. That's when the barrier of dimensions will be weak around our universe. And on May 27th, they'll be at their very weakest. If Tyrant figures this out, I expect a massive invasion to occur on that date, on the scale of which we've never seen before."

    "If the barriers are weak, does that limit the threat to just Praetoria?" she quizzed.

    "I don't know. The Rikti could possibly use it to their advantage as well," he retorted.

    "We'll need to alert the heroes of the city to be on their highest alert during that time period." Numina said. With business taken care of, she moved onto another avenue of questioning. "So, are we going out on 'patrol' again this evening?"
    "Of course, but I need to send an email first."
    "Another woman?" she teased. He blushed, but didn't let it show.
    "Just a colleague, someone who needs this information as much as we do." Positron wrote a hasty email.

    In an underground laboratory hidden somewhere in the Rogue Isles, Dr. Rebecca Colston was working on an experiment. Racks of beakers, tubes, and flasks piped liquids of various colors and viscosity to and fro. One of her fire imp constructs was busy playing the part of Bunsen burner, keeping two beakers of liquid at a rapid boil. The other two imps were off playing in the corner, doing their best to not distract their mistress while entertaining themselves by making steam out of the water dripping from the ceiling that betrayed the location of her secret lair.

    She was about to move onto the next phase of her experiment when she noticed the "You have a new message" alert pop-up on the stolen laptop she was using to take notes on. Try as she might, she couldn't help but see who it was from.

    "Damn," she muttered to herself. She continued the thought internally, "this is not good."
    She resisted the urge to open the email for a full sixty seconds before resigning to the fact that it must be important if HE was mailing her. She brushed back her flaming red hair and straightened her round glasses so she could better read the slightly cracked LCD screen of the laptop.

    My Colleague,

    Dimensional barriers at their weakest May 9th to May 27th this year. Praetorian Invasion should be expected in the Rogue Isles and elsewhere. Emperor Cole's seer network likely obfuscating that fact from Arachnos precognition. Suggest you use this information to defend the Rogue Isles from Tyrant's forces.

    -Your Colleague

    The villainous scientist sighed. She'd been undercover for nearly five years now. Worked her way up the Arachnos organization, swore to Scirocco as her Patron, all that. A message like this could get a lot of unwanted attention pointed her way... still...

    She had made a handful of allies in her time here in the Rogue Isles. She could possibly use that to her advantage. She quickly typed out a similar email to the one she received and then contemplated who to send it to.

    "Ah yes, her," she said out loud in a Eureka-like moment. Dr. Colston knew a soldier of Arachnos, a Widow, named Mindspider. She would be the perfect recipient. Mindspider should be able to pass along that message into the Arachnos organization as something generated by one of Lord Recluse's precognitive Fortunatas.

    That would keep her own hands clean of this as well as give Mindspider a promotion within the organization. After all, Mindspider had saved her life just last week in that bank robbery gone awry, to which Dr. Colston was begrudgingly grateful.

    In an alternate dimension, Positron's doppelganger looked at his own computer screen. Former Praetor Raymond Keyes was known in this universe as Anti-Matter, but he'd long since fell out of favor with Emperor Cole. Above him a huge window showed the Earth rotating slowly outside. He didn't care. This was his personal orbiting space station and he'd seen that view a million times before. What interested him right now was the data staring him back on his computer screen.

    "Damn," he muttered to himself. He continued the thought internally, "this is great."
    Had he done it? Had he finally gathered information that Emperor Cole could use to his advantage? Would he finally catch the eye of Praetor Duncan, so she could see him as the genius he is?

    Primal Earth, as their natives called it, was subjected to a scarring event in its recent past. The Rikti were invading from an alternate dimension so they sent fifty of their most powerful magicians through a technological portal to that universe. That act caused permanent damage to the barriers between alternate universes and Primal Earth. At certain points in the year the barrier would be a shell of what it should be, and that would be the most opportune time for Emperor Cole to move his troops in.

    He hastily punched up the communication codes for the Magisterium tower. He was actually a little surprised when Emperor Cole answered the video call.
    "I have little time for you today, Keyes," the ruler of Praetoria spat out. Cole reached for the button to terminate the call.

    "Wait, wait! I have information! Information you need!" Anti-Matter quickly blurted.

    "What could you possibly give me that I can't get elsewhere, from more competent people?" the Emperor asked.

    "I know... I know when you should strike Primal Earth. When the barriers will be-" he was cut off.

    "May 9th to May 27th," Emperor Cole said nonchalantly.

    "How...?" Anti-Matter was dumbfounded.

    "I figured it out yesterday," a voice from off-camera spoke. Anti-Matter knew that voice. His rival. The man who stole his job.

    "Neuron," Anti-matter muttered under his breath, clenching his fist.

    Neuron came into the view of the video call. "Seems that once more your incompetence has shown through. I take it you have nothing further to add to the information?"

    "No," Anti-Matter gritted through clenched teeth. The video call ended abruptly.

    Anti-Matter was irrational at this point, not exactly sure what to do. He decided that if Emperor Cole and Neuron were going to play this way, he would do his best to play spoiler... but he had to do it in secret.

    "I'll just send her a friendly message... she'll get the word out," he thought to himself as he fired up an email program and started to establish a dimensional uplink to Primal Earth.

    Keep your eyes peeled for more details in the coming days.
  11. Clarified:

    Removed checks on the number of players present in Lambda Sector's first two stages.

    Removed the check for the number of players alive and present in Lambda Sector’s first two stages. This check could inadvertently cause the event to trigger a failure due to too few players when it should not do so.
  12. Patch notes for build 2010.201104210057.1.


    • The command "/league" can now be used as an alias to send chat to the League channel.
    • Attempting to invite a 7th team to your league should no longer spam an error message 6 times.
    • There is now a sound played when receiving messages on the League chat channel.
    • Corrected a debug message appearing when Leagues are broken up under certain circumstances.

    • Bidding the same items separately causing a sold stack to lock with greater than 2 billion INF should is no longer possible.
      • Contact Customer Service if you still have any such stacks locked in your Auction House UI


    Animal Pack
    • Animal Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
    • On Cat Claw feet, the claws themselves no longer inherit a color tinting.
    • A tintable striped version of the Animal Cat tail has been added as "Animated - Cat Tail 2".

    • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.

    • Reward Merits, Vanguard Merits, Architect Tickets, Astral & Empyrean Merits, Incarnate Components and Discount Coupons can no longer be deleted.

    • Reward tables for endgame events have been adjusted based upon collected data.
      • Players will now find their chance of being awarded higher tier rewards has been slightly increased.
    • The following powers can now be used during Incarnate Trials and other instances where Temporary Powers were disabled
      • Event Costume Powers
      • Halloween Costume Powers
      • Travel-Only Temp Powers such as the Raptor Pack (these are still unavailable during Arena matches)
    • The Objective section of an Incarnate Trial should now display When the Zone Event UI is minimized

    Incarnate Trial - Lambda Sector
    • Removed the check for the number of players alive and present in Lambda Sector’s first two stages. This check could inadvertently cause the event to trigger a failure due to too few players when it should not do so.
    • Players should no longer be able to get stuck on the door leading to the interior of Lambda Sector.
    • The mini-map location inside Lambda Sector where player markers first appear should no longer be missing room graphics.
    • Lambda Sector's forces fixed a problem with their jump boots. IDF and Warworks forces will now be able to assist Marauder if he is fought on the roof of Lambda Sector.

    Incarnate Trial – Behavioral Adjustment Facility
    • Grounded a pair of floating bivouac buildings

    Incarnate Powers
    • Ion Judgement jumps are now properly set to ignore the effect of player buffs like the rest of the Judgement powers.
    • The ice shards in Judgement - Cryonic should now always aim in the same direction as the rest of the effect.
    • Pets should now apply the Reactive Interface DoT as expected.
    • All Lore support pets now provide positional defense as well as typed defense.
    • Mk. VI Essence attacks now appear in the Pets Combat Log.

    Incarnate Components
    • Conversions have been added to the Incarnate Creation interface which allow the following:
      • Freely downgrade Incarnate Components into a component of lesser rank of your choice. (Very Rare->Rare, Rare->Uncommon, Uncommon->Common)
      • Side-grade Incarnate Components into a component of equal rank of your choice. This conversion requires expending 2 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Common Components, 6 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Uncommon Components, 30 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Rare Components, and 150 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Very Rare Components.
    • The previous Breakdown conversions have been reorganized into the new Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare tabs in the crafting window to keep them together.


    • Today's Newspaper - Frostfire is now on trial for killing nearly an entire "detachment" of Longbow rather than a "dispatchment".
    • Recruitment Flyer - This mission should no longer complete prematurely.
    • A Strange Mystical Trinket - You now must defeat Raveshna and the other captors around Orsen Greenfield before you can talk to him.
    • A Strange Mystical Trinket - The epilogue window when you leave the mission now has appropriate text.
    • Wanted Poster with Your Face - Doppelgangers will no longer premature attack the Longbow holding them hostage on the Vigilante version of this mission.
    • Morality Mission \ With Honors - Doc Quantum will not converse with the player until he is rescued.

    • Players who are defeated when Bobcat is defeated will still receive the Kitty's Got Claws badge if the conditions have been met.
    • The 5th Column Gladiator badge is now also awarded to anyone who completes the Dr. Khan TF or Barracuda SF. This award will be retroactive

    • Fixed an issue where Malta gas swarm missiles were being created at inappropriate level ranges.
    • Midnight Squad Living Armor has made a return to the appropriate places in the game.
    • Rikti Pylons' Swarm Missiles now correctly check against AoE Defense, instead of Ranged Defense.

    User Interface
    • The option to hide buff numbers will now function at the league level.
    • An internal debug menu has been edited so that it should no longer have a chance to randomly appear on the User Interface.

    German Client
    • Corrected an error in the log message for receiving Incarnate XP.
    • Text should no longer get cut off from certain chat bubbles in the Behavioral Adjustment Facility, B.A.F., cut scenes.



    Admiral Sutter Task Force
    • When you talk to Admiral Sutter he will immediately give you his cell phone.
    • Col. Duray's Air Strike should no longer target players in the buried section of Destroyed Skyway City.
    • Significantly increased the radius of Jane Temblor and Fusion's signature powers as well as properly adjusted their special mechanics which make knockback/knockup protection inapplicable under certain conditions.
    • Harbinger's Bombs now have much reduced HP as originally intended.
    • The target area has been increased for Praetorian Drones

    Lady Grey Task Force
    • Penelope Yin cannot be attacked by players if left stranded or recaptured.

    Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
    • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

    Story Arcs
    • Roy Cooling - The longbow skiff is now replaced by a jump bot incinerator, which has an easier time navigating the environment than the skiff.
    • Roy Cooling - Mission 2: The mini map is now visible when exiting the office building.
    • Tina Macintyre - The Instant Army now gives out its proper souvenir clue.
    • Numina - Some text on The Unity Plague story arc has been restored to its original state.

    • Kheldians should no longer encounter Crey Nictus Hunters spawning at inappropriate levels.

    • Ice Mastery \ Ice Blast no longer incorrect states it accepts To-Hit Debuff and Accurate To-Hit Debuff sets.
    • Aid Other no longer uses the Nova animation when used twice from a combat stance.
    • Super Inspirations - Ultimate Super Inspiration now states in its description that its effects last for 180 seconds.
    • Blaze Mastery \ Char Scrapper crits now do the proper amount of damage in PVP.
    • Cold Mastery \ Frozen Armor now has correct toggle info text

    • The Energy Ring Toss power used by the Attendants of the Carnival of Shadows will now be checked against Ranged Defense rather than Melee Defense.


    • Arbiters will no longer refer to the old Lackey system in leveling up messages.


    Ice Mistral Strike Force
    • On mission "Destroy the Crystals", all enemies now spawn above-ground, can be defeated, and allowing successful completion of the strike force.

    Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
    • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

    Silver Mantis Strike Force
    • Enemies in the Sky Raider ship interior during the final mission will no longer vanish when attacked.

    Story Arcs
    • Diviner Maros - Legacy Chain which would randomly attack each other have settled their differences and stopped infighting.

    • Stalker Kinetic Melee \ Concentrated Strike now will automatically refresh Build Up as its critical effect when used from the Hidden state. In additional a Build Up message will be displayed over the player when this effect is triggered.
    • Mu Mastery \ Electric Shackles, Soul Mastery \ Soul Drain, Soul Storm, Levithan Mastery \ School of Sharks, Spirit Shark Jaws should no longer perform Scourge bonus damage when used by Defenders.
    • Dominator Ice Mastery \ Sleet is no longer affected by the no-phase timer.



    Story Arcs
    • Transmuter Mission 3 Task 2 - This map no longer has a black occlusion wall separating a hallway from a room.
    • IVY – Task 2 - The option to Abandon Mission has been removed from the appropriate Neuron dialogue window.
    • (Praetorian) Dr. Hetzfeld - A door that players could fall through has been closed in the last mission.
  13. Can you believe it's been 7 years since City of Heroes first opened access to its live servers? 7 years with 2 expansions and 20 Issues full of exciting and innovative content that have contributed to making City of Heroes the best super-powered MMORPG on the market! It is no small feat indeed!

    In order to celebrate 7 super years, we have concocted a humble yet powerful plan of festivities and you are all invited so don't miss any of the fun!

    In-Game Meet and Greet with the Devs!

    It wouldn't be an Anniversary celebration without the opportunity for us to thank you, our players, in person so join us at the following times in Pocket D on Union for European players and the Training Rooms for our North American players for a celebratory Meet & Greet!

    Union - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. British Summer Time (18:00 - 21:00 Central European Summer Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*: once you've created a new character (for non-Union dwellers), head over to Atlas Park, under the Atlas statue, Mercy Island, next to Kalinda, and Nova Praetoria, next to Praetor Duncan, where representatives of the Community team will be able to teleport you all the way to Pocket D thanks to their mighty Community gathering powers!

    NA Training Room - 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time (7pm-10pm Eastern Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*

    *In some cases (and depending on availability), certain Developers may stay beyond their scheduled 'appearance' times.

    If you don't currently have a copy of your character on The Training Room, make sure to do it in advance so that you can pay the Devs a visit!

    Anniversary UStream Chat with the Community and Development teams!

    Come and join us on the Paragon Studios USTREAM channel between 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (9:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 2:00 a.m. BST / 3:00 CEST) and 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time (10:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 3:30 a.m. BST / 4:30 CEST) ! Chat in a live video environment with with the Paragon Studios Community team, Matt "Positron" Miller, Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz and Gilbert "El Topo" Martinez! You will be able to join hundreds of other players to ask your questions live via Ustream or via Twitter (@coh_ocr) and get a feel of how City of Heroes got to the top thanks to the team of dedicated and passionate people at Paragon Studios!

    In Game Events!

    Unfortunately, we are not able to run Anniversary In Game events on the Anniversary day. Instead, we are calling for all available troops, heroes and villains to mobilize for what may be a very challenging month of May on Primal Earth. So be sure to check out the official City of Heroes websites and forums in the next few days as scientists in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles discover and realize the imminent threat our universe will soon be facing!

    Threats aside, happy 7th Anniversary from us to our amazing City of Heroes community of players! We hope to see many of you on Thursday, April 28th!

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  14. Can you believe it's been 7 years since City of Heroes first opened access to its live servers? 7 years with 2 expansions and 20 Issues full of exciting and innovative content that have contributed to making City of Heroes the best super-powered MMORPG on the market! It is no small feat indeed!

    In order to celebrate 7 super years, we have concocted a humble yet powerful plan of festivities and you are all invited so don't miss any of the fun!

    In-Game Meet and Greet with the Devs!

    It wouldn't be an Anniversary celebration without the opportunity for us to thank you, our players, in person so join us at the following times in Pocket D on Union for European players and the Training Rooms for our North American players for a celebratory Meet & Greet!

    Union - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. British Summer Time (18:00 - 21:00 Central European Summer Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*: once you've created a new character (for non-Union dwellers), head over to Atlas Park, under the Atlas statue, Mercy Island, next to Kalinda, and Nova Praetoria, next to Praetor Duncan, where representatives of the Community team will be able to teleport you all the way to Pocket D thanks to their mighty Community gathering powers!

    NA Training Room - 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time (7pm-10pm Eastern Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*

    *In some cases (and depending on availability), certain Developers may stay beyond their scheduled 'appearance' times.

    If you don't currently have a copy of your character on The Training Room, make sure to do it in advance so that you can pay the Devs a visit!

    Anniversary UStream Chat with the Community and Development teams!

    Come and join us on the Paragon Studios USTREAM channel between 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (9:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 2:00 a.m. BST / 3:00 CEST) and 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time (10:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 3:30 a.m. BST / 4:30 CEST) ! Chat in a live video environment with with the Paragon Studios Community team, Matt "Positron" Miller, Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz and Gilbert "El Topo" Martinez! You will be able to join hundreds of other players to ask your questions live via Ustream or via Twitter (@coh_ocr) and get a feel of how City of Heroes got to the top thanks to the team of dedicated and passionate people at Paragon Studios!

    In Game Events!

    Unfortunately, we are not able to run Anniversary In Game events on the Anniversary day. Instead, we are calling for all available troops, heroes and villains to mobilize for what may be a very challenging month of May on Primal Earth. So be sure to check out the official City of Heroes websites and forums in the next few days as scientists in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles discover and realize the imminent threat our universe will soon be facing!

    Threats aside, happy 7th Anniversary from us to our amazing City of Heroes community of players! We hope to see many of you on Thursday, April 28th!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    So, do post videos of particular persons behaving in silly manners...
    I have 2 people in mind who are more likely to behave in such a fashion, you know who you are!

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    While I admit it doesn't sound like a very strong argument, Birmingham is much better than everyone seems to think it is; they've done a huge amount of renovation in the last 10 years and these days it can actually be a really nice place to live.
    I have fond memories of Birmingham and I have to say people were always eager to accommodate our needs whenever we organised anything there. That said, I do remember quite a few players mentioning that without a car, it isn't very convenient a location if you come from other parts of the country. It was a few years back though.

    I remember thinking that Peterborough would probably make a nice enough gathering town because of its geographical location as well as its accessibility by train from the South but also from Scotland. There are quite a few places appropriate for Payer Meets at a very reasonable walking distance from the train station, so you don't have to cross the dodgy areas. Things may have changed since I lived there though, anybody from Peterborough lurking on the forums?
  16. Please be aware that there will be a publish on all live servers on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 starting at 4:00 a.m. Pacific / 7:00 a.m. Eastern / 12:00 p.m. British Time / 13:00 Central European Time for a scheduled end at 8:00 a.m. Pacific / 11:00 a.m. Eastern / 4:00 p.m. British Time / 17:00 Central European Time.

    Patch notes will be available in the Patch Notes section of the City of Heroes website as soon as possible after this downtime.
    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
    Now corrected
  18. And courtesy of Second Measure, this is why the European Training room is currently unavailable. It is a very time intensive and thorough testing that is being carried out. We appreciate your patience with this matter very much indeed.

    Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
    Unfortunately, for the time being [the next Issue 20 build] is limited to the US Training Room, the European Training Room is currently down for testing related to the Global Server Access and we did not feel it was in the general interest to delay testing of the patch until the European Training Room was available. Hopefully an outward sign of progress on Global Server Access is a sufficient tradeoff.
  19. Ooh, I would most definitely try to fly over for a Nottingham Meet & Greet! I have amazing memories of my time in Nottingham and the surrounding area

    P.S.: Oops that comes across as me not being too fond of Birmingham, which is not true at all. They have great erm...stuff in Birmingham, don't they?

    • The command "/league" can now be used as an alias to send chat to the League channel.
    • Attempting to invite a 7th team to your league should no longer spam an error message 6 times.
    • There is now a sound played when receiving messages on the League chat channel.
    • Corrected a debug message appearing when Leagues are broken up under certain circumstances.

    • Bidding the same items separately causing a sold stack to lock with greater than 2 billion INF should is no longer possible.
      • Contact Customer Service if you still have any such stacks locked in your Auction House UI


    Animal Pack
    • Animal Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
    • On Cat Claw feet, the claws themselves no longer inherit a color tinting.
    • A tintable striped version of the Animal Cat tail has been added as "Animated - Cat Tail 2".

    • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.

    • Reward Merits, Vanguard Merits, Architect Tickets, Astral & Empyrean Merits, Incarnate Components and Discount Coupons can no longer be deleted.

    • Reward tables for endgame events have been adjusted based upon collected data.
      • Players will now find their chance of being awarded higher tier rewards has been slightly increased.
    • The following powers can now be used during Incarnate Trials and other instances where Temporary Powers were disabled
      • Event Costume Powers
      • Halloween Costume Powers
      • Travel-Only Temp Powers such as the Raptor Pack (these are still unavailable during Arena matches)
    • The Objective section of an Incarnate Trial should now display When the Zone Event UI is minimized

    Incarnate Trial - Lambda Sector
    • Removed checks on the number of players present in Lambda Sector's first two stages.
    • Players should no longer be able to get stuck on the door leading to the interior of Lambda Sector.
    • The mini-map location inside Lambda Sector where player markers first appear should no longer be missing room graphics.

    Incarnate Trial – Behavioral Adjustment Facility
    • Grounded a pair of floating bivouac buildings

    Incarnate Powers
    • Ion Judgement jumps are now properly set to ignore the effect of player buffs like the rest of the Judgement powers.
    • The ice shards in Judgement - Cryonic should now always aim in the same direction as the rest of the effect.
    • Pets should now apply the Reactive Interface DoT as expected.
    • All Lore support pets now provide positional defense as well as typed defense.
    • Mk. VI Essence attacks now appear in the Pets Combat Log.

    Incarnate Components
    • Conversions have been added to the Incarnate Creation interface which allow the following:
      • Freely downgrade Incarnate Components into a component of lesser rank of your choice. (Very Rare->Rare, Rare->Uncommon, Uncommon->Common)
      • Side-grade Incarnate Components into a component of equal rank of your choice. This conversion requires expending 2 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Common Components, 6 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Uncommon Components, 30 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Rare Components, and 150 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Very Rare Components.
    • The previous Breakdown conversions have been reorganized into the new Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare tabs in the crafting window to keep them together.


    • Today's Newspaper - Frostfire is now on trial for killing nearly an entire "detachment" of Longbow rather than a "dispatchment".
    • Recruitment Flyer - This mission should no longer complete prematurely.
    • A Strange Mystical Trinket - You now must defeat Raveshna and the other captors around Orsen Greenfield before you can talk to him.
    • A Strange Mystical Trinket - The epilogue window when you leave the mission now has appropriate text.
    • Wanted Poster with Your Face - Doppelgangers will no longer premature attack the Longbow holding them hostage on the Vigilante version of this mission.
    • Morality Mission \ With Honors - Doc Quantum will not converse with the player until he is rescued.

    • Players who are defeated when Bobcat is defeated will still receive the Kitty's Got Claws badge if the conditions have been met.
    • The 5th Column Gladiator badge is now also awarded to anyone who completes the Dr. Khan TF or Barracuda SF. This award will be retroactive

    • Fixed an issue where Malta gas swarm missiles were being created at inappropriate level ranges.
    • Midnight Squad Living Armor has made a return to the appropriate places in the game.
    • Rikti Pylons' Swarm Missiles now correctly check against AoE Defense, instead of Ranged Defense.

    User Interface
    • The option to hide buff numbers will now function at the league level.
    • An internal debug menu has been edited so that it should no longer have a chance to randomly appear on the User Interface.

    German Client
    • Corrected an error in the log message for receiving Incarnate XP.
    • Text should no longer get cut off from certain chat bubbles in the Behavioral Adjustment Facility, B.A.F., cut scenes.



    Admiral Sutter Task Force
    • When you talk to Admiral Sutter he will immediately give you his cell phone.
    • Col. Duray's Air Strike should no longer target players in the buried section of Destroyed Skyway City.
    • Significantly increased the radius of Jane Temblor and Fusion's signature powers as well as properly adjusted their special mechanics which make knockback/knockup protection inapplicable under certain conditions.
    • Harbinger's Bombs now have much reduced HP as originally intended.
    • The target area has been increased for Praetorian Drones

    Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
    • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

    Story Arcs
    • Roy Cooling - The longbow skiff is now replaced by a jump bot incinerator, which has an easier time navigating the environment than the skiff.
    • Roy Cooling - Mission 2: The mini map is now visible when exiting the office building.
    • Tina Macintyre - The Instant Army now gives out its proper souvenir clue.
    • Numina - Some text on The Unity Plague story arc has been restored to its original state.

    • Kheldians should no longer encounter Crey Nictus Hunters spawning at inappropriate levels.

    • Ice Mastery \ Ice Blast no longer incorrect states it accepts To-Hit Debuff and Accurate To-Hit Debuff sets.
    • Aid Other no longer uses the Nova animation when used twice from a combat stance.
    • Super Inspirations - Ultimate Super Inspiration now states in its description that its effects last for 180 seconds.
    • Blaze Mastery \ Char Scrapper crits now do the proper amount of damage in PVP.
    • Cold Mastery \ Frozen Armor now has correct toggle info text

    • The Energy Ring Toss power used by the Attendants of the Carnival of Shadows will now be checked against Ranged Defense rather than Melee Defense.


    • Arbiters will no longer refer to the old Lackey system in leveling up messages.


    Ice Mistral Strike Force
    • On mission "Destroy the Crystals", all enemies now spawn above-ground, can be defeated, and allowing successful completion of the strike force.

    Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
    • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

    Silver Mantis Strike Force
    • Enemies in the Sky Raider ship interior during the final mission will no longer vanish when attacked.

    Story Arcs
    • Diviner Maros - Legacy Chain which would randomly attack each other have settled their differences and stopped infighting.

    • Stalker Kinetic Melee \ Concentrated Strike now will automatically refresh Build Up as its critical effect when used from the Hidden state. In additional a Build Up message will be displayed over the player when this effect is triggered.
    • Mu Mastery \ Electric Shackles, Soul Mastery \ Soul Drain, Soul Storm, Levithan Mastery \ School of Sharks, Spirit Shark Jaws should no longer perform Scourge bonus damage when used by Defenders.
    • Dominator Ice Mastery \ Sleet is no longer affected by the no-phase timer.



    Story Arcs
    • Transmuter Mission 3 Task 2 - This map no longer has a black occlusion wall separating a hallway from a room.
    • IVY – Task 2 - The option to Abandon Mission has been removed from the appropriate Neuron dialogue window.
    • (Praetorian) Dr. Hetzfeld - A door that players could fall through has been closed in the last mission.
  21. The North American is now accessible and the character copy tool should be working once again.

    Thank you for your patience!
  22. The European Training Room is not accessible at the moment for various reasons pertaining to the realm of our engineers, but we will let you know as soon as it becomes once again available.

    We appreciate your understanding with this matter.
  23. Please be aware that there will be an extended maintenance for all live servers on Thursday, April 21, 2011 starting at 4:00 a.m. Pacific / 7:00 a.m. Eastern / 12:00 p.m. British Time / 13:00 Central European Time for a scheduled end at 7:00 a.m. Pacific / 10:00 a.m. Eastern / 3:00 p.m. British Time / 16:00 central European Time.

    There won't be any patchnotes available since this is a maintenance, not a publish.

    Thank you for your patience with this matter!