147 -
Well brother I see what your talking about. Here is the issue
Back in the day when I had my Atlas Heroes, we had people that were logged in daily, not that I made them, but they were all active good friends of mine.
Then they wanna bring alts in which I have no issues with, but now there is 0 room left for another! DOOOooooOOOOOM?
Well I offered a suggestion, drop your main and bring your alt until you level him, well the number one reason for them saying "HELL NO" is the fact that most of them have made 1mill or more in prestige, and refused to have that nice record cleared to play an alt.
I would tend to agree, because in a way it shows dedication that my members looked at in each other, I really did not even have to lead half the time, someone fell behind (On a small prestige quota for base upkeep) and someone else would team with them and help them earn.
But the issue remains, 75 or 150 slots for all active players that tend to play a few hours on a tank, then on a healer and then a blaster, half my day would be booting and recruiting lol
So if they cant (And in data anything.....ANYTHING is possible, just a matter of priority(which I totaly get) bind accounts leadership to one guild or greatly increase total allowed in a SG then they really should go to 150 accounts instead of members.
In World of Warcraft, my guild (SG) had over 500 members, rated number one most active raiding guilds on our server....hell many others at that!
And no, we did not pull that gay (mass inv and see who takes) like so many other pathedic guilds do, I talk with them, get a back ground and feel them out to ensure they will click well with the guild mates.
But again, limit caps hurt.
So I ended up making 7 more SGs, having some from the main SG lead them for me, gave them there own chapter of the guild.
We had alot of people who wanted in since we were hosting Hami raids and doing alot of public events, like helping peeps get badges, even randomly helping peeps to level up a little.
Something has gota give -
I think regular ma missions should have xp taken away and have the ticket rewards increased. This would still allow farming for IOs but not for xp.
Maybe add the ability to buy specific IOs like you can with merits or have a chance to get a purple recipe from the lvl 50 gold roll.
I think this would be enough reward to play MA.
The "Dev's choice" reward will add xp to your mission.
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I would have to say this is a horrible idea.
AE Was made for this very reason.
I have a guy on my server, and I [censored] you not has 9 accounts! LOL dont know why but he does!
AE was made on the idea of an alt way to level, I used to play this game about 3 years ago. I went to Italy and droped COH to play WOW! And being in one of the best guilds available baby!
But none the less, when I came back to create a new account, I was level 1! With AE in less then 1 our im near level 30!
For me this works because I have leveled multiple 50s in the older days, nothing much has changed that I would nto pick up super fast and now gives me the option to hit 50 so I can get to what I like the most, SG leadership and Base raids!
Plus gives me opt to farm bosses for prestige to better my base! So on so fourth.
All in all I think COH did a good job on Arch, and should they chnage the XP earned mechanics would screw themselves hard and very fast!
To COH for making AE
/Signed -
Well the last time I played this game I think the SG limit was 75, then apparently COH was talking about 75 accounts (which makes far too much sence to do?) then I hear now im back its 150, sorta a step in the right direction!
How about this, if a SG leader is creater of 2 simular name SG like ine (Atlas Heroes, Atlas Heroes Second Chapter, third and so on) and its my ALTs that control each of these as a SG Leader rank, I should be able to coal these together as one large SG, this way all would pool prestige into one base!
Maybe thats a little much for smaller guilds but at the same time, why sould peeps like me that want bigger and better suffer for those with a lack of ambition?
Well thats my idea, if ya cant do 150 accounts (I wish ya would) then atleast allow the SG leader to united multiple guilds he created on alts. -
Open all zones to both sides.
Create a new PvE structure that allows people to "fight" (as in oppose by means other than combat) the other faction.
Example, Longbow creates bases in all Villain zones and gives sabotage and liberation missions to heroes. Arachnos creates similar bases in Paragon and gives villains an opportunity to do what they do best.
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And the heroes would crush the villians by mass numbers. it would be a hero villian ratio of like 5:1
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I would have to agree, check it
New PVE Abilities N
New Badges for both Villians and Heroes alike!
New contacts that can be obtained for both sides!
Lower levels would be [censored] by 50s!
This would be the !ONLY PROBLEM!
Easy fix? Check out (And I know, BOOOO you played it) World of Warcrafts PVP System.
You can make each others zones PVP FLagged for combat, so if you a lvl 20 is questing and does not attack a 50 the 50 cant gank on him.
I mean in all honesty I think this would be sweet!
Maybe have PVP nights, where at random a zones power to prevent un-flagged PVPers will not have a choice, its an all out gank-fest! Enter at your own risk sorta deal, atleaset give a real style to the game for PVPers! -
Master of Statesman runs are resuming June 26.
Independence Port, 9:30 p.m. Eastern.
This will be a States Tf with ZERO defeats and ZERO temp powers used, so some caution will be required.
If you have any alts that wish the Master badge, let know and we'll try to get you in on one of the runs, with priority going to sign-ups on the forums:
June 26 sign-ups
@Shotty Mario - Lost Woodsman Stone/Axe Tanker
@Stray Kitten - Fire/EM Blaster
@Neuronia - Shrouded Kara Illusion/Emp COntroller
@Tfury/@T.Fury - Rad or Kin
@Dread Shinobi - Fire/Rad
@ResplendentMs - Cold or Rad Defender
@PurpleLynx - Amatiste MA/REgen Scrapper
Room for one..would like a Blaster please or a Scrapper or another X/Rad
See you Friday everyone.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ill go in a week or two, once I get 50 on my Emp/Rad! -
Okay, put my vote in!
IMO that would make you an awsome friend, toss up a link for everyone to go to, make sure you give whats needed to make the right vote!
So, wait, you posted here with PM's from Everstryke so you could make fun of him on a forum that he doesn't even post in?
Virtue is athaddaway, sir.
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All the old peeps would know who this was, and when I asked the reply is what I got, so not making fun just making sure as very few people talk about themselves in the 3rd person.
Plus im not talking trash about him, he aint that bad a guy, prob one of those guys that masterbates looking at himself in a mirror saying your the fairess/coolest/sexiest/hottest/most beautiful/best coh player/best coh guild/super best hair/super best character concept/super origanl/super bad [censored]/super awsome/most perfect/most likley to become president....... of them all ;{}
See funny! Just a joke :}
Part of the problem with peeps today, they cant take a joke for what it is ;(
Here is an example to ya brother, put your hand on the desk, now keep all your fingures tight together side by side....still with me? Okay! Now bend the pinkey under your palm, do the same with the thumb, now my message to you is read between the lines! HAHA (works better in person I swear it!)
And he does read the forums, how else would he know I was back to have PMd me anyways lol -
...your trying to prove your cooler by stating that you played WoW instead?
Maybe you SHOULD have let him take you under his wing.
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First Dinah, it was more or less a joke!
Second, no one is any cooler for Playing wow, coh or any other game....to me its all just fun and games ;}
All though I used to play Ghost Recon online, thats different....that really made me hella cool! -
[censored], I recall them talking about that before I left the game, they said they wanted to be able to do "By account" over the current 150! Well atleast its 150 vs 75 lol
Really sucked because I had peeps that would play 2-3 chars a day all in SG mode! -
Cool, ty for the info! When I get off work ill be sure to check that out.
Base Raiding is turned off for now!
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Left before it started, returns in a time where it not on.
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No [censored] LOL i feel like I did not miss much then! lol all though poster above ya said merits, no clue wtf that is, that was not around for me then. -
Ya I just thought after so long it would have become useless or outdated with new ones.
I have not had a chance to look over the new changes, im just trying to get higher in level asap cuz I hate not being 50 LOL
Plan is to get healer to 50 (once 15+ I will team with +4 level teams and heal up way faster) as I did the first time around.
Then grind up my Fire/Fire tank, I need him to farm with so I can make prestige for my guild!
Then get some base raiding going! Been wanted to mess with it. -
did not know about the eden trial, oh well old fashion way I guess!
Gonna take a while! But I cant wait to get back into base making!
Did they ever raise the cap to how many you can have in a SG?
That always seemed to be ane issue. -
I went to the auction place, I saw a few different sets and such, no I left before base raiding was possible!
Acutaly, I think I left about 1 week after because I left SG to join some other guild in there base raid attempt, I wanted to try it out since at that time, we had 0 pvpers LOL
I already made Atlas Heroes again! I really wish I could find out who the SG leader of my old Second Chapter was, but no one online when I log knows!
Chances are its someone retired or something ;{
But got to level 10 finaly! lol been a mad slow start!
Btw, do the monkeys in PI still give mad Prestige? -
...your trying to prove your cooler by stating that you played WoW instead?
Maybe you SHOULD have let him take you under his wing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey WoW is a good game, alot more depth to it, alot more stuff to be done, but I still like CoH -
Wait.....so he is no longer on Champion but chills in the forums? lol
I thought after that night.....we were.....!!BFF's!!
Do you remember?
Picture guys, if you will!
I am sitting on the globe in Atlas Park, alone and tired from a day of.....do nothing at all! Or doing no one at all, which ment I was a little depressed as well LOL
He strolls up to me, every glowing electric aura! looks down at me at says....
I replied....
He replied...
"I am awsome! Aint I?"
I replied....
He replied...
Your resistance to my awsome-ness is flawed, I will take you under my ever awsome wing and mold you into an image of myself! BUT! You wont be as I am now! Nor can you ever!
I replied...
WOW! I need to play another video game, then went to World of Warcraft LMAO -
Enjoy your return. My legacy preceeds me good sir. Godspeed.
I get a PM a day ago, saying welcome back, shortly after I replied "who is this?" because I dont reconize the name!
He replied back "Enjoy your return. My legacy preceeds me good sir. Godspeed. "
His PM name is Everstryke......is this Lord Stryker from Stryke force? lol -
Yea dude, its been a while!
Im looking forward to level 10 so I can rebuild my old SG!
Cant wait to get back into base building, I loved that aspect of the game.
I stopped playing 1 week after base raids came out, so I was never able to try out a raid ;{
Wanna do that soon lol -
He gave it to me ....!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ill be online tonight to collect it then ;{}
I gave him 20 Ribos (the old ones) as it seems there are new ones and the older ones are useless lol
and about 150mill, told him to hold in case I came back......now he quit......and im back.....!GAH! -
Well if someone DOES see Alpha R tell him im back and here to collect my 150mill lol
So Rikti are now invading us? lol sweet