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  1. Atomic_Manz

    Gratz ! to P.o.N

    [ QUOTE ]
    Grats to PoN, and here's hoping UHB decides to take back #1... because a little competition is fun for the rest of us!

    [/ QUOTE ]

  2. Yea dude....thanks lol above though someone already posted so I went to troller forums

    I only wanted to reply to Wars build, and yes, mainly boss farms LOL I love AE! until it no longer loves me ;(
  3. Atomic_Manz

    Gratz ! to P.o.N

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know, I never even look at the top lists.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    As long as I got teleporters and a hot looking base its all good in my hood......unless I know I am number one, then I would prob look every day because I spent to much time in a base that big

    Thanks again PoN for coaling with meh until I got my base in order ;}
  4. Ya know, when someone above pointed out that I should check the troller section, i did.

    I already saw your posts and had a few questions.

    1) Boxing, why? lol have to ask because most our powers are AOE and boxing just seems.....on the lower end of dmg? lol sry but I had it on Captain Blaze in the past and it never did all that much dmg so I left it blank over slotting.

    2) Fire Cages, I know Immob is the need, but this power does do some decent dmg as well, would it not be a good idea to have some +dmg in there to scrap the set bonus? Or atleast, is there any IOs with +dmg and immob?

    3) Flashfire, same thing as above, I myself have dmg in Flashfire, Fire Cages and Fireball (Will have Ragnaroks in a few years or so) because the do IMO leet dmg.

    4) Fulcrum, only 1 slot? but 5 into Boxing? I would have guessed IOs with +Rech/End Mods or something wrather then nothing at all.

    But what I am sure of, is the fact that I am missing the overall needs for these set bonues. I just look at 2/3 AOE dmg powers not being used as AOE dmg, but holds and immobs. I would thing an IO or two for Holds/Immob but Cinders be the true non-dmg power.

    Dont get me wrong, I am NOT knocking your build, just trying to understand it a little lol rather learn then be told.
  5. Yea I have seen them in WWs selling extremly high!

    But my luck with drops is a bad one, while I was in zones farming for hours, peeps on team were getting yellows and oranges, i was getting greys and whites ;{
  6. Yea I guess they would never change that lol, Kinda wish it was unlim respecs, after all you do save the plant over and over.
  7. Yea.....ide wrather talk to peeps from my server All the others suck compared to ! !CHAMPION! !

    But I guess I will give the trollers section a shot ;(
  8. I will put up for bet the complete Ragnarok IO set!

    Catch (It might be a few years before I get them

    See.....I still gotta get one.....even though ive yet to still see one purple drop of any type ;(

    I had more luck with CritKatts CC contest then it droping off randomly
  9. Yea thats true, did not think of that.

    Let me ask another question, you can still only run each of the three one time for the respec correct? Before you could run over and over, but only got one respec from it. Was just curious if that had changed or not.
  10. I wanted to know if anyone out there has a Fire/Kin thats considered max dps build.

    I have looked online through and found a few but did not seem all that right.

    If someone has a link please post so I can check it out, I wanna use tonights respec to try it out.

    All I want is the MAX dps from the build, so leave out powers that do nothing (I.E Smoke ect) and what power pool powers I should take as well.

    Now, if this slotting is made depending on IOs thats fine, ill eventualy buy them, been owning WWs so wont be long before I get the beast IOs.

    Thanks in advance for your help ;}
  11. It's not that I like it better or less, I actualy hate them all with a near equal passion. Having done them so many times in the past lol

    Which ever one of the three is fastest is the one I am willing to do.

    I should be on earlier then 8 but check for global @Captain Blaze because if no one else comes we can PUG it to get it started sooner.

    I just need it done to max dps in missions, because im doing alot less then I should for my level.

    So the sooner the way better.
  12. She is now level 50, but need to respec for dps and drop some un-needed powers.
  13. I need to run the first of the 3 respec missions, best time I can do is tonight at 8pm est!

    I will be taking my Fire/Kin Mrs. Cinders in for her first respec and a new badge!

    If you would like to come along please sign up!

    I would like either another Fire/Kin or another form of healing, I plan to help heal but I have focused most my IO slotting to my DMG over healing, so would like a back up, even if your XxX/Emp or Emp/XxX thats fine as well.
  14. Atomic_Manz

    Regarding Twixt

    On a lighter note, you have a sex-a avatar ;}

    He seems like an AwSoMe guy that knew how to make fun for himself out of other peoples expense! I say 3 cheers for someone that knows the truth about online gamming! (To ruin others expierence

    in all honesty though, I hate peeps like him, at your point instead of crying ide wish horrible things on him, rather it be (and would range from his or her's actions) a sore throat, kick in the balls, fell [censored] first on a broom stick, got into a car wreck, gave me his address, to see him on news "Mr so and so got hit from a semi truck on I275, then was thrown from his car, fell infront of another semi which hit him and tossed him into another truck carring small scropions in the back, where he was later found dead from multiple stings" or just plain old death, which usualy happens anyways so I dont feel bad to ask for it ;}

    Now, if your one of the few....or many that play so much it gives no time for a sex life......then its permited to cry, and ill cry with ya, as long as my girl friend gives me permission to do so ;]

    But for all we know you could be getting paid to continue the rants of someone that no one really cares about, just to have more peeps buy his pathedic book.

    in which case, I think option 4 of my wants for someone would better suffice ;}

    Because its not as warrented for option 6 lol
  15. Cant recall how to make links lol screw it.
    Name: Skitty Katt
    She is the dominator you requested ;}

    Skitty Katt, attacked as a child by an evil cat has blinded her for life, but as her mother was a powerfull mage with powers beyond anything known in Paragon or Rouge Isles have seen. She imprisoned the cat as her daughters eternal eyes, not knowing that when she bound the soul of this evil cat that she would assume the cats previous powers and its need for eveil doing in its last life. Together they wreak havoc all over Paragon city, stateman himself trys to hunt her, but with her natural beauty and the side kick cat puts all but women into a trance not allowing them to harm her. This makes her a true enemy of the city and so far, cannot be stopped. What she knows now, slowly, as the cats soul binds more and more with her, she is slowly dying. Now years later after her mothers un-timely death she seeks those who can separate the bounds placed by her mother before it is too late. Though she does wrong, she still has a good heart, and knows that once she dies the cat will have full control over her mind and body, creating the worst Villian this world has ever known.

    Aparently, the death of the Hamidon releases a un-seen residue, this is what will separate the binds that will eventualy kill her, will she hit 50 before its too late?

    LOL okay, im not a story writter when it comes to City of Heroes, but what ever.

    I think the costume looks cool but that’s just me, and I scrolled the bobbie bar to the left as you requested CK, and tried to keep your name….somewhere in it LOL

    2 pics!

    PIC 1

    PIC 2
  16. Seeing as you have 50mill to offer which is 50 mill more then the 17 mill I have and a Purp LOL ima make yo [censored] a costume!

    How would I go about sending the pic of the char though?

    Dont recall ever having listed pics on this site.

    Also! What are your fav colors, this will help determine best looking costume to you.

    So give me your top 4 colors and Ill work on it
  17. Atlas Heroes is looking for new members.

    This is the same person (Captain Blaze/Atlas) that ran Atlas Heroes nearly 3 years ago.

    I have decided to come back to COH now that I am back in the US!

    Members from the past need only PM me for invite back in.

    People who were not in, we keep it simple, from level 1-50 and we want active people, this helps the SG grow in base and do more public functions.

    We are a PVE/PVP SG and plan to do all aspects of the game together, including the public for badges and TFs and Hamidon raids (like in the past)

    If you would like to talk about joining please feel free to PM me @Atomic_Manz, I will usualy be on Captain Blaze or Mrs. Cinders after 6:30pm est.


    Habachi's Tanker/Grill

    These guys can also invite and give you what ever info needed.

    We also have a SG uniform which eventualy will be enforced every member will have to have.

    SG base is still small....though growing very fast.

    So soon we will have our own portals to get around in.

    Thanks for reading! Have a good day!

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now you're mooning us?

    At least now we know you have a flat butt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See now I cant LOL because of what The_Bronx said!
  19. [censored] [censored] lol [censored] [censored] [censored] lmao [censored] lol [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] is what im talking about! So [censored] [censored] lol [censored] lmao [censored] [censored] [censored] ROFL [censored] [censored] [censored]! So HA!

    And DF I kinda see what your saying, okay the middle finger thing looked funny to me and I thought others would take it as a joke after the Kaboom thing, but all I really added to your threat was my thought, it was not like I directed to anyone or said anything other then the truth, its farming, who cares, if you dont then dont, if someone you know does let them be. We all farm on some level rather we see it or not.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Raises hand with middle finger in air! faint sounds of a voice saying "who really gives a shiz!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the fact that you flipped off everyone may have something to do with people not thinking your post was constructive.

    Just a guess.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh...well that LOL that was supposed to be a joke lol my bad if it did not look like that, forgot to put an LOL somewhere but I was accused in the past of LOLing far to
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    lol funny, YOU FARMER! IMA PM POSI!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Atomic, we were doing well till you decided to grief the thread. I suppose this will be your MO coming back?

    If so please take a moment to realize the thread is about discussing things, not making accusations.

    Please take your sheep elsewhere.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Look dammit, I answerd your question on a forum, someone else wanted to talk [censored], talk to them not me!

    I started off with my OP to your question, wth is everyones prob?
  22. lol funny, YOU FARMER! IMA PM POSI!
  23. My feelings on farming...

    Okay, lets say for the most part I have a 50 Fire/Fire Tanker (Which I did a few years back).

    Let's say that I want to begin making prestige for my SG base to grow! do I do that?

    Okay, now some would say do missions......okay if I do mish after mish after boring Malta mana sucking mission in PI what is that? Its farming no? I am now ONLY doing missions for Prestige thats a farm!

    Now who is to say that using AE in the same way is any different? Except now there is 0 chance to run out of missions and be able to do it better and faster and still have a chance for some new story lines.

    Okay, lets say someone is doing it for PLing. Lets say my same 50 Tank wants to make a second account and PL it, for what ever reason.

    Is that not our rights? If COH did not want us to use it that way, if COH really did not want this to would not be. But since it is we select few will take advantage of it.

    Who here on double XP weekend will be using AE for alts? Your now a farmer!

    After calling you a farmer............SO THE HELL WHAT!

    You pay for how you play and no one else, for anyone to down someone else for playing the way they want since they are paying a monthly fee should consider [censored]!

    Sick of people saying they are so much better for not farming!

    Lets see, you farm select bosses for a badge
    You farm TFs for merits
    You farm AE for Xp
    You farm AE for Tickets

    Me head......hurts.........KA-[censored]-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

    "Raises hand with middle finger in air! faint sounds of a voice saying "who really gives a [censored]!"
  24. Okay, these drop ships come down from time to time in random zones (going rigth through war walls which should be impossible) and only dropping bombs.....first time I saw it, well it looked kinda cool....second time....not su much.

    I was thinking though, what if they were scaled in HP which would be possible for it to be taken down by heroes, once the ship lands from massive damages we would be able to enter, hack into there PC and download cords to there homeworld, or a planet that they may have already destroyed!

    We could then take those cords to portal corp and it would start a new TF, TF would take us to the main location where these ships and soldiers are being created and trainned, we would go to destroy these plants to halt any further invasions.

    Well not the best written idea here but one none the less.

    Also, this could lead to more Xpacks!

    What if Rikti have taken a planet over, but there are still survivors there and are planning a resistance attack, portal corp could have new rooms added to create portals going into these worlds, that we would ultimatly be able to save another planet, this would and could add tons more content and greatly broden CoHs game play.

    We save a planet, next cords....we go and try to save them, then another, but evental lack of presence in the previous planets would once again be invaded on smaller scales and we once again could be called in for action.