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  1. Just curious but is the supp draft this week or next week?
  2. I miss using BFs, and actually managing ur insp other then like nowa days bringing full tray of greens, I miss using a veng'd inferno and killing a whole AM gather, I also miss actually having all ur toggles drop really i do. But personally even with DR in this i13+ pvp in this game i still think that this game has better pvp then WoW or AoC or Champions Online.
  3. Later Bud, hope u come bak soon, u were a really fun/good player and it was a blast pvping with u during the CPvPL!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    Not Serious:

    @Teh Artic

    @SmokeSignal, @SmokeSignal2

    @-mini, @mini-

    @Infamous Evil, InfamousEvil
    @Pimprock, @Be a Man
    @TRterror, @TRTwo
    @Ele, @Ele 2
    @-Enigma, @Enigma M0F0, @Orsus
    Removing @Troken && @skullz due to inactivity for 2+ weeks
  5. Not Serious vs Brasil Fancy Girls Match Results:

    Rnd1 11-4 NS Wins ( Eden )

    Rnd2 22-1 BFG Wins ( Steel Canyon )

    Rnd3 13-2 BFG Wins ( Atlas Park )

    GGs BFG
  6. * Sigh * Its my grandmothers 90 b-day on that friday nite so i wont be able to show up now totally forgot , But this has always been fun so gl/hf with all the bidding madness, & I wanted Dollar & Shin too . Maybe next year!
  7. I actually am looking forward too it i wanna be a wolf! yea! ow rite!
  8. Yay! now i can finally use my SOed out spines/nin stalker that i have over there alright ill be thar! maybeh!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Oh I thought I mentioned it to you... I'm leaving. (edit: I don't want to hijack this thread though or anything, please carry on >.>)
    WTF?! NO Shin!

    well later shin was fun getting to know u and playing with u hope u come bak to the game!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexington View Post
    Listen, the entire thing is this; you not liking Caves isn't a good enough reason not to play it. I don't like Atlas. Can we blacklist that, too?

    Caves is a large map, large enough for 8v8s. It's awkward and can be hectic, but it works that way for both teams. There's no bug-reason, size-reason, or any reason I've heard to ban it. The only thing that exists is a precedent from the last FPvPL where it wasn't playable, like Office and Cage, and some people who ***** about it because they're not used to playing it. It just doesn't meet conditions requiring a ban.
    All honesty, this (^) does make sense, but whether or not we choose to get rid of it, i guess the only way to start liking is to start practice on it :/
  11. First off lol, second how did caves get voted in? I know i wasnt able to show up for that meeting and dat the person i sent in my place voted for it, but then how come when we zoned into the caves map at the beginning of that 5th match i asked is it a reset and dumb said no, and a few of their players gave suggestions saying it should be, and then later on after the matches, dex seemed to have second thoughts on caves as well. So what im asking is how/who all voted for it to be playable? And jus like Dex said earlier we should have a re-vote on it and c if we want to restrict it. I mean yea maybe some teams will try and setup a team jus for caves but then again couldnt that same lineup work for lab and cargo if not better?
  12. Not Serious vs dUmb Score Results:

    Rnd1: 7-7 Tied ( Steel Canyon )
    8-4 dUmb win ( Skyway )

    Rnd2: 13-6 dUmb win ( Atlas )

    Rnd3: 12-12 Tied ( Atlas )
    21-5 dUmb win ( el oh el caves )

    GG dUmb! was fun
  13. Artic_Chill_44

    Lords of War!!

    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
    Your always welcome to come, 930 pm EST in Galaxy next to babs. Just look for the giant mobs, mostly MMs. Coming soon Broad swords, mace , and Hammers!
    Yo steel, the secondarys dont matter rite?
  14. Hmm sounds like fun, I havent been to one of these in like 3 years. Good thing i still have 18bil in solid inf, havent done much farming or market stuff since I19 began

    oh well, that should be enough for this.

    Also for the red names, would asking for a few gold titles be okay or is that going to have to be agreeable too? cuz i demand it! =p
  15. Artic_Chill_44

    Ice/Ice Brutes?

    Damn! I started this thread like 1 year and a half ago and it still active yay me!
  16. So we get 1 of these ppl in the event, can we make them do anything ? I.E.

    PL us,
    Run TFs for us,
    Anything that maks us lazy basically
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Well now there are too many in the draft and more than enough for another team. Can't someone lead a new team and combine the 2 that have fallen apart? That makes more sense than putting them back in a draft pool that already had a bit of people in it.
    I like this idea, lets try this ?
  18. Tuesday will work for me anything after 9est.
  19. 1) Striga : Becuz I loved the landscape and content in it when i actually use to play toons to lvl 50.

    2) Croatoa: Same reasons as above, plus i love the Loch Ness Lake Feel.

    3) Shadow Shard: I love the Dr.Q TF and the other 3 shard TFs ( no lie ).
  20. If every1 on the team could sign up @ the GP that would be cool &TabID=3304297
  21. NS is trading @SMASHEM to FBG for @-Enigma
  22. Signing up for a friend.

    What are your in-game Globals?: @-Enigma, @Enigma M0F0, @Orsus
    What are your PvP characters?: Rad/PainDom Corr, Grav/TA Troller
    Which of these characters are on Freedom?: ^^ thoses r
    Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: yes
    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: no
    Do you have a mic and ventrillo?: no mic but can listen in vent.
    What is your general day/time availability?: open
    Briefly describe your PvP experience: prei13 zone/arena pvp, alot of KBs, alot of PvPEC stuff, CPvPL
    List a few character names of PvP toons you play: Enigma, Enigmas Gremiln.
  23. Not Serious:

    @Teh Artic

    @SmokeSignal, @SmokeSignal2

    @-mini, @mini-
    @Starr Struck

    @Pimprock, @Be a Man
    @TRterror, @TRTwo
    @Ele, @Ele 2
    @-Enigma, @Enigma M0F0, @Orsus
    @Mercury Down, @Mercury Down2