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Just make sure u slpit up ur group at the very least 3 ppl to each door, and 1 person a few feet before each escape point. and ull be fine, unless of course ur on a PuG with alot of retards. Then all u can do is pray.
Quote:PvP will never go bak to the way it use to be, if it was they would have done something in these past 3 n a half years since pre i13, Ur rite in saying that many/some of the ppl that were in the latest league on freedom have let their account exipres, r going to let their acounts expire or taking a break from the game, but this happens alot, some leave and come bak , some leave and dont come bak, its jus the way things are. For the most part this game can get really boring really easily, which is why its a good idea to take a break if ur bored of it, and there is a possiblity of another freedom league or pvp league on some other server ( 8v8 arena ) but that probably wont be til begining of summer or the begining of October of this year thats the way I think things will play out. But if ur looking for some temporary 8v8 arena pvp in the mean time to keep u busy, I know that the Victory boot camp has started up their second season, and also the Champion boot camp has started up and that one u can still join, jus a thought if any1 is interested. PM me for a link or go to the champion server boards and look for the thread.Well Im kinda new on this game comparing with the rest pvpers that kept saying that the past 2 years. I only enjoyed i12 for 6 months and since then, even though I didn't know much I still want that fu**ing pvp system.
And it's not about me quitting. Now that the last league ended there is no will anymore from anyone to continue pvping at all. Not even lol 1v1s. The people who were the reason that pvp was still alive, those who if it werent for them I'd propably quit too , are now gone .(my english are bad btw) Correct me here , because of them pvp wasnt totally dead. So yeah if nothing changes at the end of the year I won't propably be around too. You guys did the start already. You know better tbh but I just give them some time till the end of the year to show me that they care for the ones that are paying them !!!
You propably gonna say dont except anything and you will be propably right once again I just WANT to believe that after these years they are gonna say something straight to us since they finally admitted that they fu**ed up in pvp -
GG all, I personally thought this League was fun, maybe there will be another freedom league down the road but I honestly dont see that to happen for sometime.
Speaking of GL/HF Cherry, when is CAPE moving forward with starting this event again?
Quote:At the first meeting on this Event last week, before they even starting talking about the event and its rules and what not, They preposed a rule to blacklist certain players, ( u were among said names ) and the proposal passed with a 110% of yes from every1 at the meeting, dats " wtf " Im talking about. But I think ur more then welcome to attend and play in the official CAPE League down the road! Thanks for the GL/HF though!Wtf you talking about Artic? All I said was I won't be joining this league. Not to start drama or anything. Drama or not thee always going to be. This is Champion when haven't there been drama. I guess the goodluck on my post wasn't enough. I don't need explanations from any u guys or that this keague going be better or not. Well GL and Hf! Hope to see some u guys in the arena. I hmiss the action
Quote:Hope u reconsider this Keeper, u would actually have fun in this Event, then the last PvP League u were in, and yea I mean looking at ur toon list whoever gets u on their team, thoses 2 mentors would tell u that the only viable toons u have that would do decent or more in team arena pvp would be ur Fort , ur Emp and ur Stalker, and I mean I guess ur KM/Elec tanker as a taunt bot but u can teach urself how to perma taunt some1. But again I hope u reconsider to roll a new toon for whatever u want to play most and whatever ur team needs mostly.Hello all
I am someone who wants to join this pvp league to have fun, but want to avoid deleting my characters to appease the team cause unfortunately I made my characters because I either want to try them out for myself or truly like them . I am open to changing builds on my AT's but not changing AT overall. If this will be a problem then I choose not to participate.
list of my characters.
Ice/Ice dom lvl 50 IO'd
BS/SR Stalker lvl 50 IO'd
energy/rad corupter lvl 50 IO'd
KM/Elect tank lvl 50 IO'd
Ice/Ice cor lvl 50 IO'd
SS/WP brute lvl 50 not finished
Demons/therm MM lvl 50 IO'd
energy/emp troller lvl 50 not finished
SS/Inv brute lvl 50 IO'd
widow lvl 40 not finished
Psi Ice blaster lvl 20 unfinished
energy/therm corupter lvl 50 IO'd
These are the only ones that I can come up with from the top of my head anyway would love to have some fun in this new PvP league. Let me know if I signed up correctly on website.
Global is @Artic Keeper
l -
Some1 correct me if im wrong but I think that ur not allowed in this CAPE event Elf, so I mean ur crying about nothing foo, dont trip though this is jus a " boot camp ", nothing serious bring ur best toons kind of thing anyways. Jus a learning experience for new players. The real CAPE League starts probably in the next 3 months or less? And that one I would figure u can attend and play in, think about it this way, By the time the real CAPE League starts up, the " other league " as u put it would have maybe started and finsihed by then so there would be no reason for u not to attend and play in the real CAPE League down the road.
Quote:Oh my im on ur roster?@MrLiberty (Captain) @shard of knight @WELLDONE @Arctic Shu @ice assailant @Psoma
@Trezen (Co Captain)
@Fiery Enforcer
@Pixel Empire, @Pixel Nation, @Exit, @Hinden, @Teh Artic, @Smallzies, @Masque, @Slax,
@S I R
@War Admiral @War Admiral Too
@real something, @real something.
@tempty Divvy', Tempy, Fairy Heal, Miss Foley 2, miss foley, Miss Foley3, Medic of Death, Feugan, InfamousEvil, Infamous Evil
@spain @spain,
@prophet8 @prophstoons @firi @firi2 @firi3 -
Quote:Dropping @Exit, adding @Starr StruckNot Serious:
@Teh Artic
@SmokeSignal, @SmokeSignal2
@-mini, @mini-
@Pimprock, @Be a Man
@TRterror, @TRTwo
@Ele, @Ele 2
@-Enigma, @Enigma M0F0, @Orsus
@Mercury Down, @Mercury Down2
IF L&Ts r really disbanded! -
GG AJs was some fun Officials last nite!
Thats sum messed up stuff hitting Japan all at once, First a Earthquake, then a Nuclear Meltdown?!
Average Joes vs Not Serious Match Result:
Rnd1 10-3 AJ won ( Atlas )
Rnd2 14-9 NS won ( Steel )
Rnd3 7-7 Tie ( Steel )
Rnd4 10-7 NS won ( Crey Lab )
GG AJs was fun. -
Ty for hosting this MAH, even though I was only able to be @ 1 match due to my cousin having her baby rite after the first match lol, that 1 match was fun, and I hope u decide to keep doing the KBs even on wednesday or another day so we dont have to wait until saturday for some pvp fun on champion, glad to c the champion spirit is still alive.
Due to some RL stuff on both sides, Not Serious & Averages Joes match is being postponed for another day. Approved by both team captains, Ra's contact will be here later to approve it again on the fourms.
Speaking on my own opinion of the Current CoX PvP,
I would say that TS is extremely bad, HD is extremely bad, DR is extremely bad, Only reason we leave it on during Arena matches for KBs / 1v1-8v8s is becuz the resist gobal actually make certain ATs all most impossible to kill, if u have a healer with them. Try this take 3 Blasters and put them in a 3v1 all @ the same time vs 1 Corr/Defender with a Self heal and c if u could kill them or c how long it takes u to kill them. Speaking of the resist gobal stuff, i honestly say that for the most part I personally dont like it though i can kind of c why the devs before U put it in. Also I miss the old mez system personally, U use to actually have to bring BFs instead of like today, But I can understand leaving some of the New Mez System stuff alone jus becuz Yes not having ur self-toggles drop can be helpful. Unlike the old system tho were u would actually have to manage ur insp instead of bringing full tray of greens. Speaking of insp managment, i13 took away the different insp u could actually use to make a difference, think of about it who Red Rushes anymore? Keeping a breakfree or two on u @ all times u dont get mez'd? only greens/blues being used mostly now a days, unless u 1v1 and sometimes u can use yellows to actually do something vs ppl that do alot of -tohit. BreakFrees / Purples / Organes completely useless most times. Also It dumbed down the different types of ATs u could actually bring to do something, other then jus bringing 2 healers / 6 blasters or 2 healers / 1 rad 5 blasters. What happened to the Variety?!
Things I like about the Current CoX PvP System:
1. The 30 second or less buff timer @ the start of the match.
2. Picking ur own map that u or any1 esle wants.
3. Selecting the type of Insp u can bring/use.
4. The lil phase timer on u when u respawn.
5. PvP IOs. -
Adding @Mercury Down, @Mercury Down2 & @Necromancer2133