I know you explained this to me once before, but I think I was in the middle of something else.
Kickball? I'm in whatever it is, but yeahuhwhat?
Guess it's time to slot up the blaster again.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Enjoy!!! Saturday night is real life fun for me...
I'll be there for any Saturday nights I'm not working
Thanks for setting this up Mah! I will definitely be there.
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
Looking forward to tonight!
Aye, blaster's fixed. I'll be there.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Thanks for the KB Mah!!! It was good to get in there and pew pew again!
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
i may have used some colorful expletives during those last 2 or so mins just me and you.. MAN i was laughing..
i was like.. cmon you beepbeep punk... no way youre gonna take me down you beep beepper beep beep..
omg that twerp! thats it hes beepbeepin mine..
so awesome trev <3
ya. i totally didnt ignore my team captin callin targets there . All i heard was tfury in 3 2 1
Good times, I missed it.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Ty for hosting this MAH, even though I was only able to be @ 1 match due to my cousin having her baby rite after the first match lol, that 1 match was fun, and I hope u decide to keep doing the KBs even on wednesday or another day so we dont have to wait until saturday for some pvp fun on champion, glad to c the champion spirit is still alive.
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
I had fun thank you MAH
Ty for hosting this MAH, even though I was only able to be @ 1 match due to my cousin having her baby rite after the first match lol, that 1 match was fun, and I hope u decide to keep doing the KBs even on wednesday or another day so we dont have to wait until saturday for some pvp fun on champion, glad to c the champion spirit is still alive.

Thanks again MAH for setting this up ... last night was fun, especially the free-for-alls
What's the deal on Wednesday night kickball? I remember you saying something about it, but can't find anything officially posted anywhere regarding time.
@Llewthor, @Llewthor2
ok, dis post should b front n center
sat nite & wed nite!
Alright Champion, I'll be starting up regular Kickball on Saturday nights following Hamidon raids!! Before I left the game we had fun crackin' skulls, but now we are going to add in a little bonus
Each Saturday in the month of March I will host 5 matches, at the end of each I will screen-shot the "score board" and award 1 Merit to all participants and 2 Merits to the winning team's members. On the evening after our last Saturday in March I'll be randomly choosing a winner.
NOTE: each Merit adds your name to the lottery once more, thus the more merits you earn, the higher chance you have of winning!!
1st Prize- Gladiators Javelin: Chance for Toxic Damage
2nd Prize- Apocalypse: Chance for Negative Energy Damage
3rd Prize- Miracle: +Recovery & Numina's Convalescence +Regeneration/Recovery
I hope to see you all in Pocket D on Saturday nights!!
PS: if you go to the CAPE Guild portal website and sign up as a member once we get started I'll be posting stats there. (basically the spreadsheet of name & number of merits)