414 -
Sinful if anything ill be there if im not doing anything for the holiday but if i cant make it i wil still be able to text u =P
Shin , its sinful that what he does lol
Dr.Q r really fun , i have done that TF 17 times . Um realy the only thing i could tell u is keep the talking up so u dont get bored or get everyone on vent/teamspeak .
my fav for pve that is , is my first ever blaster a ice/ice/cold blaster very fun with chilling embrace and shiver .
There a button that pop up accept or decline... or a opinion which they can decline all sg invite. Thank you come again. Btw the methods is working since we were able to surpass L.E.S in ranking!
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He has u thar , no lie lol -
yay im bak my comp isnt broken anymore!
and boo on u for having pvp when im not online !!! -
Well if we r being nicey nicey atm can anyone post me the linky 2 mids hero builder i lost it and need 2 redownload it pls and ty !
Yes i am and i alrdy bak in action wrecking folks!!! becuz im teh artic !!!1!!!!!
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ohai Elf's other buttbuddy.
Enjoying your lolpvp?
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Why yes i am stranger and since u r his buttbuddy im say hello im artic chill 44 who r u ? and r u enjoying this lolpvp? -
was thinking of making a nrg/nrgy blaster for pvp for fun when im bored and saw n ur sig u have 1 Xionian , how u like it , u use it for pvp any ?
like my 3rd second place again lol [censored] PBs man
Ya was alot of fun all i can say 2 is lol PBs r good nao ?!
im in the middle of moving so i may show up i may not be able 2 due to timewarner cable bring gay.
Shin r u and X bakup and running or r u guys still banned ?
no no no hinden was always on the team but 4shes cant make it so its me ( @Artic Chill- 44 ) and then Hindy ( @Hinden ) and Engima ( @Marine08 or @Orsus ) dont know what account he will be using but its 1 person so .
call us team exile -
@Artic chill- 44 , @Hinden and @MarineFR80 or @Orsus ( last 2 gobals is the same guy but idk what toon is wants 2 use ).
no im not [censored] elf , im totally different person but elf is a homie .
well elf @ first i was going to make fun of u and ur wack SG but then i felt bad for u from reading all of theses replys 2 ur post and now im going to tell u something u probably wouldnt ever hear from me say 2 u " gj ".
and gratz on #1 some how u out leasted the other VGs . GJ