1072 -
Quote:In order to partition a drive you will still erase everything though. The easiest thing would be to find or borrow a USB hard drive, take everything off, format and partition if you need to then put the specific info/programs you want back on.You can set up a machine with multiple drives, that's not an issue. But I'm pretty sure you won't be able to set up partitions and keep the information that's there.Quote:Not true. Partition Magic can do this easily if you have free space on the drive that is more than the partition size that you wish to make.
With Partition Magic (or another good partition tool - I use System Rescue CD), you will be able to resize the disk's existing partition to about 100-125Gb (your call), and create a new partition with the rest of the disk's free space.
But first you need to find out how you disk is partitionned. You can use Partition Magic (or System Rescue CD) to look at all the partitions on your drives, even the hidden ones that Vista won't show you.
Also, even if you don't wipe your disk clean and keep your Vista stuff, you will need to reinstall all your programs under XP. The upside is that if you need to copy over configuration files or data (pictures, music, etc.), it's still there and available under XP.
I never tried a dual boot with 2 Windows OSes... well, I did but years ago with Win95 and Win98: I had about 7 different OSes on my test machine, and was using a DOS utility called Boot Commander (sp?) to switch between them.
I don't think it would work the same with XP and Vista, but I'm sure you can google the procedure. -
I'm willing to donate a full bag of Milk Chocolate Covered Oreos for the new Clueless Couch...
On that subject, someone left me a rep comment and obviously got his signals crossed:
Green dot and "Death to Protector!" ???
Nope, Zek, it's just Taalan saying that the Confused Couch needs cleaning...
* takes out the vacuum, the Febreeze, the cross and the garlic buds - just in case... *
As long as renaming costume parts does not break existing costumes, sure.
Now, go take a shower, those sewers are FILTHY ! -
Sorry to hear this, Be..
You'll always be welcome here ! -
Humm... 45 views and only one reply. Maybe I laid on the "I'm So Great" schtick a bit thick.
OK, let's start over.
I was thinking about the story I wrote for C-Spot Ron (about a halpless interdimensional would-be hero) and I thought that Kevin Maguire - based on his work on "Justice League", "StrikeBack!" and "Formerly Known As The Justice League" - would do a great job drawing it.
What comic artist (or any other artist) would you see drawing your characters in a comic book ?
[Posted in Protector and not in Forum Games because I have seen a lot of incredibly talented fiction writers on this server. Me, I'm just a hack...] -
You probably mean Jack Kirby, who worked with Lee on Captain America, Fantastic Four and Thor amongst other. He passed away in 1994
Good choice, SK: "The King" was one of the all-time greats !
Quote:(And for those who never wrote fan fic, just tell us who's your favorite draughtsman and we'll overlook it this time... )
.... what? -
Well, Archivist (the English spelling) is my global name, and Archiviste (the French spelling) is my forum name (yes, I am french-speaking, why do you ask ?). And I have used this name (or variant thereof) on several forum boards.
And for what reason ? Well... that's part of what I studied in college and university (Archives and Record Management) and YES I am a compulsive pack-rat, always gathering and hoarding scraps and bits of info...
Pretty lame, isn't it... -
Tsoo Sorcerors are a PITA with their teleport
and I used to dread having to face Tsoo Yellow Ink Men (frigging Mesmerize)
Rogue Vanguard, by a mile... -
Last night, I took out of of my numerous alts, C-Spot Ron, for a spin and it got thinking about the bit of fan fiction I wrote about him (it can be found here, if you insist...). To be be precise, I asked myself, "Self, if you could put this little gem of writing into an actual comic book, who do you see as the ideal penciler?".
The answer: Kevin Maguire.
So, just for a lark, who do you see penciling your own fan fiction ?
(And for those who never wrote fan fic, just tell us who's your favorite draughtsman and we'll overlook it this time...)
i dont really wanna do this... but due to SEVER tech difficulties on my new computer i am going to have to cancel SFS untill further notice... unless someone else wants to pick up the mantle
Note: tech difficulties is the CoV launcher getting hung on 'checking updater' and not doing shiz... and no.. i dont wanna use my cruddy laptop anymore.... it annoys the crud outa me >: (Quote:i dont really wanna do this... but due to SEVER tech difficulties on my new computer i am going to have to cancel SFS untill further notice... unless someone else wants to pick up the mantle
Quote:Note: tech difficulties is the CoV launcher getting hung on 'checking updater' and not doing shiz... and no.. i dont wanna use my cruddy laptop anymore.... it annoys the crud outa me >: ( -
Since Tuesday is take, I'll take Monday September 14th...
I was vacationing in northern Quebec to see some relatives, and I remember waking up and turning on the TV to check on the day's weather... just a few minutes after the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center. I just stood there, in the darkened room, while listening to the newscasters trying to make sense of what had just happened.
Then the second plane hit the other tower.
For the rest of the week, every places I went to, it was the first (and sometimes only) topic of conversation with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Even the girl at the gas station I stopped to when driving back (somewhere between Ville-Marie and Petawawa) mentionned she knew someone in NYC and was praying he was safe. -
Quote:Corrected your URL...If you have a freespec still best use it this weekend.
I tend to do respec at specific levels (ex. at 22 to sell my DOs at full value and start slotting level 25 SOs), and unless I play this weekend and one of my alts attain a "magic number", I'm gonna lose it anyway, so... meh.
But thanks for the heads up anyway, WK 8)
EDIT: AAAAARGH - Beaten to the punch by StarGeek -
Well done sir, je ne savais pas que vous parliez français...
Hello J,
1) You might want to post this on the official Protector SG Thread:
2) Sorry: I'm in a SG of 2 and quite happy with it...