Strikefoce Sundays!
Count me in!
"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"
I'm down, yo. Got a Claws/WP stuck at 19 that could use it.
Grandville: Thus Spoke the Reichman, needs 4, lvl 45-50, worth 20 Merits
Incorrect, it is worth 35 merits

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
I'll bring my brute, Wraith-Blade. Just be aware that fire/dark can't tank for beans.
Also, I won't have Death Shroud in my build until I get way more endurance (merits).

I'm sure that I have a toon or two that could help out. Put me on reserve, I don't want to take a spot from someone that needs it.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Wish I could join...usually with gf on Sundays....

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Froms the looks Vega you may need to be avial... unless i can get some of my friends or others
Let me see if I can get my dom to 15 by tomorrow night. If I can, then count me in, if I can't...well...good luck, you guys.
I has a ss/sheild/mu that could help you....
Damn, I forgot about this event.
This Sunday is going to be busy, what with the Hero Hami Raid and all.
I'll try and be there for the Strike Force at 8, but the raid starts at 5 and I have no idea how long it will last.

Im not sure about the Hami 2.0... but the Hami 1.0 used to take about 2ish hours *only ran twice* so i THINK there might be time, but we could run it at 9pm est since the cap SF isnt very long if i remember correctly it can be run in about 40 mins with an 'ideal' team... the times ive ran it lasted about 1-2 hours that AV fight is very annoying, he keeps running away
The last hero raid was about 90 minutes start to finish. I plan on being at the raid myself. There should be time for both.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Yay, I made it to level 15! Count me in!
This will be happening in an hour, just for the heads up
In Cap now.

The Cap SF was compleated in 1:15, with a team consisting of DJKyo, Trickshooter, Demon Shell, Big Yeti and myself... the AVs were easy as pie.... but multiple deaths throughout the SF
Sunday *23rd* we will be running the
SG Base: The Pirates in the Sky, needs 4, lvl 20-25, worth 38 Merits
1) Me, Unforeseen., Ma/Ninjitsu Stalker
2) DJKyo, .....*, Plant/Psi Dom
3) BigYeti, Little Yeti*?*, SS/Invuln Brute
*cant remember the name
Maybes: Demon_Shell
Hope to see pplz there :P
I'll probably be there on Wraith-Blade, Fire/Dark Brute.

Count me in with Little Yeti
"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"
"Multiple deaths" mostly means me in again. Same toon, she's the only villain I have. >.>
lol Kyo! I was sure he meant me
"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"
After running in a TF tuesday, it was going alota attention/intrest, and in that thread it was asked if Kyo would run Strikeforces but she stated *iirc* that she didnt have high enough Vills to run em, so heres SF Sundays!.... run by the self proclaimed lord of insanity Smite.
So i suggest we run all the SFs avialable to vill and with the co-op 2 heros are welcome to join aswell.
Cap Au Diable: The Best Beneath the Mountain, needs 4, lvl 15-20, worth 12 Merits
SG Base: The Pirates in the Sky, needs 4, lvl 20-25, worth 38 Merits
Sharkhead: The Temples of the Water, needs 4, lvl 25-30, worth 22 Merits
Ouroboros: The Spider Weaves his Web, needs 1, lvl 25-34, worth 4 Merits
Ouroboros: The 5th Column Overthrow, needs 1, lvl 30-39, worth 6 Merits
St Martial: The Crystal of Serafina, needs 4, lvl 35-40, worth 25 Merits
Cimerora: Times Arrow, needs 6, lvl 35-50, worth 28 Merits
Grandville: Lord Recluse Strikeforce, needs 8, lvl 45-50, worth 25 Merits
Rikti War Zone: Lady Grey Strikeforce, needs 8, lvl 45-50, worth 39 Merits
Grandville: Thus Spoke the Reichman, needs 4, lvl 45-50, worth 35 Merits
Ouroboros: Trading Places, needs 1, lvl 46-50, worth 6 Merits
in total 240 Merits
So if we get atleast 6 volenteirs for each we will go ahead on the Sunday, of not will pospone till next week.
So this sunday we will run the Cap SF at .... either 7 or 8 PM eastern... will let the sign-upers decide wich of the 2
*If no one decides itl be run at 8 PM btw, mainly giving a choice because of the Hero Side Hami*
1) @Smite King, Unforeseen., MA/Ninjitsu Stalker
2) BigYetti, Unknown, Unknown
3) Trickshooter, Unknown, Claws/WP Stalker
4) Demon Shell, Wraith-Blade, Fire/Dark Brute
5) DJKyo, Unknown, Dominator
Reserve, Vega
Will hope to see sign ups