1072 -
/em fireworks
My sincerest congratulations to you both ! -
Quote:I only use the keyboard for movement, and I still try to run on the Elevated Train tracks sometimes... 8)In fact, I had a little mini-game where I would run on top of fences as far as I could without falling off. It was quite challenging, trying to get lined up just perfectly using the course grain keyboard controls.
Quote:And I logged on again later, all alone in the back of Steel Canyon. I didn't know how low the enemies actually were over at the front and that I could probably make it safely to Atlas/King's Row again. So I stood there in utter terror of the purple Outcasts a bit away from me and then did the most logical thing and started going 'helllllp' in broadcast.
We did a few missions, but after about an hour he had to go to work, so he bids me a good evening, and log off.
Problem was, we were in the middle of Independance Port. That wasn't a problem when he was side-kicking me, but now ?
I'm sure he did not do it on purpose, but as soon as he vanished all the Family mooks turned purple on me and I went "*gulp!* How am I going to get back to Steel Canyon ?"
So began a long race (or at least it seemed to me) hugging the middle of the street while left and right the bad guys were booing and yelling names and taking pot shots at me (or at least it seemed to me)... -
Quote:I've done that mission (part of Twinshot's arc, IIRC), and the red "objective" arrow points down and to the left of where the actual secret door is located.If you look at his video again, notice there's a red "objective" arrow there.
So yeah, I went there, "felt" around with my mouse (on the wrong section of the wall, of course), then noticed it was pointing down so went all the way back to the entrance of the map to see if I had missed a staircase going down or somethin' (in case the actual door was on a lower level)...
Finally got back to that room, and thought "humm.... where would a (former playboy) millionaire vigilante hide the door to his secret lair ?...". After a few more seconds of "groping around" with my mouse, I got the "blue hand" and was able to open the door. -
That's impressive !
Moar Cards !!!
I received cards from Sooner ("Boomer Sooner!") and Wolvie yesterday!
A tad late, but still appreciated -
I might be 5-10 minutes late for the first run.
If you can wait, great. If not, start without me. -
I'm missing the "Master of Statesman" Badge on Kreetch (lvl 50 Tanker, Invuln / SS), so please sign me up.
It's been a busy couple of days, so I haven't had time to write any updates...
On Thursday I got a card from Nylonus and, on Friday one from burnedbyflames. Cool!
Also on Friday, I had to spend 5 hours at the R.C.M.P. (Canada's FBI) headquarters downtown to explain that no, I didn't know any terrorist by the name of "Golden Ace", and that no, I didn't know why he would send a package to me. Looks like I was finally able to convince them.
On an unrelated note, the neighbor across the street seems to have a heck of a problem with his furnace - there's a big black truck with a sign "Acme Furnace Repair" parked in front of his house since Friday...
EDIT: Oh, And I've just seen MFA's e-card ! Nice !
[ G.A. : I got your package on Thursday, and this year's Christmas ornaments will join the others on my shelf. Thanks !!]
I might be feeding a troll, but I'll bite:
From Wikipedia
Quote:Internet radio (also web radio, net radio, streaming radio, e-radio webcasting) is an audio service transmitted via the Internet. Music streaming on the Internet is usually referred to as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless means.
Internet radio involves streaming media, presenting listeners with a continuous stream of audio that cannot be paused or replayed, much like traditional broadcast media; in this respect, it is distinct from on-demand file serving. Internet radio is also distinct from podcasting, which involves downloading rather than streaming. Many Internet radio services are associated with a corresponding traditional (terrestrial) radio station or radio network. Internet-only radio stations are independent of such associations.
Quote:how would I listen to it?
Some Internet Radio stations have their own Player available on their website (usually as a Flash plugin) - something for Radio Paragon to look into ?
Quote:if I did listen to it, what would I hear?
Usually, the type of music offered by Internet Radio Stations depends more or less on the personnel of the station (aka "Internet DJs"), and can vary widely from 1 "show" to the next.
Quote:why is there more than one?
Quote:and if I wanted to listen to one, why would I listen to yours
NOTE: I am not affiliated in any shape or form to Radio Paragon, but as former Internet DJ I believe the questions asked (the first few ones, at least) had some merit... -
I found this list on ParagonWiki :
- Stocking Cap (M/F/H) - 40pp
- Ear Muffs (M/F/H) - 20pp
- Santa Gloves (M/F/H) - 40pp
- Santa Boots (M/F/H) - 40pp
- Flaming Naughty Halo (M/F/H) - 80pp
=> Original orange flaming version plus tintable version - Golden Nice Halo (M/F/H) - 80pp
=> Original golden version plus tintable version - ThrowSnowflakes Emote - 40pp
- OfferGift Emote - 40pp
- AcceptGift Emote - 40pp
- Present Costume Change Emote - 80pp
- Permanent Snowball with unlimited charges - 80pp
Interesting concept...
1) Blocking websites
This might not work: the RMT could then use a (perfectly legitimate) redirection service like Tiny URL to circomvent the "ignored" website, and simply change the redirected URL on a regular basis (kinda like they're already doing with temp accounts).
2) Blocking words:
Might get more mileage out of this one, but then again the RMT could borrow a page from the email spam gamebook and slightly alter the words to bypass the filter, ex. "'Go to "this site" (not putting name of site in text) and b.uy inf.luence".
On the other hand, this kind of filter could be used to block those annoying "PL me" messages we get sometimes -
Yesterday, I received cards from MentalShock, 'Vyx, Layla Rei (and Friends), and a card and package from Pollyanna (cool magnets and pin!)
Today, I received cards from Tiggy and from Stalemate & Cassiopea (interesting concept, guys)
Oh... and I also received the visit from 2 nice policemen, who were inquiring about a "suspicious package" that had been sent to my attention, but got detained at Customs...
Quote:If you're uncertain, playing a brand new alt might give you time to get a feel for the server.Last night I was going to Transfer 1 of my lvl 50's or mid 30 alt's from defiant here to exalted.
Then I thought, do I really need to?
I might not like it plus you get the downfall of your alt being locked if you miss subs and go F2P.
So I made an alt just to get a feel of the community there (cant comment on this yet) to see if exalted and paying subs will be worth it or not in the long run.
Depending on how long you can level that alt to the mid 30s (or all the way up to 50), the point might become moot sooner than later
Quote:Cons - If I transfer my main I will loose my SG as she is leader. -
A) the first one into a fight to take the alpha strike and just shrug it off
B) the last one out of the mission.
As a tank, I'll gadly let Romulus or Reichman pummel me (*) so that he leaves my teammates alone to do their own thing.
(*) it usually tickles... -
Got a card from Lant yesterday, and oh, I mailed mine on Thursday night, so hopefully you'll get them before Xmas...
Got my first Xmas card...
Thank you, O Metoh-Kangmi ! -
Quote:Bad, bad mail server !!!It's what happens when an SMTP server can't deliver outgoing mail. Chalk another up to the NCSoft web ops team - bad forums, bad mail server
* hits mail server on the nose with a rolled up newspaper... *
Yep, let's all blame DumpleBerry...
* hits DumpleBerry on the nose with a rolled up newspaper... *
FWIW, I received it yesterday Dec. 6th, but the email itself is dated November 30th, as a few of you mentionned.