66 -
Maybe be bad luck but CoH seems very evil for new players to me, CoV is much better designed for ease of getting into.
Hmm definetly a worrying number of heroes, ahh well no matter more rep then for me
I'm glad this is in June, for I hate my pc and it's weird problems, by then i should be able to replace most bits of it.
On TP foe, there's a reason my stalker is EA
Buy CoV be evil, kill heroes >D. Mwahaha stealing away the little heroes, oh big tip try avoid the hollows and that Wincott guy you don't have to do his missions(only need to visit him) you can do missions from your other contacts.
Oh damn forgot to ask you guys are okay with me attempting to subvert all the lil' heroes to the side of the liberalist free-thinking so called 'villains'?
I will be attending with Coston to assure justice prevails
[/ QUOTE ]
Poor misguided hero, don't be fooled by these deceivers you're on the wrong side of the fight, are you so sure what you fight for is the truth, is it justice? -
I'll take the empath along to support you guys, should be great fun. Cleaar mind for perception boosts FTW!
Edit: maybe rack up the reputation, siren's time and player kill badges a bit too
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Grant invis stealth capping ftw! -
Why don't all the defiant ppl who want to invade try level a char to 22(SOs)?.
Well I'm not one to fuss over flair and style and it's not a big effort to gently mock/taunt you cubs and brownies so...
An army of fools is only so useful, and you'll need more than that to save you -
Argghh damn it now I'm going to have to do that in plural or come up with another one
Excellent this little army of Kitetsu's is growing well but it's still not big enough, we must have more! Too bad we can't do star wars episode 3 with longbow and the heroes as someone said something about in old thread that I can't remember
Looks like the villains are in for a good ganking
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You can dream, you can wish, you can hope, but you can never make it so -
Hmm a dom yay we can hold the hero squishies and unlease critical doom on them
Pets aren't so bad to take on, as can likely kite them around anyway so long as you can't det-field us is the idea
Damn det field, well then we'll just have to det field you
, now if only entropy shield protected against fear maybe i should have gone /nin, oh well at least i won't get tp foed
But then there is also the temptation of ganking defenders with a stealth capped stalker squad/duo. Ooohh what to choose it's such a tough choice.
I'm sure i'll be around with Cannon at some point
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Oh goody, I take a sick fascination out of dropping flying targets with snow storm and Crim is particulalry obliging as I recall
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not if i detention field / hold / terror you as usual
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Holds you say? Buffbot away thaw,thaw,thaw. Please don't hold me -
Hmmm let's see I can bring either my stalker( EM/EA with grant invis and so forth) or my corrupter(fire/thermal) and might just have my other corrupter ready in time (energy/kin). I'd be fine using any of them. global @ange de moquerie.
Hmm I wonder how many stalkers might be needed then to help the corrupters that would be quite fun, AS+scourge ooh
If i got grant invis for teaming up, for when I'm solo would it better to get invis or stealth? Also if invis is better for solo anyone able to explain how to make macro to drop invis and attack at same with or without buildup too please.
Wonder how it would do in pvp, that could be interesting although a doms might be needed then.
Right I'm in as I get on, if at all possible
Perhaps we need an all pvp vg to beat the heroes with our own mass buffing/debuffing/healing. I'd deffo get in it with my fire/thermal corr or wee little energy/kin corr. I think teams of corrupters,dominators with maybe a little stalker support or mastermind support in I7 would work.
If my PC was working normally I'd be doing all I could to keep siren's it's not yet, ofc when it is it will probably take me ages to get far past level 20
Also SHOOOOOWWWWW me that video! please please please