880 -
Since I've never done the mission before, I assumed it would be a clone of the whole team not just the team leader. We were set at 4+/8x, everyone on the team was 50 or 45+, which may have made the difference. I imagine if we were actually 29 then maybe this would have been tougher (maybe).
In the first video (which was the first mission), we fought 8 Corruptors (My AR/Kin), so there was 8 blasts of flamethrower which chewed into a few folks nicely.
In the second video, we fought 8 Widow clones.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVTPrkUohwc -
We were prepared for a challenge, but it wound up being a cake walk, so we did it twice just to be sure. I think it works best as a challenge for a soloist or duo but not for a whole team. There will be some video later! We had fun we were just bummed it wasn't tougher.
We're taking on this challenge tonight 6.3.10 @ 7pm PST in Ouro on Freedom/Villians!
Should be fun time! Thanks for the challenge Zombie Man. -
People overlook adding a couple of damage enhancements into Short Circuit. If you want a extra bite of damage, FS+SC+BL is a pretty nice combination...been working for me for years.
All my Kin Defs are staminaless: Elec, Archery, Psy, DP. They also have toggles: Assault and Tactics which up the damage abilities.
My key is basically abuse of Siphon Speed to get the recharge. You want to be able to go through your attack combo as often as possible. I also find that Tesla Cage is a great power to keep your drain target in place while you fight their friends. -
Looks like they patterned it after the dance crew JabbaWockeeZ.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CbpZr45rso -
We haven't forgotten this and are working on meeting this challenge this week!
Oh wow I just found this....I'm slow and apparently need to read the forum more often
(Did we do this, I saw a thread on the RO forums about doing the mission but not the reason behind it...or maybe I just overlooked it) -
Quote:Yes there was a all server upgrade and then Freedom got its own special brand of upgrading because of one of the DXP meltdown. As I recall, Freedom got its own special booster because of the population size.IIRC, most, if not all of the servers were involved in that upgrade.
It takes more to make Freedom go yellow than it did previously. You more than likely won't see Freedom hit yellow until the next DXP weekend or GR release. I believe this was around the time of the Great Freedom Grayout -
Here's the zip file of some of my recreations, if folks want to play around and alter a few things. They are tagged as F, M or H to indicated body type. The numbers indicate a variation on the same outfit (1 2 3...).
Carnival of Shadows (Female, Huge body only)
Carnies.zip (21.78K)
Legacy Chain (All body types)
Legacy_Chain.zip (41.3K)
Wyvern (All body types, 2 costume styles)
Wyvern.zip (20.99K)
PPD Powered Armor Cops (All body types)
PPD_Armor.zip (8.42K)
Enjoy! -
Quote:News & Announcements > Supergroup and Villangroup RecruitmentI will do that - and thanks for catching that I forgot to put in the time zone.
EDIT: What Supergroup Recruitment Section? I see a thread of Supergroups of Freedom, but not a place for me to put my request to find one?
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=566 -
Try also posting in the Supergroup Recruitment section. Lots of SG leaders look there first, since that section is at the top of the forum.
Also, you should include a time zone with your listed play schedule. -
Quote:Repeat Offenders' heroic SGs were born in Aug 2005 well after COH's launch but 4 of our VGs have been around since COV head start (Oct 2005):So what SG’s have been around since launch, and are any still led by the same people? Please speak up and let me know!
Repeat Offenders VG (all Corrruptors ) -- Founder(s) still around
Malicious Multiplicity (all Mastermind) -- Founder still around (Me)
World Domination Inc. (all Dominators) -- Founder still around
Fast and the Furious (Kin Corrs and Brutes) -- Original founder left the game, SG still alive and kicking.
So for RO our evil sides have been causing chaos in Rogue Isles since the beginning. -
Here's the whole set of Carnies NPC recreated.
Harlequin Fencer
Harlequin Juggler
Dark Ring Mistress
Master Illusionist
So in another fit of sleepless nights I decided to try and tackle task of recreating the Carnival of Shadows costumes. Madness, I know. We all know what the issue is, there are no full length dresses available to Players. Carnival is known for their fancy garb. Well, I think I cracked this particular nut...at least I hope.
I modernized the Master/Illusionist and gave them legs as well as a shorter but still fancy dress.
Master Illusionist
Quote:I think we certainly play kins differently..I have time do use all those powers and ID as well as shoot things in the face with my AR and DP. But I do play a lot of kins I think my grand total is 13 currently.I never Take ID. That's bad I know but if you think of it between using ID,SB, Siphon Power, Fulcrum, Transfusion, Transference, Siphon Speed...when will you have time for your secondary and primary?
ID is a great power, it can be used reactively when someone is mezzed or KB'd or proactively. I tend to dish it out with the SB as I'm used to giving them out as pairs. I don't reapply it the instant it wears off though, I tend to reapply it when SB wears off.
Practice is all it takes, learning how to combat buff is the key. Shoot Shoot, Buff Buff... of course with DP/Kin I like to call it Bang Bang, Zoom Zoom. -
Quote:Yes and they didn't work as well to bring out the two tone colors of the boots on the exoskeleton. Enforcer was a bit too robotic, and doesn't have the nice reflective surface so I chose to use the Cyborg boots instead. I did use many Enforcer pieces when making an alternate Vanguard costume, they worked well for that group. It's tough and I flipped through several choices. But naturally costumes are subjective to taste so at least on these, my RO mates are able to download the costume file and adjust to their liking.Have you tried the enforcer costume peices? the boots are perfect for hardsuits.
I saw your PPD SG thread (Good luck!). I also lead a PPD themed SG, based on the Psi Division, which is probably the very first time I had to create costumes for anyone other than myself. This was a bit before the AE though and I had to look images on paragonwiki. Thank goodness for the AE, I can view all the NPCs very closely. Of course making the PPD Psi Division costumes was fairly simple in comparison to the Armored Corps.
Quote:Thanks for the kind words...you can call me AltyOh my gosh, those are EPIC!
I'm especially impressed with the job you did on the Hard Suits. I think I'm going to have to "borrow" those helmets. Any chance we can see more, Alt?
Wyvern would be 3rd toughest challenge due to the custom armor pieces and quivers. I created 3 different costume variations, but for the sake of space here's only one with an image of the NPC group.
Talon Agents (Orange), Fang Agents (Gray), Sting Agents (Red/Red), Raptor Agents (Red/Black)
Quote:Sure why not... I think my other favorite is the PPD: Powered Armor Cops, before I did the Legacy Chain this group was the most challenging. Very difficult to go exoskeleton without leaking into cyborg/robot territory.That's pretty freakin' awesweetastic!!
Wanna share the others? I wanna see how you did!!
I have a much greater appreciation for the time and energy it goes into making these NPC groups that's for sure. There's a bunch of awesome details that I know, I missed when beating them up. My RO mates really like this group a lot. Although on this batch I noticed too late that I had the blues flipped on the armor padded bottoms. Lighter blue background, darker blue pads.
As you know there are NPC (Non Playing Characters) that have special costumes that players don't have access to. So for my RO mates, I've been recreating costumes of some select NPC groups and having a blast doing it.
So far I've re-created costumes for:
Legacy Chain
PPD: Awakened
PPD: Powered Armor Cops
PPD: Psi Division
I thought I would share one set that I worked hard on.
The Legacy Chain Bosses
I make a costume file for all 3 body types and often different variations for those with and without special costume packs. The one I'm most proud of is Legacy Chain but I'm sharing it really for the, "Hey I made something I think is cool" value but also to see if there are any suggestions for improvement.
Each time I do a recreation I think its the toughest one, but the Chain was really difficult the base costume is rather easy to make but the coming up with a accessories was tough. -
Because perhaps those goodies (costumes etc) are connected to GR and they don't want to release those extra powers until GR is released as a finished product, after it goes through beta testing.
Quote:I'm an Offensive focused Defender aka an Offender and a repeated one at that (cue shameless plug). Which means I mash blasting buttons, force multiplier buttons and sometimes a healing button or two. I use the tools I have to the best of my gaming abilities. That's really all that anyone playing this game can do.Hi there, im curious how many Defenders out there acctually Tank, or do more then mash healing buttons?
You're excited about what your Defender can do and that Great (welcome to the party) But be careful you don't insult while trying to educate, (although there is a 'preaching to the choir' aspect when you post in this particular section) to be at the party you have to welcome all the guests. Not everyone is trying to play a tanker on every AT
Enjoy the game! -
I've completed the naming of the Bright Palette for the Powers Customization charts. I'll be working on the Dark next followed by Cold then Earth/Lava.
Thanks again for your patience I know many have been waiting a while.
The OP has been updated. The Standard chart was revised as of 2010. Please update your files.
Here are the links to the Bright Palette:- JPG: Bright Palette
- PNG: Bright Palette
I will be posting the named Bright Palette later on this week and working hard on the other remaining palettes.
I apologize for those waiting patiently for the other palettes. It's my goal to finish up the rest of the colors without a large gap of time in between. When Bright is posted I will be working on Dark.
Thanks again everyone for waiting.
Quote:Unfortunately, only a small number of colors on the Standard Costume chart are the same as the ones on the Power Customization charts. Also, the powers customization chart has a few extra color rows on it that aren't on Standard Palette. Overall though Dark and Bright Palettes follow the same order of colors as the Standard chart.It would help if that person could assign the same grid number/coordinate that's on the costume chart for each color to the charts for the dark/bright power colors. That way those of us that are colortarded can look and say "oh I have color N5 selected as my pants color, so if my imps are also color N5 they will match".
I realize that instead of having a MSExcel like grid whomever does this will have to actually plug the letter and the number into each color circle, but I think since the palates are so different from the main, it would make the most sense.
The other option would to just use the same EXACT NAMES as are used on the main palate...though this would make it a little more difficult for the color challenged. (But still better than nothing!) Does this make sense? -detfrost1"
I'll check out what you posted on Paragon Wiki as well. -