Vet player looking for an active SG




...and not just an active SG, but one that has people playing when I am...

Let me introduce myself:

-Been playing this game since pre-launch, with a few off periods, but mostly on.
-I have somewhere around 16 or 17 level 50 characters. I am a serial leveller
-Although I usually retire (more or less) characters when they hit 50, I still use my vast reservves of Inf to outfit them with IO sets for max effectiveness
-I don't PvP
-I do MIDS, as well as my own mathmatical analyses of effectiveness - although ultimately I play to have fun - which for me is beating baddies, making good progress to the next level with it's goodies, and not dying in the meanwhile
-I have had extensive experience with blasters, corruptors, brutes, masterminds, stalkers, controllers and defenders. Some experience with tankers and dominators. Very little experience or interest in scrappers, apart from the odd attempt. No experience or interest in Khelds or Soldiers yet.
-I don't hunt badges.
-I pretty much just play the game for two reasons: the fun and glory of successful battle, and the journey of each character from 1 to 50.
-I am farm friendly *if* I get to play and hunt, I find I no longer like to sit in the corner doing nothing - I am in this game to play it.

I am a self-employed computer consultant, so I have a lot of time available to play. Normally I am not available in the evening, since that is when I choose to spend time with my might-as-well-be-my-wife person.

I also play some during the weekend, although I have a paper and pencil RPG I play in all Sunday, and Saturday has chores and whatnot. The best time for me to play are between 10AM and 5PM, Mon-Fri.
EDIT: That's Eastern Time Zone.

And of course, for what it's worth, I have no problem playing ni SG mode - I have over the last several years accumulated all the inf on either side I should ever need.

So, is there enough people left playing in this game on Freedom? And SG's have multiple friendly players active during the day (10-5) on weekdays?

Thanks - and feel free to ask any question of me you like. However, the thing I am looking for is finding fellow SG'ers active when I am - if your SG does not have a bunch that are, it probably isn't the right fit.

Thanks again.

For Great Justice!



wow - crickets, eh? I mean I know peeps play mostly at night and on the weekends, but I had hoped that would be enogh people still playing CoX overall that I would find *some* folks on when I am - is this game that low on players?

For Great Justice!



Try also posting in the Supergroup Recruitment section. Lots of SG leaders look there first, since that section is at the top of the forum.

Also, you should include a time zone with your listed play schedule.



I will do that - and thanks for catching that I forgot to put in the time zone.

EDIT: What Supergroup Recruitment Section? I see a thread of Supergroups of Freedom, but not a place for me to put my request to find one?

For Great Justice!



Originally Posted by Metatron_NA View Post
I will do that - and thanks for catching that I forgot to put in the time zone.

EDIT: What Supergroup Recruitment Section? I see a thread of Supergroups of Freedom, but not a place for me to put my request to find one?
News & Announcements > Supergroup and Villangroup Recruitment



Originally Posted by Metatron_NA View Post
wow - crickets, eh?
This am Freedom. Reading hard.

(Most players here don't read the forums much; best bet is to head into some of our global channels like RF2009, etc. and ask around. That'll get you immediate responses.)