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  1. Xanthy

    M&G in Michigan

    ok all.......heres some more info for the M&G please check our link here its our forums... and thanks http://lovetheturtles.net/forum/meet-and-greet-0

  2. Xanthy

    HI Pinnacle!

    I do have all kinds of access to all kinds of alcoholic beverages... if you need a drink .. which you will... come see me@xanthorin :P
  3. Xanthy

    M&G in Michigan

    HELLO ALL!!!! I thought i would update you all as to what is happening with the M&G. THe date has officially been set.... it will be MAY 14-16 2010. This date was kind of chosen with a reason in mind. Apparently less than 4 miles from the hotel I am hoping to stay at is the Motor City Comic Con. I think there are many ppl out there who would enjoy this! Also if you dont want to go to it you could always join me at the bar! or in my room... or at the pool...or well i will be drinking everywhere. Here is the link to the comic con... there is not much ifo up at this point... BUT...... ADAM WEST will be there. I wanna get my pic taken with Bat Man. Here is the link....http://www.motorcityconventions.com/...con/index.html

    ALSO here is the link to the hotel I am staying at..... If youre tyhere for the convention the rooms are only 69 bucks a night.....
    Hilton Garden Inn
    27355 Cabaret Drive
    Novi, MI 48377
    $69 rate for MCCC, restaurant and bar on site, less than 3 miles from RFS

    If anyone has any questions... please feel free to PM me....@Xanthorin or.. @An AE noob

  4. Xanthy

    M&G in Michigan

    This event seems to be steam rolling forward. I am happy for this, It is a 10 hr driver for me but will take 15 hrs, and considerably more money to fly there. So I am driving. I am going to be moving forward with some plans for this.... I mean there arent really any "plans" as this is the Pinn server and We will be focusing on consuming mass amounts of alcohol and coloring the first person who passes out with sharpie markers but its all good. On a more serious note... Apparently someone sent Xfunk a tell in game and APPARENTLY threatened him if he comes to the meet and greet. Let me be straight forward on this..... THAT IS NOT COOL. We all have in game personas we play and it by no means ties into who we are in RL. This is open to all Cox'ers and I would be happy if funk made it.... Nothing will be sweeter than beating him in pvp that by sitting right next to him :P ANYWAY cut the crap whoever did it.

  5. Xanthy

    M&G in Michigan

    Im glad everyone is looking forward to coming to this!!! Yes hide your women and your booze in my hotel room.... they will be safe there..... also if anyone has any good ideas........send me a tell
  6. Xanthy

    M&G in Michigan

    Dear X-funk, This is Xan. I will make sure I have a name tag on, so you can try and give me a wedgie........ before doing this, I recommend you drink mass quantities of whatever makes you feel strong. :P SEE YOU THERE!!!!
  7. Hmm This could be very interesting!!
  8. If you look, The banner is at an angle and we can attach anything to it, we a re working on a round room atm but with work schedules it may be a couple days
  9. Hey JK and Ninja, Ok I think I know of a couple 3 man teamss who are interested. Ill talk to you more in game as to where we need to sign up and such. Thanks for putting this togeather!! Xanth PS... Fa....U

  10. I totally agree on this... many times I am on vent. or I am listening to Itunes and hate having to turn one off to hear glowies!! I fully support this propisition!! *hooah Pinnbadges*