HI Pinnacle!
Welcome to Pinn!
The "drunk server" originally came from the fact that when all the servers were down, it seemed Pinnacle was always the last to get back up, i.e. staggering back to it's feet.
I imagine there aren't really more players who drink or are drunk on one server than another, but we have the title, and are keeping it!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

It's less in the drinking as it is the mindset of about 80-90 percent of the server. Those of server fame that I know are often more relaxed in gameplay, or if they are big time players, try to have a more relaxed outlook on breaking records. In any case welcome to Pinnacle.
So far I mainly love the no blind invites while at the bm or dawdling along doing stuff. but then again, my toons on Pinn aren't high level yet, but I am enjoying the lower-than-freedom population, which is weird for an mmo player lol.
Hi there...
...you sure got a purty mouth.
Also, don't listen to those guys.
*Opens a beer*
We got that nickname for a reason.

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.
Welcome! We always enjoy getting urbanites out here in the suburbs.
While the whole "last server to come back from Maintenance" thing is true, nowadays we've attached to the nickname more for our laid-back attitude and fun-loving spirit. We're the fun drunks at the party, the ones who are entertaining without being stupid.
There's even an SG or two dedicated to that drunkeness (I'm in one) if you're interested.
*sips his tattoo and coke* So have a cold one of your choice, sit back, relax, whomp on things, and be welcome, new Pinnaclite!

P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep
[url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=217406&TabID=1833355"]PERC Site[/url]
"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny
We're also the unofficial Transformers fan-server(of which myself and Spark-1 are 'somewhat' obsessed with, heh), and the server where I'll give you a Boot to the Head for no good reason other than that I can...like so....
...and now that you've been 'blessed', have fun here!
*rubs forehead* thanks dude!
Well, I'm a northern canuck so cracking the occasional beer does happen while playing.
I was on a team around 1am or so eastern/atlantic time, as my stalker I just rolled since the martial arts pack, and got on a team with a petless MM and a widow. Weird team eh? Had a lot of fun tho! Yes, very laid back here.
Buckwild: ...........uhh.....ty?
Mindsythe: I would love to join your VG! My global is above.
Thanks for the warm welcome cats! \m/
I've been on Freedom for 6 months now, and decided for a change of pace. While googling each server for some research of reputation I read that Pinnacle is the drunk server. Sweet! I never play while drinking but it's a funny nickname for a server to have, even if it really isn't, lol.
I rolled one hero (scrapper) and two villains (MM, Brute) to play on Pinn from time to time. My global is @beyeajus if anyone wants to add me, I play semi-often, everyday, pretty late at night and pretty early in the morning. Hope to be teaming with you soon! \m/ (^_^) \m/ |
Alright, Good gaming schedule for the server too, we are usually popular for nights, but once it hits morning we are all passed out on our key boards lol We usually have a blast here on pinnacle and we have a really great community so always glad to have another!! I would add you but last time I checked( 3years ago) my global was full. I really only play one character and that's Desi Boy, my fire fire tank so if you need a tank feel free to send me a tell.
Again welcome to pinnacle, you know it's a good server when it has that reputation!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
After my amazing post of only reading the first post on the thread! lol we got the reputation of being the drunk server another way than what has already been said.
Back in the old days there was this one guy, Who was known for his posts that would be just massive drops of knowledge and walls of text that made no sense, he usually wrote these when he was drunk at night, in fact he was known as pinnacles Official drunk rofl. Can't remember his name for some dang reason but if it ever comes to me, I'll tell you.
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
I iz not drunk. I just happy feel am I.
In seriousness, its a fun server! Lots of fun people to hang with. Of course people on this server would never mess with people, say a person just leaching suddenly TPd into a random mob for veng bait. That would never happen here.
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
I quit drinking two days ago, sigh...guess it's time to move on to Freedumb then.
well it's getting to be that time of year and there's a liquor store next to work here, I think it's time for spiced rum + egg nog!!!!
Hey I got just the thing for us!!!
I don't think NCsoft sells goods on its website.
P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep
[url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=217406&TabID=1833355"]PERC Site[/url]
"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny
Welcome to Pinnacle. If you haven't joined PinnBadges yet...you should.
Pinnacle is the only server I play on at all, though I have a few lowbies scattered here and there on others (mostly so I can still play if Pinn crashes for some reason). I just like the community that much. Largely for the fact that when I spout some random nonsense in PinnBadges people just smile, shake their heads and go on about their business. Or they just shake their heads if what I said was really dumb.
My global is @Claws and Effect. If you happen to see me in Pinnbadges or hopping around the city, feel free to drop me a line and I'll be happy to run a few mishes or a TF if I have time. I play pretty often, but usually not for long stretches these days (damn that real life).
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Welcome to Pinnacle. If you haven't joined PinnBadges yet...you should.
Pinnacle is the only server I play on at all, though I have a few lowbies scattered here and there on others (mostly so I can still play if Pinn crashes for some reason). I just like the community that much. Largely for the fact that when I spout some random nonsense in PinnBadges people just smile, shake their heads and go on about their business. Or they just shake their heads if what I said was really dumb. My global is @Claws and Effect. If you happen to see me in Pinnbadges or hopping around the city, feel free to drop me a line and I'll be happy to run a few mishes or a TF if I have time. I play pretty often, but usually not for long stretches these days (damn that real life). Cheers |
EDIT: read next post and found that it is, I'll be hounding ppl to get an invite to it now, lol
Dont need an invite just need to join it and wait for lemur to unsilence you.
awesome, global is @Beyeajus
Main Bluesider: Rev. Spinkick
Main Redsider: Baka.Yaro
I'll hop on Pinnbadges tonight.
I do have all kinds of access to all kinds of alcoholic beverages... if you need a drink .. which you will... come see me@xanthorin :P
I've been on Freedom for 6 months now, and decided for a change of pace. While googling each server for some research of reputation I read that Pinnacle is the drunk server. Sweet! I never play while drinking but it's a funny nickname for a server to have, even if it really isn't, lol.
I rolled one hero (scrapper) and two villains (MM, Brute) to play on Pinn from time to time. My global is @beyeajus if anyone wants to add me, I play semi-often, everyday, pretty late at night and pretty early in the morning.
Hope to be teaming with you soon! \m/ (^_^) \m/