Scrapper never forgot the day that Defender tricked him. Mighty was Scrapper, and headstrong as well, so no one believed he was wily, and could use guile and trickery as well as brute strength to achieve his ends. Though he was Vengeful, he was also a Hero, a son of Statesman, and thus he would teach Defender and all his brothers and sisters a lesson that they would never be allowed to forget.
Gathering his children to him, he gazed upon them and upon the children of his brothers and sisters as well. Though he loved them all, and knew that they had already been blessed by the children of Statesman. From Defender came Vigilance, from Controller came Containment, from Tank came Provoke, from Blaster came Defiance, and his own children had already been blessed with Critical Strike. But he wanted more for his own children, yet could not simply Gift them further, for to do so would be unfair to his nieces and nephews.
So, with guile no one will ever believe, Scrapper Cheated.
"My children," he said. "You are valiant and proud, and as varied as snowflakes in a blizzard. You are mighty and fearless, and because of this, your weaker and lazier cousins will attempt to use you for their own ends. But do not scorn your cousins for this," he warned them. "For they are as valiant in heart as you, but will need you not only to lead them, but to Lead them from time to time, to inspire them to their true potential and greatness. To that end," he continued, "I will grant you all my greatest gift. I will give you my Will, my Determination to never fail. To be the First one in and the Last one out. You will push yourselves to the edge of ruin in your pursuit of perfection. You will charge ahead of your cousins, and your wrath will be so mighty that it will be unable to be checked, and will surely bring chaos upon not only you, but on any of your cousins who are intrepid enough to fight alongside you or behind you. By doing so, you will challenge them to unleash their true potential, to become better warriors if they are going to keep up with you, let alone survive. But you will remember this not, my children, for the joy in battle will be too too bright for you to see anything else. Some will scorn you, and whisper behind your back. Some will admire you. Others may emulate you. Still others will decide you are insane and run away. But while they are with you, you will force them to be better."
"And you will never even realize you are doing it."
Thus, Scrapperlock.