453 -
/e pissed
Weren't the villain epics supposed to be achieved WITHOUT reaching level 50?
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that's what they originally wanted, but that interview was like what? over a year ago, things change.
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try 2-3 years - before CoV.
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BUT Positron (or another redname- it's been a while) said very recent like in the past year that the VEATs would be unlocked by getting a villian to 50.
It is in itself not new news......but to some it unfortunately is. -
Any word if the LGTF is gonna be out of service when these events happen, or is there going to be a chance for two spawns in two different locations at once?
Thank you -
I won't get my 48 month vet reward for quite some time (22 months), but I just have to wonder if a /Devices can have both the Targeting Drone and Buff Drone going at the same time?
One is a summon, and the other is a toggle, but can they animate together? Will we see people with two Drones circling their noggin? That would be kinda neat.
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Have "two" agree about the two targetting drones out at once being pretty cool looking.....
hee hee hee....I made a "punny".
Please ban these in all pvp zones.
Thank you.
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Why? Just throw a Fireball or an AoE and they're toast. They're fragile and how many 48 monthers are in the various pvp ladders or zones at any given time? Can't be more than a dozen or so.
Woot more crazy buffs!
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Killing a player with one of these pets attached to them "should" be more of a reward then killing a player without. Make the rep be like 1.10 points or something then just the standard 1 point.
But, whatever- these are "okay", nice and all- hopefully they will actaully attach somehow to the player like targeting drone does and not be left in the dust like the 36 month rewards. -
I think the only thing that is going to convince the Dev's that defense needs to be looked at is Data-Mining. If the Data-Mining shows that defense is not working as intended then it will need to be "fixed".
What uses defense? SR Scrappers and....FF Defenders and EA Brutes......am I missing anything? -
I second, third, and fourth this. I read EVERY post in this thread. I can NOT understand what you people are griping about. I too have played other MMOs. IMO none of them have the features CoX has. For instance, we have- hands down the BEST custom character creator in the MMO world. Not a single game can even come close to what Jay and the Devs have come up with. Customizable weapons? That's cherry! How can you beat that? Would we like to have more options? Sure. Mainly because there are so many people shelling out their $15 a month.
Free new content. This is incredible. The fact that we get new issues coming out regularly as free patches is awesome. Its always something new. It doesn't please everyone everytime, but you wont find anything that will. I too am pleased with the game 90% of the time. If I don't like something, I don't participate. I am not a PvPer at all. I did not go to the "wedding" and I did not buy the wedding pack. Everything they come out with is not for everyone.
The point is if you don't like something, its not a failure. Just don't spend your money on it. Leave it up to virtual Darwinism. If the Devs stop pleasing the clients, the clients leave. They dont' get the money, the game goes away. If they even continue with what they have, I will continue to give them my money, and so will THOUSANDS of others. Good job Devs. Keep it coming. I continue to play (daily) a game that I love, my kids love, and friends love. Its a good time, with good people. I look forward to each new thing that comes out.
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Nothing in this game is free- stop passing around this stupidly FLAWED AND WRONG meme. 15 bucks a months with updates at no extra charge (usually) does not equate to free. 15 bucks a month= NOT FREE.
That's all I got for that. -
I now hang my head in shame. Looking through my notes, I cut the requisite vague reference to something Hickman. No reference to a Jamaican Coffeehouse... no Community center... no disturbing grandma (thank GOD)...
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You're dead to me.
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LOL- we know you and your "standards" Troy...isn't dead a step up for you?
I really don't understand how you could get an LOLx2 and an LMAO from that... I don't see the humor in it, sorry.
And yes, we will see.
I am not saying the Devs really, really care, but they are paying attention to it, and I love how you say PvP isn't changing the population, when I am guessing that you haven't even stepped into a PvP zone.
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Guess all you want.
You would be wrong as you are with a lot of things.
As for PvP changing the population- LOL- it did!! You're right on that- but unfortunately for you-
Hah!! -
No more money and time will be wasted on the failed endevour that is the PvP in Cox.
Deal with it.
::Edit:: I'm sure they will fix the bugs- which I believe they should but beyond that, read the above statement.
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I had absolutely no idea that they were not looking into it at all...
Wait, just kidding...
Ya, some more not caring...
Oh, wait, just kidding, unless of course, you are saying that Ex Libris is lying, and actually isn't telling the devs.
Please, if you knew anything of what you were talking about,you would admit that I am right, and that the Devs actually are paying attention to all of the game's aspects.
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Wait and see.
Wait and see what happens.
No more money and time will be wasted on the failed endevour that is the PvP in Cox.
Deal with it.
::Edit:: I'm sure they will fix the bugs- which I believe they should but beyond that, read the above statement.
The same thing I do every night Pinky......Try and take over the world!!!
Okay, not really, prolly try and get my new tank up past lvl 20.......god, I hate the pre-20's- accuracy and no-end suxx!!
Other than that- nothing special- tool around, fight crime. Maybe log on my Scrapper and try to partake in some ship raids. -
Well it's good to see that some effort has in fact been made. I did read that post but was indeed ignorant of these improvements.
My reference to a lack of acknowledgment was regarding this particular thread and the issues raised therein. As for why the PvP changes did not raise the game population, I would say that the job is not finished. Once it is and this game has a reputation for balanced enjoyable PvP, I believe it's numbers will swell. I thank you for the discourtesy at the end of your message. It does give insight to the character of a person who actually opposes improvement.
But back on topic....
Your customers would like at least an acknowledgment of the concerns we have with your product. We faithfully, but anxiously await your response.
Thanks so much!
Nocti Forever,
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Their job is not done? Excuse me? PvP has been in this game for 2 and a half years. And you feel that their job is not done?
What else would you have them do? You sit their and arrogantly want your concerns and needs addressed but you have yet to say what your concerns and needs are beyond the mythical "balance". What you want would require time and money and man hours that they WILL NOT DEVOTE BECAUSE PVP DOES NOT NOR WILL IT EVER BRING UP THE SUBSCRIPTION NUMBERS. Yet, you sit there and say in bolded words like a loud child you want at least an "acknowledgement of the concerns we have with your products".
I showed you that they acknowledged your concerns with the efforts of Ex Libris in the past year. You read the "Campfire" thread and if you did any research into the cause which you have decided to raise your flag you would that there have seen much "acknowledgement" into your concerns.
Now, we have you saying that if this game can gain a "reputation for balanced enjoyable PvP" you believe it's number will swell. So, off of your "beliefs" the developers should spend more time and more money and more man hours to improve an aspect that has NOT raised the subscription numbers in the past 2 and half years?
They will not. I will tell you why. There is NOTHING else they can do to "fix" or "balance" PvP to suit your needs that will not take probably hundreds of man hours to re-work the game code. That is money, time, man-hours again being WASTED in an aspect of the game that WILL NOT improve the subscrpition numbers. On the other hand, they have taken time, money and man hours to bring out weapon customization, the flashback system, and many numerous other aspects to the PvE majority of the game. Has the number on the PvE aspect grown? No. BUT the number has remained stable. And that stable number is MUCH LARGER than the unstable number of the PvP population. To use Ex Libris own phrase- "she goes where the bleeding is". -
"Please respond as soon as possible."
This and every line in my posts are requests...not demands. I can only imagine that the developers in this game have much higher integrity than to hide behind some "no calling out" clause.
Especially when the concerns of paying customers need to be addressed and NO demands have been made.
Also, as any business person will tell you: While you may not be able to please every paying customer with your product. You certainly have a responsibility to at least address every concern that any paying customer may have. As a matter of fact it's a basic tenant of most business organizations. I'm certain that the developers of this product have the same or greater customer service awareness than say...the local convenience store. Thus far we have yet to hear so much as an acknowledgment of the problem.
Once again: I Developers: We, your paying customers, have a concern. Please address it as soon as possible. Thank you
Nocti Forever,
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If you read the "Campfire" thread then you might be educated as to the history of PvP in the past year with this game. BUT to quote you- "Thus far we have yet to hear so much as an acknowledgment of the problem." I'm gonna re-cap that history since you are apparently ignorant of what has happened in this past year.
A PvP rep (or whatever Ex is called) took special attention to the needs of the PvP community in this game. She got the arenas fixed and has made some changes to the forums to make the PvP community feel more "accepted" in this game. She has scheduled some serious ladder and teired matches between the "ranked" PvP SG/VG's to see who was at the top of the ladder. Who was King of the Hill. She did this to show that they care about the PvP community and want them to see that. When a winner emerged they were acknowledged in the Message of the Day and "Gratz" were given out by all. PvP fight nights were scheduled to encourage more to participate in PvP and bring new players into the PvP community. She has done a lot- her efforts have been pretty much "Herculean" to get PvP fixed and addressed and done tons of stuff to encourage PvP growth in this game.
After a year- what has happened?
After a year of her efforts, the population has not grown.
So, if the population does not grow and in fact shrinks as many think and specualte, what exactly should the develpopers of this game do? What would you have them do? What more should they do to "fix" PvP? Beyond what Ex has done what else should they do?
My question to you is- WHY?
Why should the developers WASTE anymore money on PvP in this game when after a year of Ex's involvement and the year and a half previous the PvP community have not grown into a mighty number? PvP has not been the "goose that has laid the golden egg" for this game and it has NOT brought in huge amounts of revenue. So, they should according to you "balance" a system that would need MASSIVE amount of time and development to address the needs and wants of the MINORITY population, all the while- ignoring the wants and needs of the MAJORITY population. Time and money spent on PvP would be money and time NOT spent on PvE.
They are not going to do that. They are not going to balance PvP for the minority, they are not going to put anymore time money and effort into a LOSING AND WASTED EFFORT.
Why won't they tell you this? Well, obviously, the illusion must stand that they care on some lvl about the PvP community. So, they'll pat you on your little head and tell you- "we're looking into it". Psssssst- I'll let you in on a secret- they are not. Because they don't care. They don't care about the minority because again you are the minority. Your wants and needs shall come second to those of the majority.
They will let sacrifice it like a cancerous limb to sustain the rest of a healthy and viable body.
Goodbye, and Good Riddence.
Please, do let the door hit you on your teeny, tiny, minority a$$ on the way out.
Heh. -
Moon Zone?
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Ooh, some off world zones, or some such, would be nice. Though I'm thinking Ourboros (sp?) kind of fits that niche...
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Is Golden_Ace, tring to peddle off his Moon Zone again? LOL
Seriously, I love the Moon Zone Idea, I think it would be so much fun. You can put me down as vote for the Moon Zone.
But what have the devs said about it. I have heard that they will not do it, but then again this was before the move.
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When was it said that the Dev's will noty do the Moon zone? I thought that zone won "The Zone Poll"- therefore it was gonna be done.....but then yeah this was done before "The Move" -
I miss something in the last few posts?
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Yes.....long story short- Castle hinted that there might be a change to MoG. You have to hunt for it in the 2008 State of the Game thread blah blah blah
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I'm glad they are finally looking into it... Regardless if they change it or not, using MoG helps me use my favorite power in the set: Revive. =)
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LMAO!! -
I miss something in the last few posts?
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Yes.....long story short- Castle hinted that there might be a change to MoG. You have to hunt for it in the 2008 State of the Game thread blah blah blah -
Back Alley Bunny Leveling Up
Back Alley Bunny with his idol
Not sure if I will keep him yet, but it was a fun attempt in the costume designer
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Haahahahaha- he sooooo cuuuute!!
They need to find a way to krack down on the players giving this site business. Period. -
They can't put hair under a witch hat, unless it's Katie Hannon. What makes you think they can do this?
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Cause Jay is Sexy!!! And the long hair won't be limited to just to those who complete a TF.
Just those above lvl 20.....which doesn't take that long......usually......
People do boring things for loot because it got them badges- and eventually a neat exploding table thingie....not just because it made their character stronger if it made them stronger at all.
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I don't understand. Do you mean the field crafter? That's badgers that got that. Loot mongers like me don't have that. I could care less about being able to craft anywhere.
I don't understand your point. (Not being a smartazz, I really don't understand your point here.)
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From the above, above post- a truce is actually what I need right now. Sorry for the snarky comment about arguing with Arcanaville. It was petty and a cheap shot.
What I mean about the people doing boring things for loot because it got them badges- I.E craft 10 lvl 15 accuracy IO's for the (I have no idea of the name) accuracy badge. Now a lvl 50 isn't grinding loot because a lvl 15 accuracy will make his character stronger- he is just doing the boring repetative thing for the badge, that will eventually lead them to getting field crafter table thingie.
That's all I'm saying. I do think there are too many meaningless badges/epic badges in this game. But one mans time wasted on grinding for badges is a another mans treasured time getting that one more badge. I am actually very happy there are people who like the badges, and doing what it takes to get them, I am very happy there are people who love the market and make money off it. These are not things I enjoy that much in game but to each their own. Even the PvP- I'm glad there is a little more catering to the PvP'ers latley.
Badges died for me with last years- halloween, then christmas snaptooth and then febs valentines day snaptooth event....I was just like UGH- enough with the snaptooth. My badger was/is shelfed because they are not fun anymore. Unless I want a very specific badge title, or if it's tied to an accolade will I grind for a badge. And even then I try to make it a Xp gaining experience. -
Except you didn't respond to my point. You just mentioned other useless things in the game that people seem to enjoy. I never said I did. I said loot makes your character better. Which it does. You didn't say anything that rebutted that.
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I *refuted* your point. You said "Empath does nothing", as if that personal opinion is grounds for dismissing it. I listed a number of things that might -seem- useless to some, and clearly dismissing those is folly. Hence your whole arguement of "Empath does nothing" is not only irrelevant, but misguided since value is in the eye of the beholder, and you aren't judge and jury for everyone. If you want to dismiss Empath, come up with a BETTER justification than "it does nothing".
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No. Empath actually has no gameplay effect. That's a fact. Most loot (except costume pieces which I excepted) has a gameplay effect.
You refuted nothing.
All you're saying is that some people have severe enough OCD to desire Empath, which I said a page or so back depending on your settings. Which is why the badge should be removed. The thing is, we all agree that the epic badges are a problem. We just differ in the way they should be fixed. To be clear I want one of three things:
1) Remove them outright; grandfathering in those who already have them.
This will give people a good lesson about badges. Trying to get every single badge is folly. And, in my opinion, it trivializes the badges. Badges both in game and RL are supposed to represent achievement, not doing repetitive boring things. The analogy Arcana made to loot is shown to be even more specious. I don't deny people do boring things for loot, but they do them because they want their character to be stronger. That's not what badges are supposed to represent.
OR 2) Do nothing.
If the badge is supposed to be an "epic" achievement, leave it so. Those who cheat by using Arena bugs fulfill nothing but their obsessive tendencies. Basically if in 3-4 years an Empath who really loves their character and played it hard earned Empath as intended, then cool. They will have earned it and that one badge will be worth more in my estimation that the hundreds of badges the badge hounds have earned.
OR 3) Nerf the badge into meaningless.
Here we lower the badge requirements down to one point of healing (for Empath of course) above the next badge. We do just like the costume piece loot, make them trivial. If people want their little graphic so bad, then fine, give it to them, but let's drop the pretense that it's anything more than making a number bigger.
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People do boring things for loot because it got them badges- and eventually a neat exploding table thingie....not just because it made their character stronger if it made them stronger at all. -
You made an inference.
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Name it.
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You compared loot and these damnable badges. Specifically, you compared the obsessive behaviors that both game mechanics have been known to cause. Here is the relevant definition of analogy:
resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : similarity b: comparison based on such resemblance
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You mentioned some particulars of both loot and badges, the behaviors they generate, and that some people find loot as uninteresting as badges. Here's what you said:
because there is no question whatsoever that it generates even more obsessive and unhealthy behavior, and there are at least as many people who find it uninteresting to the game as badges
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So you mentioned the resemblance in some particulars between mechanics that are otherwise unlike to the goal of making a comparison based on said resemblance.
And then for some unknown reason, you argued the nonsensical point that you did not make an analogy, because you are unable to admit error.
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A comparison is not an inference.
because there is no question whatsoever that it generates even more obsessive and unhealthy behavior, and there are at least as many people who find it uninteresting to the game as badges
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If I say "4 is an even bigger number than 3" that is not an analogy between 3 and 4. An inference specificially refers to drawing a conclusion based on facts that are not logically conclusive, but suggestive. My statement can be trivially paraphrased to the logical syllogism: if the requirements that the game design item generate significant obsessive or otherwise perceived to be unhealthy behavior and are seen as of very low importance to the game by any significant percentage of the player population is sufficient to eliminate them, then loot satisfies the set of requirements and should be removed.
That statement contains no comparison between loot and anything else, yet properly encompasses the principle encapsulated colloquially in the original post, which only mentions badges for reference, not specifically to draw analogous conclusions from. It cannot be an analogy because it unequivocally contains no comparisons, and comtains no inferences.
The only reason why it seems like I have difficulty admitting I'm wrong to you is only because you aren't ever right when you are contradicting me. But hey, you can't win if you don't keep trying.
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He likes to argue with you because it makes him feel/seem smart.
But you know this. -
Nah, the OP asked the mods to move it here.
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He said he asked the mods to sticky it to the other thread (he probably meant he wanted them to 'merge it'). Why they would move it here instead is kinda weird.
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I don't think they can merge two threads.....that or we have lazy mods- LOL.
Anyways, really long hair would be nice to have in game and hopefully we will.
Thanx for all the positive replies.