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  1. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I just figured you were a Chasing Amy fan.
    I am - hence the forum and global name
  2. alyssa_jones

    Hi there!

    So it's been mentioned to me via a few pm's that I should come on over here and introduce myself. So hi, I'm alyssa. I used to play way-back-when (Rikti Invasion) but left shortly after to play WoW (where I've spent the last 5yrs or so). WoW just isn't doing it for me anymore, so I thought I'd come back here.

    Since I haven't gotten very far yet in-game (still in the GR staring area), I got nothing else to mention that won't get me banned, deported or hosted by Dr. Phil.
  3. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    Right click the center of a chat window, in the pop up menu, click "Channel Search". Enter a search pattern, for example 'jus' for Justice. Once you get the results, click on a column header to sort. Join 3-4 of the most populated channels and monitor them for a few weeks to see which has enough activity to suit your needs.

    Note: the results only show public channels.

    Note: you may want to organize them into one of the spare chat windows (ie the 1 2 3 4). You can also create additional Tabs in a chat window by right clicking a Tab and choosing "Add Tab". If you have multiple Tabs, you can split the chat window by right clicking a Tab and choosing "Move to Bottom".

    Note: once you join a channel, most will default you into "silenced mode". You will need a channel moderator (a player) to unsilence you which should happen within a day. To check for a channel moderator, open your Friends window, then in the drop down menu, choose the global channel. A global name with a "star" icon next to it is a channel moderator. Note: sometimes a channel mod may be in hidden mode to avoid drama.
    I saw the search function, but nothing that would show all public channels to pick and choose from.
  4. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Just a random tangent thing: It's not a very good idea to use your real name as an online handle. I don't know if that is your real name, but if it is, I'd suggest changing it. I suppose Jones is a common enough name that you wouldn't have too much trouble remaining anonymous, though.

    Maybe I'm just paranoid, but Kaison is a made up last name.
    No, Jones is not my real last name, I just wanted it to match my forum name. I'd change it, but I already used my 1 Rename.
  5. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I can't wait to play with you on my team.
    I'm very much a tank-n-spank kinda girl and can't quite stand still for very long. I'm all about goin in and just RAWR!BOOTSMASHTOYOURFACE!OMGIJUSTKILLEDYOUSOHARD!! !WHOSNEXT!!!! If you think you can handle all this, then drop me a line and we'll face stomp together

    I'm on Justice and my global is alyssajones (original, right? lol)
  6. I have a question about your maze - is it matter of getting from point a to point b, do I have to locate someone or is it a mutli-level maze that you progress through?
  7. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    I want to call shenanigans on all of this since it all sounds too good to be true, but it seems close to being a god-send after what I've put up with and will cherish it until sunshine blows out my bum.
  8. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    Is there an option in-game to show available chat channels or do you need to know the name beforehand?

    As for N P C - do the spaces need to be there?
  9. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    Originally Posted by ZephyrWind View Post
    Oh, and please tell me (in regards to your first post) that you did not wait until you were 50 before you started teaming. Leveling in a group is one of the best things about this game.

    Edit: Welcome to the game and the boards, alyssa!
    Nope, my toon should be hitting 20 tonight and getting out of the Rogue starting area. I have grown kinda bored with solo quests and am really looking forward to team stuff.

    Thanks everyone for your replies, I was getting kinda worried about how the mechanics worked.
  10. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    But...but...there's no balance! What if I pull aggro? What if I need heals! Who is going to tell me that my damage is the sux0rz and I need to L2P n00b!?

    OMG!!!!!!: eek:: eek:

    But can have an all damage team or all tank team or etc.. and still stomp your way across their faces without much of a drawback?


    Not to be glib, but how is this possible?
  11. alyssa_jones

    Team Dynamics

    One of my toons is about to reach that age where she gets to play with the other boys and girls and I want to make sure she does so correctly. Having played WoW for so long, I have ingrained in my brain the 5man rule: 1 tank, 1 heal, 3 dps - all have their roles and no one acts outside of them.

    Something tells me this does not quite hold true for CoX.

    What are the optimal team builds? Which team builds should I stay away from?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chef_Inferno View Post
    2. The team NEEDS a "healer"

    3. The team NEEDS a Tanker

    Having just ported over from WoW, my brain still says you need a 5man and all the set-in-stone rules that come with it.
  13. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    Alyssa, if you're interested you could also opt to join the Mentor Project channel (in my sig).

    We offer new and returning players near instant assistance regardless of the server they're on (we have volunteers on all the servers - including Europe) and can even have someone partner up with you for a bit if you're interested in a more personal approach.

    Welcome back!
    I like the idea of your Mentor Project, but somehow I think the mentor's have better things to do than listen to me babble on about my awesome superhero, shoes, and whatever else is goin on. I had considered starting my own SG, but having run my own guild in WoW for so long - I'm kinda burnt out on management. Just looking for a group to bs with and eventually run raids with.

    Raiding is an applicable term, yes? I need a new lexicon
  14. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
    Because no one else has mentioned it yet -

    SGs have somewhat been replaced as the best place to have a regular group of in-game friends to play with by Global Channels.

    Head down to your preferred server's forum to ask about what are the best globals to join. For example, I'm on "LB" for my Liberty server alts and 3 channels for the Infinity ones - "Infinity Hamidon", "Infinity badges" and "AE Anonymous". I also belong to "Base Builders Inc." as a part of the base construction community.

    Folks tend to look for people to join TFs and mission arcs on globals - which have potentially a much larger membership than a single SG and even many SG coalitions.

    To join a global channel, once you know which one you want to join, type /chan_join "insert global channel name here" - the "" is only necessary if there are spaces in the channel name.

    You can also check in your server's forum for any regular events, such as weekly TFs or (when you get a higher level character) Rikti Mothership Raids or Hamidon Raids. Sometimes there's a sign-uo, sometimes, it's just a place, date & time to meet up.

    Welcome home!
    So that's where everyone went. I thought the general chat looked dead...or maybe it's because I haven't finished the rogue line yet and am still sequestered away from the general population like a leper.

    Why did SG's go the way the way of the dodo?

    Originally Posted by LygerZero View Post
    Which server did you wind up creating on?
    I joined on Justice again. I remember the people there not being ****** canoes from last time, so I figured I'd go that way again.
  15. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    There's one under news and announcements for SG recruiting.
    Outstanding! Thnx a bunch!

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Welcome back

    Realizing that spandex is always better than chainmail was a good thing to do
    Chainmail? No, I was more of a leather kinda girl. Chain and plate did nothing for me. How you gonna be sexy when choppin off heads if you're covered in metal?
  16. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    I read it all. Even some of the hyperlinked info. Feeling overwhelmed? Yeah, but a just a wee bit. A lot of it appears to only matter when I reach the higher levels, and since my highest toon is only 10, I got time lol

    I noticed the SG subforum disappeared. How do I find one now!?'s so lonely
  17. alyssa_jones

    Playing Catch Up

    So I'm a returning player (left WoW to come back here) and I have noticed a bunch of changes, so many in fact, that I wonder what changes have occurred that I have yet to see. Is there a time-line of sorts that I can see to catch up on everything?

    For a frame of reference, I left shortly after the Rikti Invasion started.