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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadestorm View Post

    [Ninja Infomercial]
    Now, that's the pitch I was looking for! I have already rolled a Kin/Nin, which I am liking, but I think a Nin/Nin is also in my future. I chose Kin/Nin because both sets are new to me, and my project already includes a Katana Scrapper. For this project I am wanting to avoid duplicating sets.

    Thanks for the write-up. I think I'm going to save this somewhere.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    To play a Stalker, you're going to have to do some scrapping. Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers...they're play melee you need to hit things, so why you don't think you wouldn't I don't understand.

    If you play the hit and run style, teams won't like it, and you're likely to get bored of it.
    No, not hit and run. I was thinking of the opposite of scrapperlock: Instead of blindly charging in head first, trying to survive, and devastating the group; using stealth and misdirection to tip the tactical scale to your advantage, then devastating the group, but with minimal damage taken.

    This would probably boil down to using AS to take out a key enemy at the start of the fight (Engineer, sapper, etc.), then just fighting until everything else is dead. Or arrested.

    Thanks for the tips everyone. I didn't realize Kin/ had those unique features.

    I think it's between Elec/Nin and Kin/Nin now. Leaning toward Kin/ because my highest level character is an Elec/ Brute and I want a fresh experience. Must think some more.

    Edit: wow! Post count 187 in a Stalker thread. Irony.
  3. Ok, not literally, but the Stalker AT is the only one I haven't really played by now. I rolled one up way back when CoV was new, but I failed so hard at it I abandoned the AT. I have a project that involves creating one of each AT on a chosen server and Stalkers are my last piece to the puzzle.

    So, convince me to roll up a particular Stalker. I'm liking the look of Ninjitsu, probably because it is unique to Stalkers, but I'm willing to consider anything. I'm especially looking for something iconic, something Stalker-y (as opposed to Poached Scrapper). I have this idea of a warrior-assassin who takes out a target, then eliminates witnesses. One who is capable of merely wading into combat and emerging victorious, but is wise enough to engage on his terms, not his opponent's.

    I'm not a min/maxer, but I don't like dying faster than Rest recharges. So, I come with questions:
    • I've seen comments to the effect that Kin Melee works best on Stalkers (versus other versions), is this true? Why?
    • Is it better to really focus on the single-target nature of the AT, or do the sets with AoE (esp. Elec/ and Spines/) just leave others in the dust?
    • Does Willpower really work well on Stalkers? I was somewhat unimpressed by WP's numbers.
    • Is it better for a mitigation set to focus on Resist, or Defense?

    I'm not really into complicated IO builds, I mostly frankenslot with level 30ish IOs plus a few specials as I feel necessary (-kb, 3% +Def, whatever). So, assume slightly better than SO-level performance. No builds necessary, but tips concerning your suggested combos' synergy and tactics would be most appreciated.

    Thanks, everyone.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
    What does it say then, smart guy?
    Google is your friend.

    Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
    .. - .... .. -. -.- -.-- --- ..- .-. -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. .. ... -... ..- ... - . -.. .-.-.-
    I think your Morse Code Translator is busted.

    Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
    .-.. -- .- ---

    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    .. -.- -. --- .-- -.-- --- ..- .- .-. . -... ..- - .-- --- - .- -- ..
    I know you are but wot [sic] am I[?]
  5. I've been around a while, and while players were capable of some crazy things, I wouldn't accept the associated losses of playing long-gone issues. We fought a long time for some of those fixes and features.

    And besides, what would happen if you loaded up your Kin/Shield meleer in, say, I4? Would you have any powers? Would you exist at all?

    If you are wanting to fuel a desire for the past, consider this: Back in CoH beta, Hasten was a toggle. At least, that's what I've heard. I didn't realize how awesome hasten was until i6 or thereabouts.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by wingspan View Post
    .. - .... .. -. -.- -.-- --- ..- .-. -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. .. ... -... ..- ... - . -.. .-.-.-
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I'm not sure why you resurrected a 5 year old post.
    Maybe because he's the Ellimist? Time means nothing to him!
  8. Thanks, everyone, for the tips.

    Originally Posted by Misaligned View Post
    The most simplistic guide I can think of for flipping salvage is in my signature.


    And go read the guides! lol
    I have read most of the guides here, including yours. I think yours was the first one I read that actually discussed flipping. I have leveraged arbitrage to get start-up funds on characters for a long time now and I get how to price drop/craft sales so I make a profit, so while most of the guides have been helpful in the past, what I need now is knowledge of how to invest. What makes a good investment and why, that sort of thing. My recent acquisition of a recipe whose crafted IO was selling for 100M+ when I listed it versus the ~40M it sold for three weeks later taught me that I don't yet understand the ebb and flow of the market.

    Originally Posted by Misaligned View Post
    For ease of learning, salvage flipping is not really your best bet though. It isn't very indicative of the market as it moves extremely fast and you can't see what is actually happening. Also, when you make a mistake, you are rarely if ever punished for it

    However, if you are set on flipping, I would recommend having 3 characters do your marketeering - 1 for salvage - 1 for recipes - 1 for IOs.

    Specialize each one so you can see what is actually going on with each type of sale.
    So if I were limited to, say, one character logging in twice a week you would suggest I start where? Recipes? Generics or sets?

    @Mandur, That is a very interesting way to look at it. I had not considered that ask-price variation might be affecting how often my stack bids are listed. It seems to match my experiences, too. When buying a stack, if it sells while I'm watching it, I see something like: three or so process at once, one update to the last five, two more process, one update, the rest process, one update.

    Thanks, all
  9. Mandur, those are good points.

    Do you find that the "highest bid" fluctuates a lot, or just the "buy it nao" price on weekends?

    Regarding the Last 5: I have noticed that sometimes when I buy a stack of something and it insta-buys, there will only be one entry of my purchase (I end my bids in 4321). Is this normal? Is it because I bought a stack at once, or does it represent the large turnover of the cheap stuff?

    And yes, I anticipate losing inf at first. But hopefully not too much.

  10. Thanks for the quick response, Misaligned.

    Regarding semantics: Yes, I know the difference between crafting-to-sell (a practice I've seen referred to as "crapping," a rather amusing portmanteau) and flipping. My point was that before I get heavily involved in crafting for profit, I want to better understand the nuances of the market. Naturally, I look to flipping for this because it is essentially a simplified version of crafting-and-selling; no salvage to acquire, I can deal in bulk, I never have to find a crafting table, etc. Just buying and selling. Thanks for looking out, though. I don't mind getting pounced, but I've come to expect a better response from the Ebil Ones.

    Heh, I have numerous characters past level ten. I've got almost 90 current characters, of which probably less that 15 are below level ten (mostly they are between 20 and 35). So, no problem there. I have two that I keep parked at the market for marketing purposes, one of which is my farmer.

    I guess I will start with salvage since I'm mostly wanting to learn how the market "breathes" rather than turn a huge profit. Will any salvage do, or do i need to work on a high-demand one like Neversell-uhh-melting Ice or Luck Charm?

    Thanks again.
  11. Hi folks!

    I recently had a couple of good sales go through and am sitting on my first-ever huge (to me) pile of inf. OK, so its only about 150-200M, but that's more than I have ever had before. I get little time to put toward the market, but that's ok. Between a rarely-used farming character I have and regular drops & sales, I have so far been able to afford frankenslotting any characters who make it into their 20s, plus the occasional -kb or +Def IO as I felt necessary.

    Anyway, I intend to reinvest much of that into a couple of good recipes to craft and sell, but I feel that my grasp of market forces is a bit...tenuous.

    So, I intend to spend some time flipping stuff to see how it all works. The only problem is, beyond "buy low, sell high," I have no idea what to do. And therefore, I come to you all. What tips should I keep in mind when finding stuff to flip? Is there a significant difference between flipping salvage vs recipes vs crafted IOs? Is it better, generally, to focus on low-yield high-turnover investments or high-yield low-turnover ones? What patterns should I watch out for?

    I imagine there's a guide for this, or covering this, but "flipping" is such a common term and my search-fu sucks. I have read several guides and have what I think is a pretty good understanding of how this all works, but the supply-and-demand thing is still foggy.

    Thanks in advance
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
    That's because you only get a chance for recharge on the initial hit. Every chain gives a chance for the pseudo pet to get a +rech bonus. IT's lame, but that's how it works.
    This is still the case? I hadn't had a chance to test it, but I was hoping after the 9/28 fix for Chance to Heal Self IOs in chain powers affecting mobs the Devs might have made it so Self-proc IOs worked properly on chain powers. I still haz a sadface. :-C
  13. Ah, good to know. I knew I had seen it both ways, but I wasn't sure if it was two commands or not.
  14. /petsayname Harry "<em laptop>Hey, look at this! I can grow 4 inches in 4 weeks! For FREE!"


    /macro 4inch "petsayname Harry <em laptop>Hey, look at this! I can grow 4 inches in 4 weeks! For FREE!"


    /bind h "petsayname Harry <em laptop>Hey, look at this! I can grow 4 inches in 4 weeks! For FREE!"

    I'm not 100% sure about "petsayname" it might be "petsay_name" instead.
    Something rattling around in my mind says the Bind might not work right, but the line-command and Macro should.

    Basically the format is:
    /(or /macro [name] or /bind [key])petsay (or petsay_all, petsay_name, etc.) <em [emote]>(optional)[text]
    With quote marks as necessary.
  15. /bind [key] petcom Goto
    Gives you a location cursor to tell the selected pet to go to the targeted location and Stay there. All the variations of Petcom (_all, _name, etc.) work, too.

    As for chaining emotes, it used to be real easy. Now, you have to use sequential commands.
    Example: a bind or macro consisting of
    "petsayname Harry <em laptop><em ><em golfclap>"
    would have fit the bill in a convenient single line. Harry would pop out the laptop for a few moments, then whisk it away and start golfclapping. The timing was controlled by the <em >, and could be as long or short as necessary by adding more <em >'s.

    Unfortunately, the way the game currently handles the > and < symbols breaks the above line. Now, Harry whips out the laptop and says "<em ><em golfclap>" instead.

    So now, to get a series of emotes out of poor Harry, you need two commands. "petsay <em laptop>" and "petsay <em golfclap>" on two binds/macros. The timing is up to you.

    More complicated Petsays are possible, but require some funny workarounds.
  16. I was looking through the servers to count my characters on this account (81 at the moment, btw) and noticed a couple really high "X days offline" listings. My highest? 2295 days offline, on Protector. Thanks to the magic of the internets, I easily found that to be June 26, 2004.

    This poor character has been pushed to the back of the shelf since two months after CoH launch.

    OK, pity time over. What occurred to me is that this might be some kind of record. I mean, sure I've deleted easily a hundred or so disused characters to make room on servers I liked for more alts, but I have only three that break the 2000-days ignored mark. The other two are around 2275 days offline.

    Does anyone else have a character that has been left in a dark, dusty corner of some barely used server for six-and-a-half years? Do I hold some kind of record now?
  17. Sorry, "Flavor of the Month." It refers to a set combo that's wildly popular, often for a short while, until the next "Flavor" is discovered.

    The change to Energize happened after the set had been out a long time. Issue 14 maybe? Few guides have been written since.

    And yes, you might end up with a lot of extra power picks you don't know what to do with. I don't have a travel power, relying on Sprint+Swift+Lightning Reflexes+Ninja Run for my run speed. It's almost like Super Speed. Hasten, Fitness, Fighting. That's it. If you find you need a couple one-slot-wonders, I recommend the stealth pool for Luck of the Gambler +Rech globals. Assuming you can afford them.
  18. I am almost certain the Vahz are weak (or, at least not resistant to) Lethal. They stop at 20 anyway, when that kind of thing would start to stand out. What other zombies are there?

    Edit: Ok, so no: Vahzilok are NOT weak to Lethal. They just lack resistance to it, mostly. Banished Pantheon are weak (-5% resistance) to Lethal, Fire, and Energy.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cmls View Post
    k one last thing. k so far i have goten my ss/wp to lvl 25(liking him ) a ss/nrg to 25(agian liking him thow a little more all or nothing then ss/wp)

    now wood like to try one last brute to lvl 25 and pick one to stick with.. this time looking at
    /elec armour. i figer i have a both(WP) a def(NRG) now try an resist set (ELEC)

    SS seem like a good idea just because the def crush of rage doesnt mater at ALL
    is it a good combo??

    i figed for power pools.
    -hasten (lvl 6-8)- super speed(lvl 14)
    -Aid self(get ASAP no self heal w/o it)
    -box or kick and tough( get at l8tr lvles but no weave)
    -stamina tell i19 (then change travel power. figers combat jump[more imob def] SJ[just like using it]and drop super speed off my build.)

    well post build for SOs one i get home.(not for a nother 5 hours or so lol)
    As I recall, SS/Elec was a FotM build a while back. Yes, that would be a good combo. I have a Dark/Elec brute in the high 30s somewhere. Virtue, I think.

    Anyway, I agree with your thoughts on Hasten and Tough. Both will be very useful to your survivability.

    I disagree with your thoughts on Aid Self. As a resistance set, you will have a hard time firing that off in combat.

    Energize is better because it also has a decent +Regen buff attached to it. It is on a longer recharge than Aid Self, but fully enhanced for recharge, plus with Lightning Reflexes and while Hasten is up it will heal 50% of your health every 40ish seconds, plus another 37% regenerated over the 30 second buff. The +Regen component effectively triples your regeneration rate when fully enhanced, and can be up 75% of the time with SOs.

    Admittedly, with the same enhancements and buffs Aid Self can heal about 40% of your health every 7 seconds, but you'll be fighting with the fact that it is interruptable and you have no defense. Every tick of DoT attacks, every pulse of mez effects (even ones you're protected from), and every time a nearby enemy sneezes, you'll have to reactivate the power. Also, Aid Self costs you an extra power pick to get it.

    If you are really set on it, I'd still recommend you get Energize, for the extra heal and the Regen and EndDiscount buffs. Having both wouldn't hurt, I suppose.

    At any rate, with Tough you'll have almost 60% Smash/Lethal resistance (an /Invuln brute can manage 70% here, with Tough, that's only another 10%) and with your set resistances you'll have up to 41% Fire/Cold/Psi, 30-35 Negative Energy (if you take and slot out Grounded), and capped (90%) Energy resistance. Any sort of healing will greatly prolong your life.

    Grounded is great. An (almost) always on partial status protection? Yeah, buddy! I was originally concerned with the whole only-protected-on-the-ground concept, but I never noticed a time when it failed. It also pushes your Energy resistance to the cap (with no additional slots) and bolsters your relatively weak NegEnergy resistance. No need for Combat Jumping or Acrobatics/IOs here.

    Edit: Holy wall of text, flying nocturnal mammal man!
  20. Gavin, minor nitpick: I'm fairly sure zombies are weak to lethal damage. I remember encountering someone who ran a Banished Pantheon farm on a Claws scrapper for this reason. I could be wrong; I don't fight zombies much.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Fixed that for you.
    Somehow I expected that would take longer. Good job!
  22. I'm running a Mace/Energy brute as one of my current projects, and it runs pretty well. He is frequently gasping for breath right now, but he only just hit 18. once I get Stamina and some Single Origins, I fully expect him to be a beast.

    My advice: Get some more Smashing/Lethal defense when you can, and Weave. Four Kinetic combats give a pretty big S/L bonus, around 3.75% if my memory is correct, and two Rectified Reticles (in Rage, though you might prefer a set of Gaussian's here) are about 1.88% or so. Combat Jumping and Weave will get you around 8% defense with reasonable enhancement. Take the passive S/L resist (or Tough) and slot a Steadfast Protection: Res/Def and you ought to be at or really close to the softcap for S/L, pretty close with Energy, and still have plenty of room for slotting bonuses for Fire/Cold Defense and whatever else.

    Most attacks have a Smashing or Lethal component, and will have to check against your defense there regardless of whatever other damage it does, so you'll get the best return there. That's why I recommend it first.

    I recommend frankenslotting Energy Drain for Rech/EndMod/Heal to get the highest values out of those three you can, then whatever EndRedux you can get so you can fire it off if you happen to be nearly drained. It's a pretty big heal; up to 60% of your health if fully saturated with targets and with ED-capped Heal enhancement.

    As a defense set, you have a lot of places to slot the Luck of the Gambler recharge proc, if you can afford them.

    I have no real advice for SS, as I don't really care for the set. I'm sure someone else will be along shortly to point out the highlights there. Just beware of the -Defense part of the Rage crash: watch for it and be prepared, and you should be fine.
  23. AllYourBase

    Pricing oddity

    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    Most sets usually are most valuable at their highest level which might explain this one being most expensive at level 20. I've also noticed any IOs at levels divisible by 5 are also more expensive than others. I guess people just like to see those nice 5s and 0s when they look at their enhancements. I don't mind because it lets me get my pieces at lower prices!
    I suspect this is due to years of store-bought enhancements and generic IOs being in 5-level increments.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cmls View Post
    to tell the truth i lack basic spelling skill duo to being dyslectic. if its pragraming code in front of me and its as easy as 1,2,3 to me. sorry if my spellyngs is hard 2 read for u.
    Dyslexic, huh? That's pretty rough. I'm glad it doesn't seem to affect your programming skill, I know how even a simple typo can mess up a whole section of code. As I said, I was mostly curious at how your misspellings were so consistent. It isn't really that your posts are hard to read, I was mostly just wondering if you do it on purpose or if it just happens. No offense meant.

    Some people I've met purposely misspell things on the internet ("this is teh intarnet, nt grayd skool, lol"). I have little patience for that, personally. Misspellings due to a language barrier or learning "disability" (I dislike "disability" because one isn't unable to learn, there are just additional obstacles for those of us with learning "disabilities". I'm ADHD, myself. Never made it to 50 in six years of CoX.) are a completely different thing, though.

    Ok, end of threadjack.
  25. AllYourBase

    Pricing oddity

    And, naturally the price has fallen past my then-medium-low listing. Hax!

    I wait for another weekend to pass.