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  1. Nice work, Shia!

    Um ... I looked and looked and looked (then looked some more), but I did *not* see *me* in your picture!

    How can you have Hero One and not have Amerikatt (never mind that namby-pambly Statesguy, Amerikatt is *the* definitive defender of the U.S. of A.! Cute ... AND humble! RAWR!)?!
  2. Congrats on getting an "Honorable Mention" for your costume, Miss Cashoo! At least the judges had the good sense to award you *some* prize! I concur that you *should* have a better placing *next* year.

    I looked through the pics, and I liked 2 (4th fave), 3, 28, 33 (3rd fave), 34 (2nd fave), 38 (my fave! nom nom!), and 43.

    No offense to the 1st Prize winner, but *that* outfit would *NOT* have passed the Amerikatt Hugglability Test (tm)!

    (*George Foreman voice*) "You wuz robbed! You wuz robbed!"
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Am sure i got a cat-o-nine-tails somewhere if you fancy
    (*checks behind herself to find that she only has *one* tail*)


    Will *I* do?
  4. Amerikatt

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Well it would be cruel and unusual punishment to deny you bacon... And I suppose I really must allow you the milk to wash the bacon down with... And... and.. I suppose bacon is best when wrapped around catnip... (at least for you...)

    *sigh fine, fine... I suppose you can always take a catnap later if you get tired.
    YAY! Thanks, Caemgen!

    (*bounces around thread, totally wired from the bacon-wrapped catnip ... SPROING SPROING SPROING*)

    (*huggles Caemgen*)

  5. Amerikatt


    Originally Posted by Over_Knight View Post
    IS this it for this thread ??
    It is ... NOT!
  6. Amerikatt

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    While I obviously agree with you I can't help but wonder what you're doing up so late... If you're staying up past your nap time again it'll mean no milk and catnip for you!!
    This gross injustice kept me awake!

    At least I haz teh baconz I kanz nom!
  7. I'm in yer artz, nomming yer baconz!

    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko
    That flowchart is... 100% truth!
    The chart is a lie!
  8. Amerikatt

    City of Cute...

    Only 42% of 55 voters loved Miss Psygon's yummirific work? I call ballot box fraud and demand a recount!
  9. Amerikatt


    According to Einstein, you is going backwards, but it is all relative to where your twin is at the time.
  10. Amerikatt


    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post

    I is still boggling at how long Teh Catsi is!

    But I is also soiten dat Teh Soul Kitten will say that he is longer!
    Originally Posted by Zyal View Post

  11. Amerikatt

    City of Cute...

    Good luck in the contest, Miss Psygon!

    You do beautiful work!

    (*fan kitty squee!*)
  12. Welcome to the Role-Playing Forum!

    Virtue (North American) and Union (European) are the two unofficial role-playing servers in-game, but you can also find some fantabulous role-playing threads right here in the Role-playing section of the Forums. Some of those threads will be "Open" to everyone and others will be "Closed" and by invitation only, but such threads are usually marked as such in the subject heading. As I understand it, some of the role-playing threads here are also connected to in-game events, usually on Union.

    Two long-lived threads are "Whitmoore Apartments" and "9 p.m. under GG's skirt". It's best to read the first few and the last few pages of any thread(s) to which you want to become a part. The aforementioned threads also have their own Wiki pages, so those are also good places to look.

    I have to concur that it is best to stay away from Pocket D for "role-playing" unless you want to be in therapy for the next 10-30 years! The goings-on there are ... well ... let's just say that the mind wobbles and leave it at that! Have a gallon bottle of brain bleach ready if you venture there. You have been warned!

    (*huggle pounces Rebel_Scum, glad that her friend has escaped from that nasty ole Longbow prison *)
  13. Congrats on that yummytastic colorist gig, Miss Cashoo!

    (*gives Miss Cashoo a BIIIIIIGGGGGG kitty huggle and refuses to let her go! *)

    WOW! Freaky Fred would outfreak even Willem Dafoe (who he looks a bit *too* much like! )

    Maybe it's the eyes. Maybe it's that broad, maniacal leer. Maybe it's a bit *too* realistic! Maybe it's all of the above.

    (*fan kitty swoon! *)
  14. (*Mr. T voice*) "I pity da foo' who don't vote for Da Foo!"

    ((Ok, Mr. Foo. I votez for yaz. I kan haz cheezburgr now?! ))

    [I downloaded Shia's game, but I cannot get it to work. Maybe if I had opposable thumbs?! ]
  15. Into every life, a little bacon must fall!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    I'll spare you any psycho-babble about shyness and just say that your costume is seriously cat's pyjamas. I insist that you enter it into the contest. If not on yourself then on some hobo who you paid with $3.00 and a bottle of high alcohol content aftershave.
    Well, as nice as your costume is, Miss Cashoo, I don't know that I could wear it as my PJ's without getting nightmares!

    Therefore, YOU wear it and WIN the contest! (*huggle huggles Miss Cashoo!*)

    BTW, I thought that Kheldarn was our resident hobo! (*huggles Kheldarn*)
  17. I have to concur, Miss Cashoo. You are such a fount of creativity, and Hero-Con is a great place to showcase your work.

    I can certainly understand the part about being shy ((my otherworldly self is not as outgoing as Amerikatt, that's for sure)), but you also have the advantage of being an attractive young lady -- so it's win-win, and can only further enhance the display of such impressive work.

    Fan Kitty sez, "I'm in yer contestz winning yer prizez!". Go for it, Miss Cashoo! RAWR!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pirate Cashoo View Post

    Some other things I've been up toooooooo

    Mere words cannot convey how far off the scale my fan-kittiness meter is registering right now! These four pics are by far the most awe-inspiring of the already prodigious and beautiful body of work you have shared with us!

    I love the 3-dimensional quality of Candlejack!

    I must admit that I'm a bit envious that (in the 2nd picture), Catsi and Soul Kitten are making guest appearances. I thought that *I* was your favorite forum kitty!

    RAWR, Miss Cashoo! RAWR!
  19. Amerikatt

    Nice Job, Devs.

    This is my first Hallowe'en Event, and I'm really enjoying it.

    If I have a negative comment to make, it's that the Greater Mystics are getting defeated before I can even get to their site. Some people are *very* inconsiderate of others!

    Thanks for making my first Hallowe'en Event such a treat, Devs! (*huggles*)
  20. Slow and steady wins the bacon!
  21. Eternal vigilance is the price of Bacon!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    I'm predicting a rash of people logging into old servers and abandoned characters now.
    That's what I did. I dusted off an old, old alt and got her Levels 25-35. Next 2xp weekend, I hope she'll get 36-40, then 41-45 after that, and finally 46-50 during the following 2xp weekend.
  23. Weird Bacon

    "Weird bacon! Bacon strips and pots and pans, energy, and the magic from my hands will make ... weird bacon!"

    "By my heart and by my hand, why don't people understand ... my intention?!"
  24. 12 Angry Bacon ((12 Angry Men))