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  1. I did not watch LOST for any of its six seasons. However, with the advent of the series finale, I started watching Season 1 on the ABC site, then I saw the Season 6 finale and I was like ... HUH?!

    My favorite characters:

    Favorite Female Character: Danielle Rousseau (how can anyone NOT love Mira Furlan?!)

    Favorite Male Character: Vincent (*waggles eyebrows*) ((Like you didn't see THAT coming?!))
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Your welcome.

    and let's face it who wouldn't want to see the occasional Amerikatt cameo...
    Thanks for your kind words, CR! +5 Interwebz for ya!

    Of course, Caemgen really called it when he said ...!
    Originally Posted by Caemgen
    Careful! Include her in one and she'll just end up wanting her own series!!!

    (*Baby Dinosaur voice*) "Gotta luv me!"
  3. It's yummitastic! You sure put a lot of heart into it. Copper looks quite imposing and doesn't even have to say anything. I can see that you put a lot of work into the detail on her chasis!

    +15 Interwebz (+10 from me and +5 for Copper)

  4. Thanks for giving me the starring role in that comic, Jordan. I had a speaking (um ... thinking) role and was the first kitty on-screen. I love how Copper had such presence without even having to say anything, and how detailed you made her chasis!

    +15 Interwebz!


    ((If demand is high enough, perhaps *I'll* be back ... with some of the regular "Jordan's Town" cast? (*looks cajolingly at Jeremy*)))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toxic_Shia View Post
    You're all weird. Also you have boot fetishes you need to deal with. Personally I go here;
    I think that Mr. Boots is the most nomtastic, so I go ... here!


  6. Congrats Shia, Pyro, and Juggy! RAWR!
  7. Beautiful job on the newest comic strip, Jordan. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. Nice bit with the thought balloons. The only thing missing was me calling Jeremy "citizen".
    Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
    I always thought that Amerikatt, herself, was referencing that "Gone To The Americans" saying from that old thread whenever she used that phrase (Its been in her profile for a while, for her location) - she's just personalizing it.
    Actually, I was doing a play-off of the "Going to the Americans" bit that Jack Emmert had mentioned in a post reply. I'm glad that I *finally* got that source material in context!

  8. They *almost* had me. I had Mr. Boots' credit card in my diminuative paw and was getting ready to order the Complete Collection -- until I read that the enhancers were only for younglings.

    (*hands credit card back to Mr. Boots and then skulks away -- head down -- and looks for some fish-stix to ease her sadness*)
  9. Amerikatt

    That Iconic Look

    ((Amerikatt has had an iconic look even before she was introduced in-game. For instance, she has 48 stars on her costume (since she's a Golden Age heroine) and her costume has Red/White/Blue in it (Red + White = Pink; Red + Blue = Purple). I've known for the longest time that she doesn't just represent the U.S.A, but all of North, Central, and South America, thus the more "neutral" purple bodysuit.))
  10. 1. U-Naught: Great job depicting Sloth. +2 Interwebz for the bunny slippers, too. You managed to convey your topic "sin palabras".

    2. Toxic Shia: This is *so* spot-on! Being in Atlas Park, Libby's broken even Posi's record for standing around being useless during Rikti invasions and Zombie apocalypses! +2 Interwebz for the great dialogue!

    3. PyroNympho: Nice animated .gif! +2 Interwebz for your homage to Power Girl, too!

    Honorable Mentions:
    4. ChristopherRobin: Excellent detail and shading in your artwork! +3 Interwebz for making Miss Lumi look sufficiently like me!

    5. JohnnyKat: As always, you've delivered a visually stunning piece. Unfortunately, I had to drop you in the rankings because I had no idea which virtue or vice you were trying to depict (without going to your dA page).

    6. Scootertwo: Nice use of graphic depiction of multiple sins. +3 Interwebz for using my evil counterpart for "Pride". I can tell it's *not* me because: 1) The company she keeps; and 2) The glint of murderous intent in her eyes (like it's 5 minutes past her feeding time! ).

    Great job by all contestants!

    Caemgen gets an Honorary Golden Fishstick Award (and +5 Interwebz) for suggesting that I would be a good model for Virtues.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    At the rate we're going this month, just entering something might guarantee that you finish in the top 3
    It seems pretty simple to me. I'm the poster girl for Virtue, and Sapph is the poster girl for Vice.

    Bubba: Please don't drop out of the contest. Have fun! That's what it's all about, y'know!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
    who can possibly be that happy all the time...even on a team wipe).
    (*raises her paw and smiles broadly, her pure white teeth nearly blinding everyone in this thread*)

    Nice job, Miss Tempe! RAWR!
  13. If the Devs won't let Kheldians change the color of their powers because of "fictional reasons", then how about letting us shut-off the visual effects of our powers on a power-by-power basis?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I think the closest we might get would be if the devs implemented new stances like CO has. The one I'm thinking of allows the character to run on all fours like an animal.
    That would be nice, but we'd still have the appearance of a 4' tall catgirl running on all fours, rather than a cat doing that.

    Despite what *some* people in Atlas might think/say, cats and catgirls are *not* the same thing.
  15. Thank-you for your response. You bring up some valid points.

    However, some of your animation numbers can be greatly reduced. For instance, a cat model would not have access to things like swords or axes nor to the Widow or Arachnos Soldier ATs. We're talking about a cat, *not* a catgirl.

    I'm certain that, were the Devs to implement such a model, they would probably limit access to certain ATs. At the very least, certain powers would not have animations. An animal model *could* be used for a character with Dual Blades, for instance, but it would appear that the character is using their Dual Claws instead.

    There's no doubt that it *would* take a good bit of animation and character model development time, but I believe it would be a very nice addition to the game. After all, aren't CoH/CoV known for a high degree of customization?

    It'd be nice to have things like skins for cats, dogs, monkeys, etc. I believe that some current art assets could be used or modified.
  16. I think that it would be great if we could have non-traditionally sized character models.

    For example, Amerikatt is a cat -- NOT a catgirl. Even on the smallest size (4' tall), she is still several times the size of a cat, and she looks like a humanoid with feline features.

    May we *please* get cat & kitten models upon which we may place our costumes? They'd be about 1' to 1 1/2' long (rather than 4' tall). I understand that it would probably take awhile to implement full animation for them, but it would be great if I could *finally* have my character look the way she's supposed to. She's Amerikatt, *not* Amerikattgirl.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen
    Not an artist but I couldn't help but think of Amerikatt for the virtues...
    Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
    ...dibs on fat purple cats eating elbow noodles from last contest... for gluttony
    Thanks, Caem and Tartyr. We have me down for both Virtue AND vice. Interesting combo. I look forward to seeing such artz come to fruition.

    I would have to throw my hat ... um ... cowl ... into the ring with Sapph being our poster girl for Vice, just as I am the poster girl for Virtue.

    The giddy excitement is building! I look forward to seeing what fertile imaginations are possessed by this month's contestants.

    ((I hope that I'll be able to see the artz when the time comes. My vid card seems to be working for the nonce -- nice birthday gift from The Great Mother. Worse comes to worse, I guess I'll just have to go to the library to see the noms ... um ... artz! ))
  18. (*all broadcasting transmissions are suddenly disrupted throughout Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, and a flickering holographic image of a cowled kitten fills the screens*)

    Hi, everyone!

    Today's my birthday, and I just wanted to say thanks to all of the heroines & heroes whose friendships have enriched my life, and thanks as well to the Naughty Spawns who have kept my life from falling into a pattern of ennui.

    (*arms are outstretched for a huge huggle*)

    (*cuts a large slice of Fish-Stick cake, licking the triple-fudge cream cheese frosting and chocolate pudding off of the knife*)

    And now back to your regularly scheduled programming ... already in progress!
  19. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes and yummy huggles!
  20. Happy Birthday, Miss DB!

    (*yummy birthday huggles!*)
  21. I hope that *this* birthday is the most nomtastic one yet, Ulli!

    (*huggles Ulli gently so that she doesn't crush his cookies*)
  22. (*jumps into Golden Girl's arms and licks her nose with her sandpapery tongue*)

    Amerikatt already has powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal feloids, power granted by The Great (Cat) Mother, to whom she is the loyalest of servants.

    It's only natural that Amerikatt should explore the Greater Mysteries which shall allow her to become an even more efficient servant, not only for The Great Mother, but to the furred and non-furred beings whom the "Imp of Impervium" is sworn to protect!

    (*upsurge of a rollicking John Philip Sousa theme echoes in the background!*)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Wolffe View Post
    Your site could've been gone to the Amerikatts.

    I'm glad that you were able to repair the damage. Some people can be so disrespectul.

    I await my cameo with great anticipation.

    (*huggles Jordan*)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    Ooooh oooh! The answer to every moral dilemma is to pimp yourself out to be a part of FArt entries!!!

    Seriously, hope you're able to come back soon. That definitely sounds like a bad video card you've got going over there. Ugh
    Well, I *do* make the *ideal* model for certain subjects.

    I really appreciate the beautiful gift art and artwork cameos that some of you have allowed me to be a part of. Those really lift up my spirits, especially during these difficult times, and it's both an honor and privilege. I would hate for people to think that I think that I am somehow "entitled" to be a part of the artz. It's a really neat & uplifting surprise, I assure you.

    Be kind to one another and to yourselves while I am gone!
  25. ((I think that my vid card is going bad. I jagged lines across my monitor, and it's growing increasingly difficult to read what's on-screen. In addition, I am no longer able to get into the game, but get a message saying that I have an unsupported vid card -- despite the fact that I was able to play CoH as recently as Monday night and did so in Ultra mode.

    ((Thanks to everyone who has sent along their well-wishes. It means A LOT to me ... and not just because of the current vid card problem! Please take care of one another during my absence, and, if you should find yourself in some sort of moral dilemma, ask yourselves, "What would Amerikatt do?" (*HUGGLES!*)))