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  1. Amerikatt

    October Art Jam

    Originally Posted by Square_Woot View Post
    I still have plans for Amerikatt to cameo in a Catbot page! It's coming as I establish more of the story, and can be more open with cameos.

    Um ... I mean ...

    "Excellent news, Citizen!"

    (*huggles Miss Woot*)

    (*unsheathes and resheathes her Impervium-tough claws so that she can use Catbot as a scratching post*)


    Everyone's submissions so far have been awesome!
    I concur!

    [BTW, if Pengi needs a sidekick, I would be glad to lend a paw]
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Cats going on sale in the store tomorrow.
    Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease let it be *this*!

    Kitty Masterminds!

    Kitty Lore pets!

    Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease let it be *this*!

  3. PENGI! Muh hero! (*huggles*)

    Moop moop, Pengi! Moop moopy moooop moopa! (Well done, Pengi. You really showed her!)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko
    Not posting those comic book covers?
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    You mean the 3 part Fenians miniseries?
    (*ponders why Sapphy would ask about comic book covers*)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
    *Pulls out a feather on a string and a laser pointer.....

    What's that I have here... Oh you know what it is... bet you can't catch it... it's over there... Ops... no it's over here.....

    *plan to make a break for it as soon as she runs up the wall
    (*catches the laser beam mid-stream*)

    (*sighs because she's been able to catch laser beams since she was a kitten*)

    (*jumps for the feather and crashes through the ceiling because she sprang up a bit too quickly*)

    (*hates when that happens*)

    (*comes to an improprietous landing on Mons Olympus*)

    (**really* hates when *that* happens!*)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post

    Tuna fish on a lightly toasted bagel, with a slice of American Cheese.

    (I've been told all kinds of negative things when I tell people this is how I eat my tuna fish sammiches, so...)
    (*inhales Khel's tuna fish sammich*)

    Fish-stix, deep-fried to a golden brown, and served with warm Boysenberry Dipping Sauce and a side order of Potatoes au Gratin!

    (*breathes on Khel with her tuna breath!*)
  7. Happy Anniversary, Miss Sam and Mr. Blood!

    (*ponders how long 9 Furless years would be in Kitty years*)
  8. Amerikatt

    October Art Jam

    If you need someone to keep Catbot in line, *I* would be *very* happy to assist!
  9. Manticore's Mansion is a beautiful revamp of the Midnighter set piece, and I am hoping that we will be able to get the tile sets and furniture/furnishings to add to our own bases and to put in our AE stories.


    Pretty please.

    Pretty, pretty please.

    (*sad kitty eyes*)

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
    O'rly.... you don't say?

    *hold a bowl of yogurt covered catnip, with hopes of surviving kitty rage...
    (*cites Mr_NoBody for possession of a mood-modifying substance and makes a citizen's arrest! *)

    Remember, Kids! Say No To Da 'Nip!
  11. Mourning And Rampant Tears y'all
  12. I hope not, as I really enjoyed a number of them.

    I haven't seen them in a while, and I am wondering if they were removed manually or if they were a limited time feature and have expired.
  13. (*walks around Miss DeeDee's feet in a Figure 8 pattern, then sits down and pat-pats Miss DeeDee's leg, a huge Cheshire grin on her face*)

  14. Mobilized All Relief Teams yesterday
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Atlas Park is kind of the poor man's Galaxy City.
    Fixeded for accuracy (and posterity)!

    Atlas Park may be the heart of the city, but Galaxy was, is, and will ever be the *soul* of the city!

    My Furless partners and their family have guarded Galaxy City for decades.

    She will be missed.

    I feel especially bad because I was unable to deflect the meteors farther out into space.
  16. (*reaches for the Brain Bleach after Bad_Luck's "performance" , but then chooses *this* instead! *)
  17. Some friends wanted to wish you a Happy Birfday, your Honorable Catsiness!

    Take it away, guys ...!

    A one ... and a three ... a one ... and a three ...!

    Happy Birfday (Jingle Cats)
  18. One guess!

    (*plays 'Cops and Robbers' with Isis*)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I suspect that's at least part of the reason why we're still talking about Star Trek 45 years later.
    I'll bet 1000 Quaatloos that Miss Lothic is correct!
  20. We may be comforted that he'll regenerate as a younger version of himself.

    Clear skies, Lord_Of_Time!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
    After all the times Kitty Stabbied Manti in the eye... I don't think the Villains can take that kind of abuse...
    I stabbed Stumpy in the bummy, *not* the eye!

    I'm a good kitty, not a fiendishly fiendish Naughty Spawn!
  22. Amerikatt

    Server status

    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    Considering all of these outtages began happening when they downgraded the hardware, we have a right to criticize the hardware nerf as a poor decision.
    They downgraded the hardware ... in anticipation of a massive influx of new players?!


    (*is a sad supa-kitty*)
  23. The Emperor is not as forgiving as *I* am!
  24. "Apology accepted, Colonel Duray!"
  25. Amerikatt

    Funny LFT posts

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    steelclaw wins the thread
    (*Announcer's voice*) "... and a year's supply of Mice-A-Roni, the Paragonian Treat (tm)!"