68 -
It would be interesting to have a villain team working on pillboxes because that would introduce more strategy in terms of "winning the zone." Not only would the teams need to coordinate well; there would be a need to adjust their overall strategy according to the other team's progress (i.e., which pillbox is the most vulnerable, can we slow the other team down, where is the other team likely to go next, and so on...).
[/ QUOTE ]
also the reinforcment spawns would be a lot of fun, and aid at the same time. -
CoD's red side isnt very active compared to blue, but i am extreamly active on red side, with a lot of friends. our coalitions are also extreamly active, and we constantly team up regardless of our lvls.
let me know if this would work out for you. -
ya, drive was 80, ram was 60
i had to replace a ram stick, and my hardrive...
so much h8 -
hard drive is one year old. smart drives on.
im just gonna have to format, i keep getting a new error, say there isnt enogh drive space, and thats extreamly not true. has to be a virus that windows one live cant find -
90gigs free, i defrag every monday
.....is it a loop sound crash????
[/ QUOTE ]
there is a loop -
i know i should post this somewere els, but i never leave this server, or its threads.
Every day now, sometimes twice a day, my game has to verify image. usaly after i get a force DC or somthing. im fine with the verifying, but now everytime it finishes that, it fixes files... sometimes this last up to 2 hours. i missed an entire LGTF due to this. and today i have been waiting for 40 min to log in.
why does this keep happing to me? and what can i do toi stop it.? -
We are definitly still here!
my global is a tough one though. it's @Children of DATA
im on EVERY DAY after 3 or 4pm EST and i stay on untill like 2am
should be easy to get ahold of me.
ill prolly be on redside, doing a lot of work there right now.
CoD ran 2 TFs yesterday and NoD (red) ran 2 as well, this may be why you havent seen anyone, 4 TFs in one day keeps people pretty busy.
ill make sure you get hooked up.
just tell me when and where if you want to meet, and i can exlain any changes that have happned since you've returned.
I was out for a few a months, so the ventrilo and website adress changed, but our heart and soul remains! Glad to see your back! -
been having problems getting teams that run game content since AE?
tired fo being LFT and soloing for hours?
send me a tell!!!
Im on every day starting around 3pmEST.
I have been running 2 or 3 ARCs every night, followed by a SF. i have met a lot of people, and keep seeing the same faces because teaming has become a problem since AE.
I ALWAYS keep the team at 8 members, even if i have to invite a level 1 and LK him. The missions are ALWAYS on relentless.
You can ask anyone who has been on my teams within the last month or so, we have a lot of fun.
Even the people that join, meaning to join an AE team always end up saying, "wow, i forgot how much fun the game actuly way, im going to have to take a break from AE"
Stop farming, and getting bored with the game.
to join one of my teams, just /t me. name is Arch [adjective] (ei: Arch Nullify, Arch Storm, Arch Ice)
I DONT care about your level, untill the SF
if you end up being a key part of the team, i usally add you to my friend list, and send tells or type in /friends to update people on whats going, and what SF/trail is running.
Hope to see some /t's today from new people! -
I'll make sure to have some people from both sides of DATA there to add to the fun! I will more then likly be on red side, unless blue is badly out numbered.
when base is in edit mode, and a room is deleted with a character in it, the bouce to the entrance. this can be the same for log out.
I am sure they can come up with a new format to save base instances for up to an hour with no one in it. with the way active bases are used for teleporting, this would greatly increase your chances of being able to log back in your base. here is a thought, how is it when a team wipes in a mission, and they all go to the hospital, the missions doesnt reset? it saves on some other platform. -
actuly, i dont care for PvP, just Zones that should be avilable imo.
I'll be in contact with you in game. no one in my group will do unwanted pvp.
All my characters start with the word Arch [space] [name]
ill be on Arch Nullify more then likly. -
Ha ha, there is a pic of me in one of those when i was a little one
THanks mish, geuss i gotta act more mature now. im sure that'll make you, Zen, and Reddy happy. Cant scream on Vent anymore
Taxis, you guys know i would never want to really put CoD in the bad spotlight. I will however have some redside members ready later in the night if people want to pvp. would be fun to see pvp done in BB for a change.
First, after many people in a few differnt SGs have yelled at me for weeks, i got another headset. so relax.
Number 2... Monday at 8:30am, my daughter was born. Izabella. YAY finally my own. -
hmm? is this peacfull event turning into a pvp hunt? I dont know who's side i want to be on now..
btw, for those of you that don't me, i care about this much [--] for my grammer and spelling. as long as my point gets across.
a lot of people agree with me that these additions would be great for the game. alll of these ideas would also make people want to be in good SGs, and use the bases again, like we all used to do.
Additions to bases:
~Mission door portal (make it an achievment badge)
~Auction house/Black market vendor booth (achievment badge for members in SG creating inventions)
~Teleportors to: hive, monster island, RV, Warburg, Bloody Bay, and Sirens Call
~Portal to shadow shard zones
~Items of power (... like we are supposed to have)
~SG missions that allow more then 8 members to join mission (this is called end game content, btw)
~Storage for recipes
~Ability to swap between two builds for base (like they have for players now), so that you can have a PvP build ready to go. this will cause people to start raids again
~Water, so everyone stops using blue floors
~When i log out in it base, i want to log in there too.
**New room type: contact room::
~Trainer/levleing terminal (make it expensive)
~Fateweaver/Field Anylist
~Icon contact -
is your team going to be red or blue?