for real, these shold be SG badges, base upgrades
btw, for those of you that don't me, i care about this much [--] for my grammer and spelling. as long as my point gets across.
I'd like to see a training room option like we have in tha vanguard base of RWZ
I can see you like pvp
While I don't agree with most of those as it would be more difficult than necessary to do, and imbalance things a bit, I don't completely disagree with most either. Just meh on them. However I want to address:
~Water, so everyone stops using blue floors
~When i log out in it base, i want to log in there too.
[/ QUOTE ]
There's a way to use the force field generator under a floor to make it look way more like water. Of course, should they ever fix the pvp aspect of bases, that would be unusable because presumably they'd have to fix the pathing difficulties.
The logging in and out of bases though I think that's actually a full on engine thing. You cannot re-log into an instance, it's a map that most likely doesn't exist until you enter it. It might be nice to do, I agree, but I don't THINK they can actually do it. Maybe that'll change, but I dunno.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Really like the 8+ endgame content and things like the mission teleporter! Great ideas that will bring life back to bases and SG's/VG's in general!
actuly, i dont care for PvP, just Zones that should be avilable imo.
Most of these suggestions can be found in this thread:
~Mission door portal (make it an achievment badge)
[/ QUOTE ]
Often requested. It is in the above thread.
~Auction house/Black market vendor booth (achievment badge for members in SG creating inventions)
[/ QUOTE ]
Often requested. It is in the above thread.
~Teleportors to: hive, monster island, RV, Warburg, Bloody Bay, and Sirens Call
[/ QUOTE ]
Will not happen due to PVP balance and Hamidon Raid issues.
~Portal to shadow shard zones
[/ QUOTE ]
Unlikely to happen due to story and world issues.
~Items of power (... like we are supposed to have)
~SG missions that allow more then 8 members to join mission (this is called end game content, btw)
[/ QUOTE ]
Both these are being worked on, still.
~Storage for recipes
[/ QUOTE ]
Often requested. It is in the above thread.
~Ability to swap between two builds for base (like they have for players now), so that you can have a PvP build ready to go. this will cause people to start raids again
[/ QUOTE ]
Factually incorrect. Sunstorm and the Issue 13 patch notes specifically stated that PVP base raids have been disabled. That is the cause of the missing base raids, not lack of motivation. At this point players are simply incapable of starting a base raid.
~Water, so everyone stops using blue floors
[/ QUOTE ]
I would love this suggestion.
~When i log out in it base, i want to log in there too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Likely impossible seeing that the bases are instanced maps.
**New room type: contact room::
~Trainer/levleing terminal (make it expensive)
~Fateweaver/Field Anylist
~Icon contact
[/ QUOTE ]
Doesn't need to be a new room, but maybe an expanded use of the SG computer. Also: Often requested. It is in the above thread.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
~When i log out in it base, i want to log in there too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Likely impossible seeing that the bases are instanced maps.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I want to expand on this and say that this WOULD BE impossible.
The reason it would be impossible is that there would be no way to assume that the configuration of the base would stay the same from the time that you log off until the time that you log back in. The room could be deleted, something put in the same spot, or the base might be locked. Any of these would prevent you from logging back into your character and would force GM intervention to fix the situation. Now multiply this by thousands or millions of characters. That would be a nightmare.
In other words: It will NEVER happen.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
when base is in edit mode, and a room is deleted with a character in it, the bouce to the entrance. this can be the same for log out.
I am sure they can come up with a new format to save base instances for up to an hour with no one in it. with the way active bases are used for teleporting, this would greatly increase your chances of being able to log back in your base. here is a thought, how is it when a team wipes in a mission, and they all go to the hospital, the missions doesnt reset? it saves on some other platform.
Edit mode is different, as they plan for it. As soon as you exit base edit mode, you are instantly moved to where you started. So at the point of entering the edit mode, your location is saved for you to return to. Note that you cannot enter edit mode anywhere other than the entrance for this reason.
I am sure they can come up with a new format to save base instances for up to an hour with no one in it.
[/ QUOTE ]
If it were only an hour, they might have problems. In the case of days, months, or even years (entirely possible), there is no guarantee that the base would even exist (sg disbanded, you were kicked from sg, etc.). It might happen even if you were logged out for 5 minutes (being kicked from sg).
here is a thought, how is it when a team wipes in a mission, and they all go to the hospital, the missions doesnt reset? it saves on some other platform.
[/ QUOTE ]
As to going back to a mission, the mission is kept alive for an hour at most. I have gone to the hospital and come back ten minutes later (without logging out) and the mission was reset. So that argument doesn't hold any water.
As I said, not going to happen. It has zero chance in even a poorly designed system of ever being done and while it has its flaws, the base system isn't that bad in the first place. All the prevention of logging off in your base amounts to is idiot-proofing the system to make sure nothing bad happens to paying customer's characters.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
~Teleportors to: hive, monster island, RV, Warburg, Bloody Bay, and Sirens Call
[/ QUOTE ] Will not happen due to PVP balance and Hamidon Raid issues.
[/ QUOTE ]
Honest question, how is it too unbalancing for PvP? I'm not sure what you could get out of it. Die, load up on inspirations and return? Can't you do that now?
I don't see how it would mess with Hami raids either. Don't you count as having left the zone if you hosp to base? So you'll still have to leave, free up a slot if someone's trying to get in, and then try to return. Not sure what the difference is between clicking at the zone entrance and a base teleporter.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
I love all these ideas, but being realistic I find 60% of them to be hard to come by. They COULD be do-able, but NOT with how the game is currently designed and the game would have to be completely redesigned to accomodate some of these.
But yes, I wish Bases actually meant something in this game. Its a path the Dev's haven't gone down and its saddening.
Live : @Emo Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
Test : @Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
a lot of people agree with me that these additions would be great for the game. alll of these ideas would also make people want to be in good SGs, and use the bases again, like we all used to do.

Additions to bases:
~Mission door portal (make it an achievment badge)
~Auction house/Black market vendor booth (achievment badge for members in SG creating inventions)
~Teleportors to: hive, monster island, RV, Warburg, Bloody Bay, and Sirens Call
~Portal to shadow shard zones
~Items of power (... like we are supposed to have)
~SG missions that allow more then 8 members to join mission (this is called end game content, btw)
~Storage for recipes
~Ability to swap between two builds for base (like they have for players now), so that you can have a PvP build ready to go. this will cause people to start raids again
~Water, so everyone stops using blue floors
~When i log out in it base, i want to log in there too.
**New room type: contact room::
~Trainer/levleing terminal (make it expensive)
~Fateweaver/Field Anylist
~Icon contact