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  1. Hate it when Rules for an.....

    Oh why even bother
  2. XxBudweiser8xX


    Beautifully done piece!!
  3. XxBudweiser8xX


    Originally Posted by NATOR View Post
    So if there were to be an event held which one(s) would you like to see and/or be involved in???

    Hami Raid
    Costume Contest

    Please respond and let me know... need some ideas...
    Nice idea here NATOR. I would personally love to see more Costume Contests. I myself am not big on costumes because I have zero creativity, But love to see what others come up with.

    Hami Raids are always a welcome sight on this server.

    And finally, the TRIVIA..... now this sounds fun. I'd love to see this happen.
    Another Idea I had, but not sure yet how to host it is, "Champion Server Roasts" I think this could be an absolute blast if handled correctly by all involved. You'd have to be able to get a good slam dropped on you as well as give a good slam. This could either be done in Champions united, but could disrupt game play of others..... or we could host it on vent, but limits the number of those involved. Something to think about just to make the game "fun-er-er" heck I'd even volunteer as the first "Roastee"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    First off, I think we can all agree that Klaw's account should not be used by anyone otherthan klaw.

    However, I think Bud and Bud's nephew should both be able to participate. When I read the no-account sharing rule, I interpreted it as being a way to keep people from bringing in "ringers" or preventing people from playing for multiple teams. So long as Bud and his nephew are the only ones on the accounts, I don't see much of a problem. People are allowed to play whatever toons they want, so as long as the PLAYERS themselves do not change, there should be no problem. If Bud and his nephew are on ventrilo to prove that they are the ones playing, then who cares? If Bud plays a psi/em on the terminal bliss account and then plays a rad/psi on the cougar pride account, I don't see how that's any different than playing both the psi/em and the rad/psi on the same account. Seems like it'd be a pretty strange and ineffective way to cheat.

    So, to wrap it up, as long as Bud and his nephew are the only ones playing the accounts I see no reason why they shouldn't be permitted.

    Edit: I think it would also be very reasonable for certain accounts to just be designated to each player (i.e. Bud can play the terminal bliss and Budweiser accounts and his nephew can play the COUGAR PRIDE account)

    Edit 2: Sorry if this is awkwardly worded, I just woke up

    Ultimately, it's up to the PvPEC, and the team captains, so I think they should just have a vote.
    Intresting Mebs said this cause I also read something like that in the rules:

    Any Captain of a league team may request a rule change. The request must have support from no less than 50% of Team Captains to be considered. The request must be submitted via p.m. on the COH boards to Criticalkat for consideration.

    But I approched (as team captain for team 0utcazt), Kat on this very thing last night and was told there will be no exceptions made. So apparently a vote by 50% of the team Captains doesnt matter.

    The only Solution for Cougar Pride to be able to use the @Terminal Bliss acct I have been provided is The changing of the global on the acct, Change Names and appearances of toons so they are no longer identifiable as my toons. Again, a very "costly" solution.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
    Am I reading this correctly: Bud has 3 accounts, which are @Xxl3udweiser8xX, @Budvveiser8xX, and @Terminal Bliss, but he wants to play with the first 2 of those and some other person's account (@Sgt. Klaw) and then have his nephew use the @Terminal Bliss account?

    It's not possible for me to care any less about who plays what on whichever account on this team, but I'm just making sure I understand what the problem is here.
    I fully understand the not using Sgt. Klaw acct, thats fine and understood. But heres the part Im having an issue with.

    "I" have 16 accts. Myself, Cougar Pride & Dupont Warrior both of whom are my nephews, and their mother Azure Scythe, started all playing this game together 6 years ago, We all have accts, we all use the accts, were family... why cant we? I pay for the accts, We all use them. Hell half the time you think your talking or fighting with me, it might be with them.
    Cougar wanted to take part in the event, He had 2-3 toons in mind he wanted to use. Hes being told he cannot take part in the event if he uses "whats known to be my acct" @Terminal Bliss, UNLESS the acct global is first changed, The individual toon names must be changed, and this one Im assuming, the appearances must be change because Kat told me the toons must not be recognizable as my toons at all.

    To me, this seems unfair and way excessive. having to put out large amounts of actual cash in order to go play in a pvp tourney? Wow... and I really thought we had put the bitterness and out to get eachother attitudes behind us. But maybe Im taking this all wrong and its a rule designed to keep "all the pvpers with multiple accts from letting their FAMILY members that have every much as right to the accounts as they do, from cheating in this most devious way"
  6. Ok since Im getting to resolve, I will let everyone in on the "suggestions" made to me by Kat.

    1. Change Global on the Terminal Bliss Acct
    2. Change the Individual Toon anmes on acct so that they no longer are indentifiable as my toons.

    Ohhhhh yes, these are very good suggestions......NOT

    I dont know how much it costs for a Global name change, or if you can even buy them, but 19 toons at $10.00 each for name changes...... hmmmmmmmm pvpec paying for this for me?
  7. Im not going to go into the requests that were made, no reason to here. I will just say, I discussed it with several others, and we all felt the same way..... the requests were un-justified.
  8. Ok sorry to do this but I'm having to withdraw from this event.
    Cougar pride is my nephew, and he has shared toons with me for 6 years. Anyone that has been in our vent, or in PoN knows him, and he is not being allowed to participate in this event unless I meet several insane requests.

    Good luck to all in this event.
    1. Team Name - 0utcazt
    2. Date joining - 8/30/2010
    3. Team Captain - @ELF STALKER, @ELF STALKER2
    4. Player 2 - @SolderPrime, @Soldier Prime, @Rilynn Arnith
    5. Player 3 - @Extreme Coldness
    6. Player 4 -
    7. Player 5 -

    ***Edited to remove individuals from roster
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scrier View Post
    Agreed. While I like the reward, it'll just end up in the pile with the other 40 million prestige that we have doing absolutely nothing.

    were sitting on 460MILLION doing nothing..... do we really need moar?
  10. Well as someone is so fond of saying....

    we'll leave a window open for you.... or something like that
  11. XxBudweiser8xX

    Free Speech?

    Originally Posted by Undead_Cyborg View Post
    Bud that was a very level headed and respectful response. I agree with much of what you had to say. Thank you for sorting out the matter.
    Wish I could Sort out the matter... Ive tried. Ive now had several people from MY sg quit because I would not side with them against the "people who did this to them" and I should side with them case "I dont like most of them anyways"

    I dont give 2-shitz if I like you or dont like you. Its a matter of principal. CU and Champpvp had NOTHING to do with what was going on. Do I think Elf had every right to be pissed at what happened to his? HELL YES I do, its happened to me to many times to count. But does that mean it was justified for him or ANYONE else to kick from global channels that had NOTHING to do with what was taking place???? NO

    I will stand by Elf on anything he says.... But in this case, I cant.
    I will stand by the rules WE laid down.
  12. Solo MoCoP Tf complete. 5:12

    I did use holy shotgun shells, does this tarnish this accomplishment entirely?
  13. XxBudweiser8xX

    Free Speech?

    I want to take this opprotunity to apologize to UC, Cherry, Mebs, Elf, VQ and *Myrmadon For the behavior that took place in Champions United yesterday.
    I dont know the story from all angles, I just know that the entire situation should not have happened.

    Champions United was formed because of situations like this that have happened in other channels in the past. We have put in place those that I felt had the strongest grasp on the daily "in's and out's" of Champion Server. We do NOT want CU run as some others have decided to run their channels... We want a "Free speech" channel, as long as you keep your drama filled speech to your self.

    I think the damage that was done yesterday is fixable, but it will have a long standing backlash Im sure. Please, Im going to need everyones help to get past this. I will speak with all involved people and try to fix this situation, as NO ONE should have been kicked from either CHAMPIONS UNITED or CHAMPIONS PVP.

    There comes a time in every situation where the act of being an azzhole in any given situation needs to stop, and Common sence needs to step in. I believe in defending your position to someone that is trying to impose their opinions upon you 100%. I believe in standing up for your rights, and beliefs 100%. All of you here know I will not conform to someone elses rule of thumb, BUT.... in all the issues I have ever had in the past with certain individuals on Champion server, That in no way has ever given me the right to remove them from a global channel due to a non related issue.

    I think maybe we all need to erase last last night, take a min, GROW UP for a second, and think about the cascading effect our actions could have on the greater good of the entire server?

    *Edit added Myrm, didnt realize she was involved till later.
  14. Not bad we just did it in 8:15 no temps, no pets, and we only used Brawl
  15. Thx Kat and others for recognizing a true accomplishment. As for the others, as previously stated by others so perfectly.....


    Haters make me giggle.

    P.S. Xfunks pissed cause he no can find meh pvp IO farms tee hee.... His farm griefing skills are sohawt
  16. Ok so It took us 3 trys... but we were able to finally get the C.o.P. done.... and not only were we able to do it, we DESTROYED it.


    Take that pinnacle and your 16min run

    We had an incredible turn out for this, 24 people, all on VENT Teams were divided as needed, and it just all seemed to fall together from there.

    Artic Cyborg
    Iron Watts
    MoonLite Eclipse
    Extreme Rad
    Dark Alice Watkins
    Athena Shadow
    Dark Smeede
    Control Queen
    Ima Mankiller
    Brutus Stephenwolf
    Denos Annihilation
    Felicias Honor
    Captain Casey Junior
    Dollmistress (VILLIAN TURNED HERO)
    Gravekeepers Curse
    Azure Reign

    Once again, an incredible job CHAMPIONS.
  17. You may also consider CHAMPIONS PVP

    Fully functioning base, tp's to all zones, storage, Med bays etc.

    No prestige requirement at all, earn what you can when you can.

    This post isn't directed at any one individual, but more as a post for Everyone
  18. This happening this week?
  19. My pet peeve is People who try to control everything....

    Global Channels & PVP events come to mind right away....But maybe I should take this to tells or I may be banned
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    A small edit there for you, though that was unintentionally hilarious.

    Could we get a digest though? A weekly format would be great.
    Just as a reminder, I think you were asking for 250 mil for a professional build, contact you @Elf Stalker ingame or here on the forums?

    So says the whirlwind Blaster....
  21. When your "Banned" from all pvpec events
  22. Yes congrats to the Black team, Undefeated.... Heard they did fantastic!!