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  1. American_Valor

    MSR tonight

    NO worries, you were missed, we will get you one next time. Maybe even have a new raid leader doing it.

  2. Smiles WB yes been forever and still here OD. Glad to see you back in game. Chat at you soon.


    Back to Liberty there's no place like home.
  3. Rex enjoy the ride, mine is in the shop hope to have it on the road this weekend. Would be nice change of pace. Live to Ride

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    I don't see anyone beyond the usual whinner babys 'getting bent out of shape' over this.

    What I see is a great deal of respectable forum goers voicing their concern that this is bad form. Not using hyperbole, not desperately trying to sound smarter than everyone.

    The french got a perfectly understandable response concerning the overwhelmingly negative feedback.

    That, in fact, is all that most of us are looking for at this point. The pack is in the store. So for one thing the 'discussion' thread needs to be locked. Beyond that, if this was my company, I'd be writing up some kind of boilerplate reponse. Bad feelings towards a company, even if they are bogus, do more to damage an image than any bad product can.
    No apology is needed... This is business afterall.
    No explanation is needed... It's their business plan.
    A simple, we saw the feedback and have passed it on to the concerned department would instantly make 80% of us chalk this up to 'just another thing' and move on.

    Instead of allowing this to keep growing and festering and spreading into the actual game. How sad is it that anyone in game I see with the emotes gets booed in broadcast?

    The pack isn't a big deal, it isn't gamebreaking and you can in fact enjoy the game without ever buying it.
    The bad PR is on track to derail said enjoyment for a great deal of people though... Even the ones who have no clue we even have a forum!
    Well said, and This I agree with.

    And for the record Nether- I have several friends whom no longer play, they didn't come here in the thread, they didn't ragequit they simply said good bye and left. I will see them elsewhere. This is more common then people would believe.

    But whatever. As the game changes and moves away from being what it was to being something else, people will move on. When will they figure it out, who knows. Will any of us extremely longtime players still be here if they ever do, unknown.

  5. Job Well done makes me remember Peace. Very cool and great job on the Hami as well.

  6. Okay I have been looking at the giant Nerf sniper rifle and the Nerf Gattling gun do they really work and what Blaster would you recommend as the standard issue sidearm.

    Interested in nerf firepower ( Amount of ammo it holds at one time and reload speed especially if I was to HvsZ )

  7. Human

    Unless I'm at work then Zombie
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    Speak for yourself, I stink.

    Fitz You are one of the most awesome and full of #?~!

    Since when was the word "WIN" censored?

    You know we know you love us in that nightstalker sort of way

  9. Smiles Oh we have one of these threads again, so many songs.
    • Real American By Rick Derrignier_______American Valor (Tank) Namesake
    • Body Rules By Jesse Ventura__________American Champ (Tank)
    • Kung Fu Fighting By Carl Douglas_____Iron Hammerhand (Scrapper)
    • Born for Adventure By Styx___________Gallant Blade (Tank)
    • Love is a battlefield By Pat Benatar_____Kid Valor (Tank)

    the extremely short list

    Ooo and I love Monster and Hero by Skillet.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    More often than not it is "Move damnit!"

    I bore easily. Then my blaster or defender will lead the charge. I did it so well once that my dark/psi defender tanked for a team of eight. Another time it was my nrg/nrg blaster tanking the Positron TF for a full team because the three tanks/scrappers on the team were too timid.

    Just move.
    It wasn't me.

    Mostly I just facepalm wondering WTH! Well this one time very recent I did use the alternative form. I was very put out to say the least.

  11. BUDO! Welcome home, visit or staying for a while?

  12. Gratz on 4 years keep going strong Heroes.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cold as Ice View Post
    Are you going to cancel your raid because you didn't feel up to it like some leaders?
    My question is are the heroes going to show up then bail like they did last night.

  14. I'll miss you Yeti, take it easy, study hard looking foward to seeing your return as a Reallife Hero RN Yeti See you in Thanksgiving and we'll keep the lights on for you. Until then Aloha.

  15. Just show up if you can. Bring what you like, the Hive is Heroside.
    Currently Valor and Steele plan on being there. But we both reserve the right to bail for RL issues so with that in mind set travel plans accordingly, nuff said.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tempest Teacup View Post
    Thanks for running, Infernal. It was very, very useful even if we didn't win this time. :-)

    Yea and we got close all things considering it went very well and lots of good information gathered for our next run. A job well done heroes.

  17. Hehe even our PVP is generally friendly enough. I am also not a big PVP'er and our PVP community is small but active on our server. I would agree with SJ, but weather you roll a new toon or bring an established one we welcome you to Liberty. And if you're game Sunday nights are our community MSR, at 9:00pm est would love to see you there.

  18. American_Valor

    Sisterhood Event

    Done, signed, and yes GEL is WAC-A-DO , that why we luv her

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernal_Marquis View Post
    fat cigar and bottle of brandy?
    Tiparillo and some ripple Hehe only the good stuff I mean
  20. American_Valor


    HI, I don't play, I experience it on many levels. Now come to MSR on Sunday night at 9PM EST.

  21. American_Valor


    I would have to agree with Infernal here, or everyone could just quit all the channels and join the new and improved "With Chocolate Sprinkles" chat channel open to all but you must change your user name to some flavor of ice cream or the all Bacon channel because Its Bacon, no other reson.


    I'm American Valor and I approve of this message.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
    Well after almost 4 years of playing, and three different SGs, I've gone out on my own.

    Supergroup Name: Team Veritas

    Website: N/A Still not in need of one right now since we're very small.

    Leader and/or Recruiting Officers:
    Geronimo 69, reachable globally via @Geronimo 69
    B'kash Shrall
    Vanilla Geronimo
    Scoville Unit

    Anyone of the above can invite to the SG, so if you're interested, and see one of us online, hit us up.

    Preferred Method of Contact: In-game message to any of the above, or through the forums by contacting me.

    Group Description: We don't have real base as of yet, still building up the prestige in order to develop something decent. We have a coalition member, and the only one as of right now, who has graciously allowed us access to their base to use their teleporters. I am currently looking for any other SGs that might be willing to allow us to become part of their coalitions to help out as Team Veritas gets its feet off the ground. If you're looking for someone to team with, all members are available for whatever, whenever.

    Yo G69, you haz full access to The Sentinel of Liberty SG as soon as we can Coalie bud
  23. American_Valor


    Okay Fitzs or me need to start a LibertyWithChocolateSprinkles chat channel just because PW made me smile.
