



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?

2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.

3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?

1) Tanks, no question. I only play on Virtue, and at the moment, I *think* I have at least 4 at 50, plus another 3 or so "in the works" which sadly, will never be finished. (For the record, the ones I can think of are Shield/DM {50}, Stone/DM {50, and the best Tanker EVAR}, Ice/Elm {50}, Shield/BA {50}, Dark/IM, Fire/IM... And I've deleted more than I can remember for various reasons.) The other 29 characters on Virtue all get played exactly like I play my Tanks. >.>

2) I have far too many "favorites" to come up with just one, so... We'll have to go with a Top 5, in order of most preferred, I guess.

#1 - Earth/Elec Dominator: My only regrets with this character are not waiting a couple days (literally) and rolling it Earth/Dark instead, and (alternatively) not rolling it way sooner. Permanent Volcanic Gasses is so terribly overpowered, I cannot describe it. This is my all-time favorite character, despite being one of my more recent 50's.

#2 - Rad/Fire Blaster: In theory, I could solo the LGTF minus the AV's and Hami by virtue of pure AoE DPS alone, without using inspirations, and more than likely, not dying ever. Those who have played Rad/Fire Blasters know that of which I speak.

#3 - The above mentioned Stone/DM Tank: This character is the most survivable thing I have ever seen in-game, with the exception of Psi damage (I didn't even bother patching that hole, or... Any of them except run speed). I hate to admit it, but the only reason I rolled it was because my Shield/DM Tank wasn't "good enough" (by my somewhat skewed standards) to do an MoSTF. (The acceptable standard being +4/x8, mind you)

#4 - Ice/ElM Tank: Honestly, too many people underestimate Ice Armor... Especially when combined with the added mitigation from the combination of ElM (Lightning Clap) and Mu Mastery (Electrifying Fences). As far as I know, EF is the only AoE Immob available to Tankers that also gives the targets KB protection, thus negating the only downside of Lightning Clap, turning it into an effective mitigation tool.

#5 - Umm.. I honestly can't really pick another one. I love too many of my characters, all for different reasons. So... I'll just randomly throw the "HOW far away was that guy, again?!" Elec/Energy Blaster out there. Nuking mobs from around 400 feet away never got old... Neither did sniping enemies you can't even see.

3) Hmm... None, really. I didn't really play the AT's I disliked. Because I disliked them (I'm looking at you, 'trollers, V/HEAT's)... The only 'troller I really enjoyed playing at all was... Oddly enough, a Troll. No, I don't mean the fantasy sort of troll. I mean the Internet Troll. Gravity/DAff can troll entire teams with ease. 3 spawns up ahead? No worries, you can just Wormhole 2 of them together, drop Black Hole on the third, and Dimension Shift on the two you just Wormhole'd.

In all seriousness though (regarding question 3)... I'd have to say it's a tie between Blasters, Defenders, and possibly Scrapper/Stalkers... Yes, I know. That's 4 AT's. I didn't really like Blasters until I discovered Rad/Fire and got it to 50 and IO's... Then I started the second Blaster (Elec/Energy above). I still don't like the other Blasters I've tried. lol
Defenders, I tried and tried, until I discovered Kinetics/Dark Blast and did the same. I still enjoy playing that character once in a while, as well.

The first Scrapper I really enjoyed (after many many attempts to compare them to Tanks) was MA/Dark Armor, which I still enjoy to this day, despite not really liking Dark Armor. Stalkers.... Well, overall, I still don't really like them, except for Dual Blades/Ice. And that's mostly because I love Ice Armor to death.

Well, crap... I was just starting to get used to the thought of not having CoH to play anymore... *sigh*



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Personally, I always liked Lift and wanted an AoE version of it.
Sounds like Psionic Melee's level 32 power.

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Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Gravity is a fantastic set, if for no other reason you get one of the most comedic powers in the game at level 6. Propel. Throwing a pool table or a forklift at someones face never gets old.
Even better when you defeat an enemy by hitting them with a coffin.

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While propel is certainly fun I found that a good Illusion controller wielding Deceive can be easily as enjoyable in a Three Stooges kind of way. Having a troll set off a barrel of explosives or getting a pair of Lieutenant level critters to bash each other down to half their hit points never got old. Members of mobs became my unwitting pets to do damage or just stand there to be milked for hit points (my Illusion controller's secondary was Kinetics). Getting Embalmed to detonate within their own group, have Sorcerers heal your team or having Force Field Generators shield you and not the Sky Raiders were always perks when playing with an Illusion controller. I so enjoyed it.

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