WoW Refugee Community?




Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
I got absolutely bored of "let's hammer our heads against a wall for 4 hours tonight and see if we can beat this boss and maybe the random number generator will give me that one piece of gear that I'd like to have" after about a month.
Mercifully, MoP changes the mechanics of loot drops for the Raid Finder, in addition to an innovation they're calling the
"Bonus Role":
  • Each player has a chance to win loot, independent of the other players.
  • For each player who wins loot, the game randomly assigns them a spec-appropriate item from that boss’s loot table. This subset contains only items that the game (meaning the designers in this case) thinks are appropriate for your class and current spec.
  • Notice that you aren’t rolling Need or Greed. You don’t have an option to Pass. The game just says “Take this.”
  • You can’t trade this item, or that would defeat the purpose of removing the social pressure on groups of strangers. If you don’t want the item, you are free to vendor, delete, or disenchant it.
WoW also has "Area of Effect Looting", which makes farming much less of a chore.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Mrs. Moo has been threatening for some time to download Warcraft. NCSoft gave her the bullet-proof excuse she needed.

I have very little interest in raiding or large guild building or things of that nature. WoW's character customization is... painful... compared to even Champions Online.

However, they do have a lot of soloable or duoable stuff to explore and a fairly huge tradeskill system. They also seem to be implementing Pokemon in-game.

Yeah, didn't expect that. I'm playing Platinum and White right now and will probably pick up Black2 in a couple weeks. Why not train my WoWemon while I'm at it. They'll even have gym leaders... er... master pet trainers. *sigh* Leafy the combat squirrel is cute, but he's no Gardevoir(m).

Is anyone aware of global channels or hangouts for CoH refugees in the Azeroth universe?

Here's continued hope that NCSoft relents or someone manages to buy them out.
Server: Malygos
Character: Aphrodaerys
Guild: Eternal Dawn

It's a very small guild. I got in at the start and am an officer. There are only four regular players and my husband and I are two of them.... it could become the COH refugee group if others joined. I'll invite anyone who wants to. Just send me a whisper or game mail to friend you and catch you sometime you're on.

Only paid accounts can join guilds.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
There is a design difference between the 2002 Pandaren and the 2012 (and the differences are no more extreme than the other races in WC3 compared to WoW), but neither one looks like Po.

Most notably, the Pandaren are wearing Chinese robes, hats, and armor, while Po is wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. The Pandaren also have hair and even beards.
I bet they don't even even use signs pulled from hammerspace to communicate, either. I, for one, wasn't really making an allusion to the Dreamworks film, that was just a coincidence. I was commenting on the generic association. A panda-person that does kung fu is like a koala-person with an Australian accent - the opposite of unexpected. It's the generic icing on the laughably generic Pandarens-are-Panda-people-from-Pandaria cake. I suppose it could've been worse: they could've been from Space China.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I'm on Uldum myself. I have characters all over the level range from 85 on down. Technically I'm in the guild I joined last year still but it looks like everyone else has switched to GW2.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"