Guild Wars 2
I will admit I pre-ordered the game MONTHS ago (around the time it was first available to Pre-Order) so that I could play the game with a group of real life friends (some from over ten years ago). I will agree, the game looks good, there's lots to do and see and it is effectively nothing like City of Heroes.
But to me it is 100% hack and slash, the same keys over and over and over with just some mild character movement required and lots of dodging (I HATE PLAYER CONTROLLED DODGE).
Don't get me wrong it has its merits but I just don't feel the need to play it continuously.
@Drake Crator - Chosen of Mystra Super Group Leader/Founder
Diffidentia Angelus - 50 Willpower/Dual Blades Tanker
Solar Baron - 50 Fire Blast/Energy Manipulation Blaster
Adonis Soul - 50 Earth Control/Storm Summoning Controller
Constantine Krauss - 50 Kinetic/Psyonic Blast Defender
ive seen my friends play it some and it seems like just another WoW clone, i had no interest in it lol
the game i have been playing a lot lately though is borderlands 2

I've played WoW. I played Rift for a while cos it was free to play to level 20 - THAT'S a WoW clone.
GW2 is not a WoW clone at all. There's always something to do! Lots of zone 'boss mob' events, lots of exploring, there's your own personal story line quests (which you control through decisions which affect the story line), there's zone quests, exploration... The skill system is different from WoW. A lot of care went into this game, and it shows. It's a lot of fun.

I've played WoW. I played Rift for a while cos it was free to play to level 20 - THAT'S a WoW clone.
GW2 is not a WoW clone at all. There's always something to do! Lots of zone 'boss mob' events, lots of exploring, there's your own personal story line quests (which you control through decisions which affect the story line), there's zone quests, exploration... The skill system is different from WoW. A lot of care went into this game, and it shows. It's a lot of fun. |
I know a lot of people want to boycott NCSoft because of how they shut down CoH, but I think that's silly. Arenanet is the studio that made guild wars, so why should they suffer because NCsoft did something stupid? The way I see it, if a few months ago someone told me they weren't going to even try CoH because NCsoft shut down another game they liked I would have argued against it. I don't see why that should change just because I'm on the other side of it now.
I will pass on Guild Wars 2.
* I had heard stories about the way NCSoft handled (i.e. very very badly) sundowns of their games, and now that I have had a first-hand experience with CoH, I do no wish to invest in any game coming from that publisher. This is not NCSoft bashing, but simple consumer weariness.
* The "It's gorgeous" argument usually holds for me for about, humm, 30 minutes. After that I don't notice or I don't care.
* Severe arachnophobia here, so I tend to shy away from any "fantasy-setting" games, since most "fantasy-setting" games have spiders the size of Mack trucks. Yeah, I know there are some here too, but a) I started before Issue 6, so it was not a issue, b) I can tolerate (barely at times) robotic spiders, c) as long as I'm staying clear of the Mender Silos TF and the Jade Spider I'm good.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
I'm going to jump in here for a bit and add my .02 inf.
I tried RIFT for a bit since it's free, and it wasn't my thing. Someone I know who has played WoW and has tried RIFT says that it's WoW 2.0, and that same person who looked at Guild Wars 2 says it's nowhere near a WoW clone.
While I bought Guild Wars 2, there's no obligation to spend money aside from the initial game purchase, which I'm attributing to supporting the developing studio. They shouldn't be penalised for a mistake of the parent company. Having said that, if GW2 had a monthly sub associated with it, I would have passed on it due to the aforementioned parent company.
I'll admit I was genuinely curious about GW2 long before the CoH announcement, and I love Skyrim, which GW2 reminds me of in several ways.
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
Well although Guild Wars 2 is oiut I have no desire toplay it tried Guild Wars and it did not move me at all even preffered Aion to Guild Wars - as for boycotting NC Soft well although very tempting to say and I do feel unhappy - why would I buy a game from them using rentware when they ditched the game I like - more likley not to bother with a morrg again but if I do it will be champions or secret world
I admit it. I bought it. I installed it. I am playing it. And I am LOVING it.
It's gorgeous. It's lush. It's detailed. It's not a linear progression. I learn something new about how my character works every single time I play her. It's confusing, but so much fun. It's a slow progression and my character is a work in progress, not a race to the level cap. There is always something going on. Did I mention it's GORGEOUS? Oh man, it's spectacular!
I know there's a lot of NCSoft hate right now. I wasn't too pleased to pay for the game, but after having started playing it, I am so glad I did.