Play to WIN (CoH style)




By no means am I to be credited with this, but it's the truth. If I'm right, Hyperstrike was the first to say this (though I could be wrong but I don't care, it's good advice... and bears repeating) if we really want to win against this.

One of the biggest things they're going to look at (if they're inclined to look at anything) is numbers now. We need to show support and solidarity BY PLAYING THE GAME.

I'm sure they'd like nothing more than for us to vent our spleen and then move on to other games (their games if given a choice). That justifies them closing it down. That's what they're hoping on if they're determined to shut us down. We made noise and that's great, BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. Not until November 30th when there's no choice. If you feel the need to protest after that, there's no recourse but to speak with your wallet.

Right now, we still have our game, and leaving can be just as vital as our voice when it means we aim to stay.

Titan contiunes to come up with 'solidarity' events. The next Positron Rally (on Thursday and Saturday to run both Positron TF's is) just more fire in the bellies of our participants, and data to those who can mine it to show how important we are to those who swore to stand behind Paragon Studios... Both it's employees and the game they created. Each of these are pivitol in making our case.

It hurts. I know. It's sad to look at... (whatever) I know. The thing is, for now, we CAN'T STOP PLAYING.

Us 'moving on' is exactly what they want. If, 3 months from now there's little to no playerbase, they'll close the doors with little regret, and probably little press. They will have won. After all, WE gave up. It's not enough to have energy now...

If it means so much to us, honoring those relationships that we know will contiune beyond this game...

If it means so much to us, those relationships that have passed us from other causes, that we'll never see again.

If it means so much to us, the server communities we formed, and will never see in this inacarnation again..

IF IT MEANS SO MUCH TO US, the development team that we praise for their time here and don't want it to stop... further enriching this game in ways we've rarely or never seen in any other MMO...

We need to keep playing. We, the players, need to dredge up the strength to log in and keep fighting the good fight (for heroes) and taking what's ours (for the villains). As the dev team said... without us, they are nothing.

We need to keep being their heroes (and villains!!!) We need to keep logging in and letting NCSoft know we support Paragon city 'til the bitter end!!!

I don't care how sad it is, how mad this makes you. These things don't matter. If we have any hope of saving our City, it's through actions AS MUCH AS WORDS.

Keep logging in. Keep saving the day (or taking it over) keep the 'little guy' safe (or keep robbing the bank). Whatever it is to keep our City vital. KEEP DOING IT.



I don't ask you do this for me. At the end of the day, I'm a nobody lurker who only wished they could contribute more than they did, and you probably don't even know who I am.

Do this for yourselves, who claim to love Paragon and the Rogue Isles so much. Do this for the Game Developers who are not just losing a game, they're losing a job!

But again, just as importantly, do this for yourself...

If you love this game, spend as much time in it as you can, because if everything else fails, you will at least knew you did everything could could to suck the marrow out of it and learned and felt all you could for this City until the bittersweet end.

Thank you.

A player and citizen of Paragon City.

EDIT:upon investigation of the original thread I was referring to it was Kellan Pine that Hyperstrike referenced. It really doesn't matter. Please, pass this on to everyone you know. Especially those not logging in from depression or anger. We need their optimism and hope more than ever!! No guaratees it will succeed, but there were no guarantees to our heroes either... they just did what they knew was right...

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



*like button*

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



ive been doing my best to be on the game every night since i have been doing my best to keep my peeps on victory who dont go on the forums very often informed about whats happening



DAMNIT!! I need a LIKE Button!