How Many level 50's?

Ad Astra



Wow, Torment. That's seriously epic.

I have 11. Had 10 for a long time. I spent quite a while playing them at 50 while I IO'd (and re-IO'd) and Incarnated them. I think the two most recent ones dinged 50 circa I11-I12 or so. I went back and took an old Mind/Rad of mine from 24 to 50 not very long ago, and just recently finished tricking her out.

My only regret is that there wasn't more time for getting a few more of the promising lowbies to 50. I have a lot of old alts who haven't made it to 50. Some I always knew might never make it, but a few I think would have been really fun.

I have a Blaster who's been level 47 for ages. He may well get to 50, but I had been kinda looking forward to I24 for his buffs. It seems kind of hollow to get to 50 if he'll never see them.

I have a couple of melees - a Tanker and a Scrapper, who are level 43. They're in striking distance.

I may yet get one more true lowbie to 50, my one and only Kheldian who is a WarShade. I sort of doubt she'll get the incarnate lovin' my current 50s did, just because I'm not sure the server population will be around to enable it via iTrials.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
You're allowed to love the game, but the math simply doesn't add up:

8.5 years x 365 days in a year = 3102.5 days [and that's rounding UP -- I'm not going to sit here and count the individual days from April 27 until Sept 6, and there's a couple of leap years in there too]

3102.5 days x 24 hours a day = 1,132,412.5 hours of patrol time.

Yet you claim to have played your main for 77,338,822 hours?

Were you somehow playing your main on 60 computers AT THE SAME TIME???
He just mocking me.... *sigh* he sort of has this big crush on me, always has. At least hes somewhat obeying the restraining order now....

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's



Main account: 19 on Virtue, 1 on Freedom, 1 on Victory, 1 on Union, 1 on Exalted. 24 total, working on 2 more.

Second account: 13 on Virtue, 1 on Freedom, 1 on Justice, 1 on Exalted. 16 total.

Third account: 1 on Virtue.

Fourth account: 1 on Virtue. Working on 2 more, maybe.

Total 50's: 42


1 Mastermind
1 Stalker
1 Kheld
2 Soldiers of Arachnos
2 Controllers
2 Dominators
2 Tankers
2 Blasters
4 Corruptors
5 Defenders
7 Brutes
12 Scrappers

...which doesn't add up to 42. Hmm... probably missed a corruptor or defender somewhere.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



50 lvl 50's across all the servers, though mostly Justice. Only about 10 of them are havily IOed out and only 1 is tier 4 everything incarnate. 425 toons total though, across 3 accounts though only 1 was VIP status.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



7, after nearly 8 years (November ) But I hope to have a couple more befre the end, Beata, my Fortunata (the psi blaster I always wanted since I found psi blast underwhelming) and my namesake AdAstra, dark/ice/ice Blaster.


Maurya, Blaster en/elec/elec, my first character (rolled originally on my husband's account before I got my own, then re-rolled as one of 5 initial characters) First to 50, took about 4 years

Brighid Frost, Blaster fire/ice/elec (going for an elementalist theme)

Winter Shock, Controller elec/cold/ice, my fastest to 50

Scorching Wrath, Corruptor fire/therm/power (originally Scirocco as a Patron), my only villain to 50, transferred over from Triumph so I could have someone to do the villainside SFs. Her backstory, never really written up, was based on a Woman Scorned, which she was way before that badge came out because I rolled her on CoV pre-start weekend as one of 5 initial villains.

Liberty (my original home server)

Libby Belle, Scrapper kat/regen/body, Bio: Libby began her heroing career as a sidekick to Sergeant Liberty, but after Sarge was injured fighting Warwolves on Striga Island, Libby had to step up to the plate in his place. (Sergeant Liberty is my husband's character, but he defected to WoW).

Isotope 167, Defender rad/dark/dark, started out as a Winter Lord Baby and was therefore inactive for about a year while I learned to play a defender. Bio: Nina Patterson was the child of two brilliant scientists. Together they patented numerous inventions that harnessed the energy found in the nucleus of an atom. Her parents were killed in an attack by Arachnos on their laboratories; Nina is perhaps their greatest experiment - she uses their work to fight crime as the amazing Isotope 167.

Daemona Agoniste, controller fire/rad/fire Bio: Agoniste has escaped from another plane - a rebel against the Infernal Legions! She was recruited by the Paragon Arcanum to fight evil-doers in Paragon City, as she builds her control of the destructive elements of fire and radiation. One day, she hopes to be powerful enough to return home to lead the Rebellion to Ultimate Victory! Oh, BTW, she is still getting used to fashions on this plane, and she is a little bit color-blind, so please overlook any fashion faux pas! Aggie started out on Infinity, lotsa TFs with GATE-Keeper's Tuesday night crowd and Johnny Taxibot/IronBlade's Saturday gang, before transferring to Liberty to free up a slot.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



84 lvl 50s

11 Controllers
Fire/Kin (originally a farm toon, became main toon and badge toon)
Fire/Rad (was a GM soloing project)
Fire/Ta (pvp project, to abuse immob stacking and grounding, gutted by i13))
Fire/Thrm (pvp project to abuse immob stacking while healing in 2v2, gutted by i13)
Grv/Thrm (pvp project to abuse phasing to avoiding spiking in 2v2), gutted by i13)
Ill/Emp (pvp toon both pre and post i13, emped for a number of MoSTFs)
Ill/Cold (endgame soloing project)
Ill/Strm (pvp project, had decent success 1v1, as well as soloing some avs/tfs)
Mnd/Strm (pvp project, got deleted by devs during the early AE dev rampage of deletion)
Ice/Rad (Speed Katie toon for a while)
Ice/Ff (No idea)

11 Corruptors
Snc/Kin (5th 50, ran daily RSFs)
Fire/Kin (One of my main powerhouses that I used for much of my speed TF runs in tandem with my fire/cold)
Fire/Time (an attempt at matching my fire/cold and fire/kin for teams that lacked a defensive core, fell through)
Fire/Cold x2 (the first was made on my alt account and i remade it on my main account. My fire/cold was my favorite PvE toon of all time, only regret is having not made it sooner. Held most of the game-wide TF speed records)
Fire/Pain (a failed attempt at being an equivalent to an emp redside)
Fire/Thrm (3rd 50, ran daily RSFs)
Snc/Thrm (replaced my original therm, deleted later on for better corrs, therms were always awesome though, especially for carrying squishy teams through speed content/master runs)
Elec/Thrm (PvP project, Elec/therms were boss, never really finished mine but played on my friend's account alot to play his elec/therm.)
Rad/Cold (pvp project)
Ar/Rad (hilarious pvp project early in the day before the discovery of fire)

10 Blasters
Nrg/Em (first toon, 4th 50)
Psy/Em x2 (pvp projects)
Arc/Em (post i13 pvp project)
Fire/Em (pvp project, tip runner, did some speed stuff)
Fire/Dev (early pvp project)
Fire/Elec x2 (first was pvp project, 2nd was a pve project to replace my fire/em when i was remaking stuff onto my main account)
Fire/Mntl (farm project)
Ice/Mntl (pvp project attempt at rchg debuff stacking)

9 Defenders
Rad/Psy (main pvp toon for the majority of pre-i13 pvp)
Rad/Ice (pvp project, attempt at a different take of my rad/psy)
Cold/Drk (pvp project, was decent, but not enough dmg)
Kin/Elec (pvp project, sapping ideas)
Ta/Snc (pvp project)
Strm/Snc (pvp project, there was this beast storm/sonic on champ that did massive dmg in duels, i forget who it was, but it was made mostly to try and live up to that)
Snc/Ice (pvp project)
Snc/Snc x2 (pve projects that just never worked, sonic/sonic defenders had such sexy numbers that always drew me to them, but just not that great in practice)

9 Scrappers
Km/Sd (pve, first pylon project)
Kat/Rgn (pve, first scrapper)
Kat/Wp (pve, only toon I solo'd entirely to 50, mostly in outdoor AE maps)
Bs/Rgn (pvp)
Fire/Fire (pve, AMAZING Silver Mantis farmer, solo'd the TF in 35-40 mins while logging in 4-6 other accounts for massive merits, first person with /FA secondary to be competitve with the mass amount of /SD times in the pylon thread)
Fire/Rgn (pve)
Fire/Sd (pve)
Spn/Drk (pve/farming)
Ma/Fire (an off server project)
Clws/Sr (an off server project)

9 Dominators
Plnt/Psy x2 (first was a farm toon, as I never wanted to make a fire/psy always fearing the eventual nerf, second remade the first after I deleted the first in disgust with the nerfs)
Ice/Elec (pvp project)
Mnd/Elec (pvp project)
Mnd/Fire x2 (first was pvp project, second was pve and became a main toon, pretty much only toon that can be insanely ridiculous without needing AoE)
Mnd/Ice (pvp project, I'm pretty sure I made this because of Neo's mind/ice who I dueled alot on my em/elec)
Mnd/Em x2 (pvp projects at different times)

9 Brutes
Tw/Elec (a main character)
Em/Elec (2nd 50, first pvp toon, first farm toon (yes I farmed on energy melee, I'm that boss), ran RSFs before I had my therm)
Fire/Fire (first real farm toon)
Ss/Fire (finally broke down and made one, would have significantly less brutes if I just made this one first, lol)
Ss/Sd (failed farm toon)
Ss/Drk (failed farm toon)
Ss/Invl (failed farm toon)
Ss/Wp (failed farm toon)
Db/Wp (No idea)

4 EATs
Peacebringer x2 (pvp toons, first never really happened, second had pretty good success, alot of people tried to copy what I did with that PB, but never succeeded without my epic macros)
Arachnos Widow (started as a Fort, became my main pvp toon after/alongside my rad/psy, tried to salvage it as a PvE fort and PvE nightwidow after they gutted forts in pvp, didnt really work out sadface)
Arachnos Soldier (ghetto farm toon)

5 Stalkers
Em/Rgn (early pvp toon in sirens call, did 'stalker pling (door sitting mish bonuses))
Elec/Wp (later pvp toon, got really good on this one in RV and kickballs)
Dm/Nin (pvp project)
Dm/Sr (pvp project)
Km/EA (pve project, failed because of broken stealth ATO)

4 Tanks
Inv/Ss (pvp project)
Ice/Fire (A really early hero side farmer)
Fire/Em (pvp project when they made fossilize do insane dmg)
Wp/Sm (pve project, made a serious attempt at making a pve tank, only confirmed by belief in tanks being awful)

3 Masterminds
Ninja/Dark (first 50, badge toon)
Thugs/Psn (pvp project)
Bots/Pain (No idea what I planned for this toon, all I remember was deleting it within 60 seconds of it hitting 50)

Of those 84, only 8 aren't deleted, those being fire/kin troller, fire/kin corr, fire/cold corr, tw/elec brute, ss/fire brute, fire/elec blaster, plant/psy dom, and mind/fire dom. The remaining 8 being what I consider to be the best possible coh has to offer. ALOT on the list were pre-i13 toons, as I experimented alot more with PvP toons back then, PvE being much more straight forward. I never leveled a toon just to level a toon, they all had a purpose of some sort at the time of their making.

edit: And no I never leveled a crappy Warshade. The only reason I have Peacebringers is that they were PvP projects. The second incarnation of my PB was alot of fun infact, made Budweiser rage super hardcore in kickballs. But WSs are still bad, and will always be bad. Yup Dechs.




8 Scrappers
Amethyst Star Claws/Super Reflexes
Ashrialle Dual Blades/Willpower
Ms. San Marino Claws/Dark Armor
Pumalle Claws/Willpower
Red.Velvet Claws/Fiery Aura
Rose Lightning Electrical Melee/Shield Defense
Fiercelle Fiery Melee/Shield Defense
Billie the Kydd Martial Arts/Regeneration

6 Controllers
DeathbyChocolate Mind Control/Empathy
Ms. Italy Plant Control/Kinetics
Lady Mafdet Gravity Control/Kinetics
Ms. Andorra Earth Control/Storm Summoning
Maggie Malone Illusion Control/Force Field
Brandy Fletcher Fire Control/Trick Arrow

3 Defenders
Miss Tuvalu Storm Summoning/Electrical Blast
Helen McKay Empathy/Dark Blast
Mercredi Dark Miasma/Psychic Blast

2 Tanks
Universal Sweetheart Invulnerability/Energy Melee
Myrene Willpower/War Mace

1 Blaster
Lemon Drop Martini Psychic Blast/Ice Manipulation

1 Peacebringer

1 Warshade

1 Corruptor
Princess Polynesia Fire Blast/Thermal Radiation

1 Brute
Burnt Sugar Dual Blades/Fiery Aura 'The Amazing Aggro-Repelling Brute'

1 Mastermind
Madamma Thugs/Pain Domination

1 Dominator
La Vida Loca Fire Control/Psionic Assault

1 Stalker
Angel Mercy Martial Arts/Ninjitsu

1 Soldier of Arachnos
Operative Etoile

1 Widow of Arachnos
Widow Amie



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
The only reason I have Peacebringers is that they were PvP projects. The second incarnation of my PB was alot of fun infact, made Budweiser rage super hardcore in kickballs. But WSs are still bad, and will always be bad. Yup Dechs.
Probably the best PvP pb's Ive ever seen to....

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's



87 lvl 50's across 3 accounts and 3 servers. All but 8 are fully IO'd out. Those 8 are HO'd out (pre-IO's) and I just never bothered to upgrade them.

My first one took almost 400 hours to get to 40...that was before the cap jumped to 50. After that all of them got 1-50 in less than 60 hours, some much faster.

My favorite 1-50? My blaster, solo, 100% street sweeping, pre-ED and pre-IO's. Only 4 deaths too.



Around 80, the first 72 of which had no PLing at all, and all bar 2 or 3 on one account (which till I moved a couple of toons to defiant/union for the EU player event at the weekend had no unused slots on any of the american servers and 48 in use on Victory).

15 tanks and a load of brutes and scrappers make up most of them, I have every AT covered, but only one PB, WS and MM.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba