A global meet-and-greet
Taking over organizing an event like this would be a bit too much for me, but I'll work with whoever feels they can handle the lead spot on a Northeast North America meetup.
Quinary, apparently.
Damn you, Quine. You're everywhere.

Sounds good to me. Back in the days of the EERC, we were pretty close to arranging a meet-up. I'm sure we can rustle up interest for south-east England if not further.
"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch
I'm already running my 3rd annual CoH Unofficial UK Player meet this weekend (8-9th September), and was planning on doing a "CoH Player Reunion Meet" next year. Don't think I could cope with running another one a month after this one though :/

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
The problem with something like this, in my opinion, is cost. Say it costs $15 a head to cover the space and food costs of something like this. I am sure that is $15 that people would rather donate towards (say) the purchase of the IP or something of the like. Not to mention, depending on the magnitude, this is not much notice.
A more effective thing would be to do a sort of outdoor thing. Some big free-to-access spot in the designated cities, where people can buy or bring their own food and beverage, and then get pictures and footage that way. (For example, Chicago's Millennium Park) Sure this brings a host of new variables onto the table, but I think it might be easier and more feasible in the long run.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Hey all, so I'm working on our next Call to Action item, this one hopefully fun. Before I make it all official, I wanted to get some input and put some feelers out for interest.
The idea is to have the First Annual (that's right, I plan on having MORE!) City of Heroes Save The World Meet-and-Greet. Via our Titan Network forum, we will get a bunch of volunteers in and around major cities around the world to choose venues, and all on the same night (probably a weekend in October), we hold a get-together of massive proportions. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people all getting together with fellow players to hang out and have some fun. Hopefully we'll get people who can record the events, maybe even put together something like Google Hangouts so that we can talk to people at events in other cities and/or people who can't make it can tune in.
The goals, as it relates to our Save Paragon City! effort, are as follows:
So I'm posting this message not as the official Call to Action thread, but to see if this is something that people would be interested in working on with me. If and when this takes place, you'll find details on coordination on the Titan Network forums at the link above. The organizers of these events would have to be willing to really step up, it will take a lot of time, and you'll also be on the hook for arranging things like funding of the venue, either by finding somewhere cheap/free enough that you can foot the cost of it, or by getting people to throw in contributions to cover any expenses like room rental, food, etc.
Also, if we do this, we'll have to pick a weekend. The sad fact is that there is no weekend that would be perfect for everyone. Still, how far out do you think we should plan such an event? A month? Six weeks? Are there any major events coming up, like a convention or something like that, that would clash with the plan, something that I would particularly need to avoid?
Anyway, let me know, and thanks again for all of your continued support!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)