To my game away from the game...
I'll never get to finish the large maze I was building in my base.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Yes, this was a system, although on legacy life support, that was unique and powerful in this game. I'll never really see our master control room come to fruition at this point either, as it demands more prestige than our small RP group is likely to generate... oh well. It was incredibly fun to build these creations, and see the work of other's imaginations given form in this forum, and ingame.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile
Just a quick thanks to those who frequent this forum. I wasn't much of a poster here, but did read almost everything that made it up here. Hell, I would even judge a new SG based on thier base. If I hated it... I would never come back. I would go on stints for weeks where all I wanted to do was base build. Some people would wonder where I went off to, and it always came back to:
"Oh Bru is off playing legoes"
And lucky for me it helped out, because I took up a few high paying jobs and made a few billion influence off it. So it served 2 goals really... do what I liked to do and supply my in game toons with loads of cool stuff.
So thanks to anyone who let me look around thier base, gave me ideas, tips and tricks and came looking when I just finished something pretty sweet and just had to show it off to someone.
It will definately be missed.