The sky is falling!




It's been a good run, and i'll miss a lot of you. I shouldve figured that when a league had started gathering, the game would have the plugs pulled. I'll be playing league of legends if anyones interested, name on there is LeHives. Peace.



I guess this means we won't ever be getting the old pvp back. T^T



Originally Posted by Nekrovile View Post
I guess this means we won't ever be getting the old pvp back. T^T
Unless it's bought up by another company who thinks that the prei13 rules would be better.

Could be the best thing to happen to PvP.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Well I wouldn't bet on it, but it'd be a huge step in the right direction if cox got picked up by a company willing to try things, instead of the same stuff over and over. In any case we should be thankful for getting as long of a run from this game as we did. Take care and see some of you on league of legendsor dota2 hopefully.