Fond Farewell From Sister Flame




And now I am crying again. I've been around since the beginning and I remember reading your first post. I am glad she is taking the loss well.

Proud ex-member of Paragon QA.



Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
This goodbye post is maybe the sweetest and the saddest so far. I'm in tears.

Thanks for sharing the adventures of Sister Flame again.

One of the best reasons ever to love this game was how she interacted with it...and how she became famous in, and a part of, the City of Heroes.

Best to all of you.



Now I might have to get Planetside 2 just to keep up with you guys...

My daughter just turned 4 this year, I am very sad she won't get to have a similar experience growing up with this game.

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



I can honestly say all the time and effort and cursing and re-cursing making the Official Sister Flame Action Figure (tm!) was worth it for her reactions and having gotten to meet and team with her once, I felt completely justified and proud to have known her.

Just as much as I was very impressed and proud of you as a dad who not only let her play, but encouraged her when she demonstrate all the positive things you commented on in your ongoing tales of her time in the game.

I sincerely hope she finds another gaming home, or perhaps just becomes a passionate, intelligent, courteous gamer because of her experiences here. No gamer, no parent, I think, could ask for more.

Bravo, sir.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



SuperOz--what you did was stellar, and count I among those that LOVED hearing the adventures of Sister Flame. Wyll, you're an amazing dad. Write a book about being a parent someday.

Damn lump in my throat, hard to see the screen, etc.




Thanks for sharing this experience with us.

The entire extended CoH family of spandex-clad "aunts" and "uncles" and "cousins" has benefited at least as much from her adventures as she has.

I wish you all the best in the future.

And Sister Flame. Keep the fires burning girl! No matter what ANYONE tells you, you're a hero.

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Sister Flame taught us all it is never too soon to Hope For The Best in all of us.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...