The last goodbye(A tribute to our toons)




Hi all,

Since hearing the bad news about Paragon shutting down and our beloved game soon becoming smoking embers, I wanted to make a post about who we became once we logged in. The animated graphics we added life to. Since I'm writing this from my phone, but will add to this later, how about we all post our toons, characters, second lives, whatever we may call them into this thread, as a tribute to our creative sides.

(Will post mine once I get home)

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



My first two characters when I came into the game:

Lady Attitude
Diva Attitude
Heartless Attitude

Lady was my first Hero on Freedom when I joined the game. I love her but I hate controllers. I never made another one after this. Later I made a Lady Attitude 2.0 and she was a Dominator.
Diva Attitude was my favorite character. She was on the Villain side as a Dominator and she could solo.
I created a Mastermind Hero w/Mercs called Heartless Attitude and she ran past all of my characters in earnings and incarnate powers in just a few months.

All, I took into the Incarnate game but in 2011, I deleted both of them in anger over incarnate teaming bugs. I left the game for a year after that and returned in May/June of this year.

Also, I had duplicates on EU servers.