Prediction! Scythe Weapon this October!
Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood is another example of someone who uses a scythe as an effective weapon.
Odd how scythes seem to be common weapons in anime.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Were I to guess, and it is somewhat uneducated on this matter, I would suspect it is to do with the fact that Kama are commonplace and well known martial weapons, and that the Scythe (as a symbol associated with death in western lore) is more exotic... and also works well with the Japanese's penchant of fusing different cultural elements (á là Bleach's use of many different languages to name things, mainly Spanish and German).
Realism and Anime parted company long ago...
I really should do something about this signature.
Again - that's not me bringing up realism. It's me pointing out that Titan Weapons, for as much as I love the basic concept, has a really terrible set of animations that are designed to be used with swords by virtue of having been taken straight out of Katana more often than not. A set which uses many different classes of weapons should have had animations that work for all those classes of weapons, which means brand new ones that are basically two-handed smashes.
For instance, take a look at Tera's Berserker. That's a large axe wielded in a way that makes sense. It also points out something very important - there's a world of difference between long-halfted weapons like large axes, scythes and polearms, and short-hilted but still giant weapons like Titan Swords. It has to do with hand position and what you can do with it. Sure, the Razor Sword hilt is made absurdly long to account for a wide hand stance that would be kind of applicable to long-hafted weapons, as well, but the animations done for the set just don't play to that. They're quick, nippy sword animations that just have a long pause at the start, and that borrow too much from existing fast light sword animations.
Personally, I expected to see the "slow" animations just being longer, more elaborate animations with the fast ones being completely different, but what we got was slow animations pulled from existing sets with a pause at the start. And the thing is... We don't have any two-handed weapon sets that aren't swords, and drawing animations from those makes them sword-specific.