Ninjitsu and DDR

Grim Saint



Hi there,

Does ninjitsu have good DDR, if any at all?



Ninja Reflexes and Danger Sense give you 17.3% each, for a total of 34.6%. So it's not terrible, but cascade failure is something a /nin should always look out for. If you're softcapped you'll only need to be careful around certain kinds of mobs - Longbow and Cims come to mind, but only then really when you're fighting at x8.

The best defense against this is more defense. I like to try and have around 52% positional so as to have a decent buffer. Making heavy use of caltrops against these enemies is also a good idea.

The Grim Saint - Virtueverse [1323 Badges]



Grab Ageless Radial at Incarnate content to cover up the DDR hole, but really utilize all the powers at your disposal as a /Nin Stalker. (Except for Smoke Bomb, skip that until they make it an auto-hit with a long recharge).



Ninjitsu (and Energy Aura, Ice Armor, and so on) is (are both) stuck by the absolutely retarded, archaic thinking that "only Super Reflexes should have slottable defense debuff resistance because it doesn't have any backup to its defense". It has some, but not much - about twice what Willpower gets, and you can double it by popping the tier 9 that you otherwise don't need until you have a cascade failure.

Of course, the same thinking didn't go into Shield, which has slottable DDR plus a stackable power that offers comprehensive mez protection, on top of having layering maxhp and resistance to go with the defense. But why would we expect consistency now?

All of that said, Ninjitsu has tools to deal with the lower DDR - Blinding Powder with a Contagious Confusion proc is essentially Seeds of Confusion on a longer recharge that adds -tohit, Caltrops messes with mob AI enough that it alone provides enough mitigation to stop a cascade failure, and Kuji-in Rin gives you a boost of both more defense to cover what you've lost plus extra DDR to keep it. I just think that if any sets get slottable DDR then they all should get it.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.