Carrion Creepers Confusion




Hi everyone,

I just hit level 26, and I'm confused about Carrion Creepers. It's a lot of fun.

Sometimes, it seems to follow me for a while after I first cast it.

How do I know when it's following me? I can't see it at all. Also, what makes it stop following me? Does it die? Or is it on a timer or something?

Wrath smash good.



Creepers can be hard to tell if they're following you, but you should start to notice roots spawning near the enemies feet when you encounter new mobs. That's pretty much the first indicator they're about to pop up again.

They do have a duration of 120, but this is pretty easy to make permanent. They also highly benefit from damage procs If IO's are you're jam.



Thank you. Can they die?

Wrath smash good.