Absorb...should other sets get it?

Adeon Hawkwood



Could Detention Field be given a secondary use on an ally, giving a large Aborb shield?

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
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Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
Could Detention Field be given a secondary use on an ally, giving a large Aborb shield?
Yeah, I think that would be the easiest way to add Absorb to FF. They seem to have the tech to do this now and it makes a power that is extremely situational into an easy to use power without taking away the situational use form those that like it. Of course the slotting would be interesting.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Are you kidding? It would be a balance nightmare. Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield are league-wide buffs on a really short recharge timer, have about half the end cost of an AoE heal and have a larger radius.

Given sufficient endurance management a FFer could basically alternate the two powers indefinitely with no break. Compare that to standard AoE heals like Healing Aura which have an 8 second recharge and only one per set.

This would mean that the entire league has a constantly refreshing Absorb Shield which would be a lot more powerful than an Empath or such trying to use their AoE heal. If the devs really wanted to add a league-wide Absorb to FF Dispersion Bubble would be the place to put it since at least then they can better control it's strength and pulse rate.
Yeah, you do have a point. I'd been thinking of the absorb capping or something so that each bubble just refreshed it rather than stacked it, which is obviously not how it works.

Dispersion Bubble would be a better place too because it would benefit the Force Fielder as well.

Detention Field's an interesting idea, but would basically cover one teammate at a time, kind of like Fortitude. Monitoring a 60 second base buff to protect multiple key members would take something away from FF's "fire and forget" nature.



Like a few others have said in the TA thread. Sonic could use absorb...in fact to me it makes more sense than Cold and FF.



Thanks. Dangit I deleted my /pain to make space for a /cold. I'm just going to have to save up and buy more slots.



If your +HP power breaks the HP cap for your archetype, then you should get half the amount in absorb.

My blaster is at the hit point cap. If I hit Hoarfrost, got the heal part of it, then received half the total number as absorb it could be useful (heal/absorb/toxic resist).

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Cold Domination: Frostwork, same as above.
I would convert Frostwork completely to Absorb.

Couple reasons:

1) In the late game, many ATs are sitting very close to their HP cap already anyway.

2) You cannot see another player's current max HP total, just their HP bar. If a Willpower Scrapper is sitting at 2,365 HP through +HP set bonuses and heavy slotting of HPT as well as accolades, using Frostwork on them will be almost completely wasted.

Frostwork converted to Absorb would benefit all recipients equally, as opposed to the limited usefulness it has now.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I'm always caught between powersets I think would need it, and powersets I think should get it from a "makes sense" standpoint. The way absorb works (in my head anyway) is there is some kind of structure or object or barrier that completely takes the damage dished out but breaks in the process. From this standpoint, powersets like like Elec armor don't make sense, since the way they function is by using magnetic fields to dampen blows. With that said, there are a few that "make sense", and they are the following:

Sonic Resonance: This one is pushing it a bit, since sound waves don't form a barrier as much as they form a field of effect or a wave, but nonetheless sound can be considered a barrier that is broken once enough hinders the constructive interference that makes the barrier.

Force Fields: This is a no-brainer. It is a wall of energy between you and your opponent that needs to be broken through.

Energy Aura: This is in the same class as Force Fields.

Stone Armor: I think this set could use an update with how it handles things, since right now it is one of those powersets that has all of strength placed into a single power and a very inconvenient one at that.

Ice Armor: Though this set doesn't need it, it does make sense with barriers of ice that need to be broken through.

Cold Domination: Yet another set that doesn't need it.

Luminous Aura: Yeah, that's right. Peacebringer's would be a perfect recipient of the absorb mechanic with their auras and shields.

Umbral Aura: Also makes sense for warshades, though I'm not sure how much warshades would need this.

For those that would need it (a much smaller list), I'd put that down to Luminous Aura, Sonic Resonance, Force Fields, Stone Armor, Regeneration, and Umbral Aura. The hard part is picking out exactly where to put those absorb mechanics. It would be easiest just to make a new power, but that would give those sets an unfair advantage. The cottage rule really holds things back here, since I am so apt to go "Yeah, this one is useless. Replace it with absorb".

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One of the only powers that I think could replace +max HP with +Absorb is Overload from Energy Aura, since the description says "This Energy Aura is so powerful, that it can even absorb some damage..."

But I don't think sets should just get Asborb just because they can.

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Kheldians should get Absorb, and Emps getting it in Absorb Pain would make the skill potentially actually useful *and* a hilarious pun. I don't think Force Fields needs it; it's powerful enough as it is, albeit a bit boring, and the only trade-offs I think would be worthwhile violate the cottage rule. I wouldn't mind seeing it in Ice Armor or Cold Dom for the reasons others have mentioned.