A good Alpha slot choice for Illus/Rad?
Go spiritual. Everything comes up faster, meaning your controls, attacks, heals. It can make quie a difference in performance actually once you start getting up to T3 and T4 where you get the biggest post-ED gains out of them.
I guess Spiritual is still the obvious choice. I was just worried it'd increase my end problems a bit at times.
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I am looking to go spiritual with my troller
Magma Boulder: SL 50 Fiery Aura/Stone Melee/Fire Epic -- Virtue
Agility is also worth considering. You still get the Recharge and the Endurance Modification will help with your end issues by increasing the recovery from Stamina and Accelerate Metabolism.
I guess Spiritual is still the obvious choice. I was just worried it'd increase my end problems a bit at times.
If you go with the Spiritual Radial Paragon side, you also get enhancement to Slow. If your build is like mine with only a single accuracy in Ling Rad, the Slow is a nice addition.
However, Agility is now a valid choice as well. I find it hard NOT to take Agility on most of my characters who don't need Cardiac.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Agility for me, 227% self buffed (pre destiny) recharge gives me 4s of leeway on PA. 23s and 19s on AM and hasten respectively. 5.13 end/s in game (mids says 4.66) is plenty to toggle, anchor, and wail away.
The spiffy thing about agility is it allowed me to get to the s/l softcap to boot. The toon went from silly to flat out bezoobies.
Forgot to factor in SI's suppression. I had picked up the support hybrid anyhow. I am, in fact, just a tick shy of soft capped with my base slotting though.

I went with Spiritual on my Ill/Rad/Fire. It put me over the top and now have perma Hasten/AM/Phantom Army.
I'm assuming this is a good thing but it actually ruined the Controller AT for me. Compared to this toon, everything else is just meh....
"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools" --Ernest Hemmingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
Global: @salud
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I just got my Illus/Rad up to 50, and did the missions to unlock her Alpha slot. I looked through the list, but didn't see any particular one that jumped out at me as a good choice to fill it. Several of their secondary effects seem irrelevant.
I'm a pretty casual player (so I'm not rolling in $ though I have a fair amount, and I tend to alt a lot), I only have 2 other 50s who are pretty old, but this is the first character who I really like (and feel is a strong character) to get to that level.
I've spent some time set slotting her for recharge, as well as some accuracy, though I'm sure its not as optimal as it could be. My Phantom Army doesn't have a lot of downtime. She had some end problems but I took Energy for my epic and Conserve Energy really helps. I may respec into Fire, I know that's more optimal for damage, although Energy also matches Illusion's style more (I wish you could recolor the epics).
Thanks! I don't visit the forums a lot so I apologize if this question is redundant.
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