New Gaming Rig Evaluation
Okay your choice actually looks pretty damn good from here.
One small tweak if you can fit it in your budget:
Primary HD: 240GB SSD
Secondary (Data) HD: Your 2TB BTS upgrade HD.
This way you have a system that starts up 17 seconds after the BIOS hands off to the OS and apps that start up lightning fast. Plus, you then have a big storage drive that'll hold pretty much everything you need.
One other small thing to consider. Windows Home works for you now. But you're pretty much maxed as far as how much memory you can load into that system.
If you ever decide to throw in more, you'll need to go to Win7 Pro or Ultimate. I might suggest taking the $31 "bite" for pro now.
Nice rig, I'm jealous.
I might suggest Getting the internal expansion with Bluetooth and wifi. Even if you don't see the value now, there are some nice peripherals like headsets using Bluetooth and more coming, and wireless makes a nice backup from time to time.
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Pretty good. I would say EVGA for the video card. Monitor choice 24" 1920x1080 is a bit "pedestrian" and I am not a big fan of liquid cooling but that's just for CPU and a closed system type.
I'd love to build something like that. Other than a couple of very minor details it should put you into the top 1% of systems playing CoH.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Hey All,
I'm trying to buy a new gaming rig, as my current one is having trouble keeping up with some of the more recent MMO's I've been trying out. Here's the nuts and bolts of what I'm looking for and a rig I put together. I just need another pair of eyes to take a look, as I've never bought a computer purely for gaming before.
1) What will you primarily be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc
Gaming rig. CoH and Rift
2) What's your budget? (Real Dollars) Are tax and shipping included? This is important as it allows people trying to help you to suggest things appropriate to your budget.
3) Where do you live? This is important as it affects what vendors you may buy from and how much shipping costs might be.
Central Illinois
4) Are you planning to buy or build?
5) What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. The word "Everything" is not a valid answer. Please list out all the parts you'll need. If you're unsure what exactly you need, say so.
Motherboard, Graphics Card, Hard Drive, Ram, Monitor, Power Supply, OS
6) If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. List make and model.
Not reusing any parts
7) Will you be overclocking?
8) What size monitor do you have and/or plan to have?
At least 24"
9) When do you plan on building/buying the PC?
August/September (Try to take advantage of "Back-To-School" deals)
10) What features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Firewire? Crossfire or SLI support? USB 3.0? SATA 6Gb/s? etc.
Not sure......
11) Any specific must-have features? Must be able to max out Ultra-Mode? Must have 6+GB of RAM? Must have an SSD? etc.
Prefer to be able to run Ultra-Mode
Easily handle raids on MMO's
12) Are there any vendors/brands you'd specifically prefer to use?
Intel Processors
NVidea Graphics Cards
13) Are there any vendors/brands you'd specifically prefer to avoid?
14) Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license? If yes, what OS? Is it 32bit or 64bit? (Note: If your current OS came with your computer, odds are that it is NOT transferable.)
Here is what I was looking at:
Any thoughts / ideas / opinions?
Thanks for any responses,
Guardian Server:
Kami5 - lvl 50 Natural Dark Melee / Dark Armor Scrapper
2BeOrNot2Be - lvl 50 Magic Illusion / Kinetics Controller
EngiNerd - lvl 26 Technology Energy / Electrical Blaster