For those Steampunk Role Players...




You should seriously consider getting (or making one) this. The USB typewriter.

I don't roleplay but I want one.



I'd tap that.



Tablets are nice, but why not make something you can actually play CoH on?



As I understand you can USB it to a PC.



Jake, the artist/engineer who did the laptop above is a friend of mine and did quite a few similar mods and also has a few videos on making your own as well.

As for the original typewriter usb mod I love it but, oddly enough, it reminds me less steampunk and more Transmetropolitan if it were a bit more futuristic but thats just my Spider Jerusalem fanboy side showing. Still after over 10 years of doing those type of mods and having nothing to show for it until it became popularized and outsourced by hotglue and plastic gears, oddly enough it makes me sad but hopeful that the fad doesn't create a stigma among those of us who were steampunk/dieselpunk followers.

I have been toying with the idea of creating some usb steampunk components that either haven't been seen before (minature desktop tesla coils, minature Orrery, ect.) to sell but haven't found time to put work into them.



whats the difference between steam punk and transmetropolitian?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.