Enhancement Boosters and Exemplaring?





I have a *really* tight build that I can *just* manage to make work for all my goals by slotting 2 of my attacks (Mesmerize and Levitate on a Mind/Storm Controller) with only three (3) Thunderstrikes. However, to get the numbers to be decent at level 50, I have to use the enhancement boosters to push all 3 Thunderstrikes in each power to level 50+5. I will have 33% acc, 33% rech, 33% endred, and 94.5% damage in those powers. That is fine at level 50, considering all my other global bonuses.

However, if I exemplar, will those powers suck worse than they would if I had the same numbers without the boosts at level 50?

In case re-phrasing helps:

If you pump a power at level 50 such that all of that power's enhancements are 50+5 with decent results in the power at level 50, does it scale down (when exemplaring) JUST AS WELL as if you had those numbers at level 50 *without* the +5 boosts?



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"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



The exemplar effect won't hit the 50+5s any differently than the 50+0s if that's what you're asking.

The only time it would make a difference is if the boosters push a particular boost over 41.5%, or if a particular boost is 20% or less.

In this case, the one's you are using(The 3 doubles judging from your totals) only go from boosts of ~26% to ~33%, nowhere close to the limit, and certainly doesn't pertain to the 20% and below effect.

In short, you should only see benefits from using 50+5 Thunderstrikes over 50+0s



So then, unless I am totally confused, I should be fine (no worse off)?

Hope thats the case. Seems to be. But you know ... Words. Tables. Etc.



Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Enhancement boosters don't change the level of the enhancements, so the set bonuses will be affected by exemplaring exactly as if the enhancements are unboosted.

To simplify what's been said above: The effects of exemplaring only looks at individual enhancements if that enhancement gives a very large or very small bonus. If the bonuses are "normal" (ie, not significantly more than an SO), then the effects are based only on the total enhancement values.

The values you gave are roughly equal to 1 Acc, 1 Rech, 1 EndRed, and 3 Dam SOs. Their numbers will be reduced when you exemplar, but will still give the same values as if you had the same SOs slotted when exemplaring.




So, wait:

1) If I have a schedule A 50+5 generic IO (53% enhancement), and I exemp down to 45 or below, all those enhancement boosters (which, as far as I know, can only be gotten with real money) effectively disappear?

2) The scaling "thresholds" are based on the percentage value of the enhancement, even though Schedule B enhancements have much lower maximum values?



Originally Posted by Chyron HR View Post
So, wait:

1) If I have a schedule A 50+5 generic IO (53% enhancement), and I exemp down to 45 or below, all those enhancement boosters (which, as far as I know, can only be gotten with real money) effectively disappear?

2) The scaling "thresholds" are based on the percentage value of the enhancement, even though Schedule B enhancements have much lower maximum values?
1. Correct

2. Specifically, they're based on each individual boost of the enhancement. The exemplar effects do not take into account the schedule of a boost, only the strength of the boost.

On the high end: A Level 50 Force Feedback Damage/Knockback has ~26% Damage and ~47% Knockback. The Damage would be affected normally, but the Knockback would be limited to 41.5%. Both would be affected by exemplaring equally, however, since neither are below 20%
At 50+5 the boosts become ~33%/~59%, The Damage is still affected normally, and the Knockback is still limited to 41.5%

On the low end: A Level 24 Force Feedback Damage/Knockback has ~19% Damage/~34% Knockback. The Damage would be fully enhanced all the way down to level 21, and the Knockback would be affected normally.
At 24+5 however, the boosts become ~23%/~43%, The Damage loses it's down to level 21 benefit and starts getting affected normally, and the knockback starts getting limted to 41.5%



Originally Posted by Tylerst View Post
Originally Posted by Chyron HR View Post
1) If I have a schedule A 50+5 generic IO (53% enhancement), and I exemp down to 45 or below, all those enhancement boosters (which, as far as I know, can only be gotten with real money) effectively disappear?
1. Correct
Ummm... wha?

Booster effects don't disappear with exemplaring. The percentage reduction of going from 50 to 45 is applied to amount of Aspect whether Boosted or not.

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Zombie Man is correct. Enhancement values of 41.5% or higher are capped at 41.5% when you exemplar to 45 or below, but boosters do not appear to count against this limit (just checked it in-game). Or, to say it another way, it caps and THEN applies the boosters, not vice versa.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Zombie Man is correct. Enhancement values of 41.5% or higher are capped at 41.5% when you exemplar to 45 or below, but boosters do not appear to count against this limit (just checked it in-game). Or, to say it another way, it caps and THEN applies the boosters, not vice versa.
Huh, wasn't aware boosters were exempt from the limiter. Then again I've only used boosters 2 or 3 times, and couldn't find anything on the exemplar page to suggest boosters acted differently, so I just assumed that was the case.

Well it's certainly better that it acts this way, but I suppose this is one of those cases where I should have checked in-game rather than relying solely on the wiki's info.
The exemplar page says nothing on boosters, and even the Enhancement Booster page lead me to believe this:
Boosted enhancements function at their natural level; exemplaring does not break bonuses until exemplared more than three levels below the natural level of the IO, like normal. This means a build with a lot of Level 30 set enhancements that have been boosted can perform on par with or above Level 50 sets, and set bonuses will still function all the way down to level 27. However, the exemplar effect on enhancements still applies, if each individual enhancement portion is large enough.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Ummm... wha?

Booster effects don't disappear with exemplaring. The percentage reduction of going from 50 to 45 is applied to amount of Aspect whether Boosted or not.
Though to clarify what I was saying, with assuming the boosters were applied first.
A Level 50 Generic Damage IO gives 42.4% damage, which is already limited to 41.5.% under level 45. So boosting it to 53%(+5) wouldn't change that it would limit to 41.5% under 45, thus rendering the boosts ineffective.

Obviously since the boosters are applied afterward, this isn't the case, but I had no grounds to suspect boosters were exempt from Exemplaring.

Apologies for spreading misinformation.



So a 50+5 damage IO would scale down to 41.5% x exemplaring modifier x 1.25? That's much more reasonable. Thanks for the clarification.